South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Banks And Corporations Doing Trust Business
Section 34-21-10. Written approval from State Board of Bank Control is required to conduct trust business.

No corporation, partnership or other person shall conduct a trust business in this State without first making a written application to the State Board of Bank Control and receiving written approval from the Board. Before any such application shall be approved, the Board shall make an investigation to determine whether or not the applicant has complied with all the provisions of law, whether in the judgment of the Board the applicant is qualified to conduct such a business and whether the conduct of such a business would serve the public interest, taking into consideration local circumstances and conditions at the place where such applicant proposes to do business; provided, however, that any person actively engaged in conducting a trust business in this State on January 1, 1972, shall not be required to make the application and receive the approval provided for herein. Provided, further, that nothing contained in this section shall prevent a natural person or a national banking association having its principal place of business in this State from qualifying and acting as trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, committee or in any other fiduciary capacity.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 8-580; 1972 (57) 2148.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money

Chapter 21 - Banks And Corporations Doing Trust Business

Section 34-21-10. Written approval from State Board of Bank Control is required to conduct trust business.

Section 34-21-20. Examination; rules and regulations.

Section 34-21-30. Fiduciary assets must be segregated; separate books and records; officer in charge.

Section 34-21-40. Forms of security for funds received or held in trust.

Section 34-21-50. Investment of funds.

Section 34-21-60. Investments shall be kept separate.

Section 34-21-70. Custody of securities.

Section 34-21-210. Definitions.

Section 34-21-220. Collective investment of funds.

Section 34-21-230. Written plan for fund.

Section 34-21-240. Amendments to plan.

Section 34-21-250. Management, control, and ownership of fund.

Section 34-21-260. Propriety of investments in fund.

Section 34-21-270. Limitation on investment in obligations of any one person, firm, or corporation.

Section 34-21-280. Collective investment fund may be considered as a whole in determining propriety of investment.

Section 34-21-290. Authority of estates restricted to legal investments.

Section 34-21-300. Authority of estates not restricted to legal investments.

Section 34-21-310. Limitation on interest of any one participant in collective investment fund.

Section 34-21-320. Making and withdrawing investments.

Section 34-21-330. Nature of interest in fund.

Section 34-21-340. Certificates and other documents evidencing interest in fund shall not be issued.

Section 34-21-350. Records of investments.

Section 34-21-360. Trust institution shall not invest in own fund.

Section 34-21-370. Management fees prohibited; reimbursement for expenses.

Section 34-21-380. Annual audit of fund; financial report.

Section 34-21-390. Valuation of securities in fund.

Section 34-21-400. Court accounting of fund.

Section 34-21-410. Mistakes in administration.

Section 34-21-420. Other common trust funds are not prohibited.

Section 34-21-430. Obligations in which funds may be collectively invested.