Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 34-13-50 the obligations of any person in the form of notes or drafts secured by shipping documents, warehouse receipts or other such documents transferring or securing title covering readily marketable nonperishable staples when such property is fully covered by insurance, if it is customary to insure such staples, shall be subject:
(1) To a limitation of twenty-five per cent of such capital and surplus when the market value of such staples securing such obligations is not at any time less than one hundred and fifteen per cent of the face amount of such obligations;
(2) To a limitation of thirty per cent of such capital and surplus when the market value of such staples securing such obligations is not at any time less than one hundred and twenty per cent of the face amount of such obligations; and
(3) To a limitation in addition to such thirty per cent of such capital and surplus increased by an additional five per cent thereof for each and every additional five per centum of the market value of such staples securing such obligations not in excess, however, of a total limitation of fifty per cent of such capital and surplus.
But this exception shall not apply to obligations of any one person arising from the same transaction or secured upon the identical staples for more than ten months.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 8-226; 1952 Code Section 8-226; 1942 Code Section 7857; 1932 Code Section 7869; Civ. C. '22 Section 3999; Civ. C. '12 Section 2661; Civ. C. '02 Section 1776; R. S. 1539a; 1897 (22) 463; 1923 (33) 159; 1936 (39) 1495.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money
Chapter 13 - Bank Loans And Investments
Section 34-13-50. Maximum amounts of loans; generally.
Section 34-13-70. Maximum amounts of loans; another maximum.
Section 34-13-80. Limitations on loans to directors and officers.
Section 34-13-90. Penalty for improper borrowing by directors or officers.
Section 34-13-100. Investigation of security consisting of warehouse receipts.
Section 34-13-110. Certain discounts are not considered as money borrowed.
Section 34-13-140. Restrictions on loan on or purchase of bank's own stock.
Section 34-13-160. Investment in farm loan bonds; accountability for interest.