South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 28 - Savings Associations
Section 34-28-200. Conversion of state-chartered associations into federal associations without change of business form.

(1) At an annual meeting or at any special meeting of the members or stockholders called to consider the action, any state-chartered association may convert itself into a federal savings association, federal savings and loan association, or federal savings bank, hereinafter called "federal association", in accordance with the laws of the United States, as now or hereafter amended, upon a vote of a majority or more of the total number of votes of the members or stockholders eligible to cast votes at the meeting. A copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the members or stockholders, verified by the affidavit of the secretary or an assistant secretary, must be filed with the Board within ten days after the date of the meeting. A sworn copy of the proceedings of the meeting, when so filed, is presumptive evidence of the holding and action of the meeting. Within three months after the date of the meeting, the association shall commence that action in the manner prescribed and authorized by the laws of the United States as shall make it a federal association. There must be filed with the Board a copy of the charter issued to the federal association by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board or a certificate showing the organization of the association as a federal association, certified by the secretary or assistant secretary of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. A similar copy of the charter, or of the certificate, must be filed by the association with the Secretary of State. No failure to file any of these instruments with either the Board or the Secretary of State shall affect the validity of the conversion. Upon the grant to any association of a charter by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the association receiving the charter shall cease to be an association incorporated under this chapter and is no longer subject to the supervision and control of the Board. Upon the conversion of any association into a federal association, the corporate existence of the association shall not terminate, but the federal association is considered to be a continuation of the entity of the association so converted, and all property of the converted association, including its right, title, and interest in all and to all property of whatever kind, whether real, personal, or mixed, and things in action, and every right, privilege, interest, and asset of any conceivable value or benefit then existing, pertaining to it, or which would inure to it, shall immediately by operation of law and without any conveyance or transfer and without any further act or deed remain and be vested in and continue to be the property of the federal association into which the state association has converted itself, and the federal association shall have, hold, and enjoy the same in its own right as fully and to the same extent as if the same were possessed, held, and enjoyed by the converting association. The federal association as of the time of the taking effect of the conversion shall continue to have and succeed to all the rights, obligations, and relations of the converting association. All pending actions and other judicial proceedings to which the converting state association is a party are not considered to have abated or to have discontinued by reason of the conversion, but may be prosecuted to final judgment, order, or decree in the same manner as if the conversion into the federal association had not been made, and the federal association resulting from the conversion may continue those actions in its corporate name as a federal association; and any judgment, order, or decree may be rendered for or against it which might have been rendered for or against the converting state association involved in the judicial proceedings.
(2) Any association or corporation which has converted itself into a federal association under the provisions of the laws of the United States and has received a charter from the Federal Home Loan Bank Board is thereafter recognized as a federal association, and its federal charter must be given full recognition by the courts of this State to the same extent as if the conversion had taken place under the provisions of this section; provided, there must have been compliance with the foregoing requirements with respect to the filing with the Board of a copy of the federal charter or a certificate showing the organization of the association as a federal association. All these conversions are hereby ratified and confirmed, and all the obligations of an association which has so converted shall continue as valid and subsisting obligations of the federal association, and the title to all of the property of the association is considered to have continued and vested, as of the date of issuance of the federal charter, in the federal association as fully and completely as if the conversion had taken place pursuant to this section since the effective date of this chapter.
HISTORY: 1985 Act No. 124, Section 1.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money

Chapter 28 - Savings Associations

Section 34-28-10. Short title of Articles 1 through 10.

Section 34-28-20. Application of the South Carolina Business Corporation Act.

Section 34-28-30. Definitions.

Section 34-28-100. Application for authority to incorporate; action by Board on application.

Section 34-28-110. Name of an association.

Section 34-28-120. Capital stock of state stock associations; power and limitations on sale and issuance of stock; loans, characteristics, and restrictions.

Section 34-28-130. Articles of incorporation content; approval by board; amendment.

Section 34-28-140. Bylaws.

Section 34-28-150. Opening for business.

Section 34-28-160. Home, corporate, and branch offices; facilities.

Section 34-28-200. Conversion of state-chartered associations into federal associations without change of business form.

Section 34-28-210. Conversion of federal association into state-chartered association without change of business form.

Section 34-28-220. Conversion of a state or federal mutual association to a state capital stock association.

Section 34-28-230. Power to reorganize, merge, consolidate, or sell assets out of the ordinary course of business.

Section 34-28-240. Voluntary supervisory stock conversions.

Section 34-28-250. Supervisory case; emergency conversion, reorganization and merger.

Section 34-28-260. Acquisition of majority control over existing stock-owned association.

Section 34-28-270. Dissolution.

Section 34-28-300. Definitions.

Section 34-28-310. Act requiring prior approval of the board.

Section 34-28-320. Acts requiring prior approval of federal authorities.

Section 34-28-330. Savings and loan holding company acquisitions not requiring prior approval.

Section 34-28-340. Applications to the board for approval.

Section 34-28-350. Permissible nondisqualified acquisitions.

Section 34-28-360. Prohibited acquisitions.

Section 34-28-370. Person acquiring a South Carolina association or savings and loan holding company is subject to South Carolina laws.

Section 34-28-380. Registration of association; reports; regulations.

Section 34-28-390. Penalties and remedies.

Section 34-28-400. Meetings of members or stockholders; voting rights, proxies, quorum requirements.

Section 34-28-410. Access to books and records; confidentiality.

Section 34-28-420. Directors; number; qualifications; meetings.

Section 34-28-430. Indemnity bonds.

Section 34-28-440. Conflict of interest; transactions of officers and directors.

Section 34-28-450. Books, records, and accounting practices.

Section 34-28-500. Powers of associations.

Section 34-28-510. Investment in loans.

Section 34-28-520. Investments in service corporations.

Section 34-28-530. Direct ownership of real estate by associations.

Section 34-28-540. Other investment powers and limitations; reserves and liquidity requirements.

Section 34-28-550. Dealing with successors in interest.

Section 34-28-560. Right to avoid loss.

Section 34-28-570. Maximum loans to one borrower.

Section 34-28-600. Deposit accounts; general conditions.

Section 34-28-610. Married persons and minors.

Section 34-28-620. Deposit accounts in two or more names; administrators and other fiduciaries; incompetents and deceased nonresidents.

Section 34-28-630. Powers of attorney on deposit accounts.

Section 34-28-640. Pledge to association of savings accounts in joint tenancy.

Section 34-28-650. Adverse claim to deposit account.

Section 34-28-660. Withdrawal of savings accounts.

Section 34-28-670. Redemption of savings accounts.

Section 34-28-680. Savings accounts as legal investments and security.

Section 34-28-700. Annual and other reports; examinations.

Section 34-28-710. Board may order association to discontinue any illegal practice.

Section 34-28-720. Conservatorship.

Section 34-28-730. Receivership.

Section 34-28-740. False statement affecting credit or standing of association.

Section 34-28-800. Foreign associations.

Section 34-28-810. Federal savings and loan associations.

Section 34-28-900. Grandfather clause.

Section 34-28-910. Effect on existing associations.