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Section 34-21-10. Written approval from State Board of Bank Control is required to conduct trust business. - No corporation, partnership or other person shall conduct a trust...
Section 34-21-20. Examination; rules and regulations. - All state chartered banks, building and loan associations, savings associations,...
Section 34-21-30. Fiduciary assets must be segregated; separate books and records; officer in charge. - Banks, trust companies, or corporations acting in a fiduciary capacity...
Section 34-21-40. Forms of security for funds received or held in trust. - Funds received or held in the trust department of the...
Section 34-21-50. Investment of funds. - Funds held by the trust department shall be invested as...
Section 34-21-60. Investments shall be kept separate. - The investments of each individual trust shall be kept separate...
Section 34-21-70. Custody of securities. - The securities of the trust department for each individual trust...
Section 34-21-210. Definitions. - The following terms used in this article shall have the...
Section 34-21-220. Collective investment of funds. - Funds held by a trust institution may be invested collectively:...
Section 34-21-230. Written plan for fund. - Each common trust fund shall be established and maintained in...
Section 34-21-240. Amendments to plan. - The plan may be amended from time to time by...
Section 34-21-250. Management, control, and ownership of fund. - The trust institution shall have the exclusive management and control...
Section 34-21-260. Propriety of investments in fund. - Any trust institution in its capacity as a fiduciary or...
Section 34-21-270. Limitation on investment in obligations of any one person, firm, or corporation. - Except in the case of collective investment funds described in...
Section 34-21-280. Collective investment fund may be considered as a whole in determining propriety of investment. - In order to determine whether the investment of funds received...
Section 34-21-290. Authority of estates restricted to legal investments. - If the instrument under which a trust institution acts as...
Section 34-21-300. Authority of estates not restricted to legal investments. - If the instrument under which the trust institution acts as...
Section 34-21-310. Limitation on interest of any one participant in collective investment fund. - Except in the case of collective investment funds described in...
Section 34-21-320. Making and withdrawing investments. - The trust institution shall invest the moneys of an estate...
Section 34-21-330. Nature of interest in fund. - No fiduciary account owning or holding an investment or participation...
Section 34-21-340. Certificates and other documents evidencing interest in fund shall not be issued. - No trust institution administering a collective investment fund shall issue...
Section 34-21-350. Records of investments. - The trust institution shall designate clearly upon its records the...
Section 34-21-360. Trust institution shall not invest in own fund. - A trust institution shall not invest any of its own...
Section 34-21-370. Management fees prohibited; reimbursement for expenses. - Trust institutions shall not charge a fee for the management...
Section 34-21-380. Annual audit of fund; financial report. - (1) A trust institution administering a common trust fund shall...
Section 34-21-390. Valuation of securities in fund. - At least once every three months the trust institution administering...
Section 34-21-400. Court accounting of fund. - Unless ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, a trust...
Section 34-21-410. Mistakes in administration. - No mistake made in good faith and in the exercise...
Section 34-21-420. Other common trust funds are not prohibited. - Nothing contained in this article shall prohibit a trust institution...
Section 34-21-430. Obligations in which funds may be collectively invested. - In addition to the investments permitted under Section 34-21-220, funds...