(A) It is unlawful for any banking institution to make any loan or discount on the security of the shares of its own capital stock or to be the purchaser or holder of any such shares unless such security or purchase is necessary to prevent loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith, unless the purchase is approved by the board, or except as permitted in subsection (B).
(B) Subject to the approval of the board, a South Carolina state-chartered banking association may acquire its own outstanding shares and hold them as treasury stock in the same manner as a corporation pursuant to Title 33.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 8-235; 1952 Code Section 8-235; 1942 Code Section 7860; 1932 Code Section 7873; 1930 (36) 1093; 2021 Act No. 30 (S.467), Section 13, eff May 6, 2021.
Effect of Amendment
2021 Act No. 30, Section 13, inserted the (A) designator; in (A), substituted "It is unlawful" for "It shall be unlawful", "banking institution" for "banking association", and "is necessary" for "shall be necessary", and inserted ", unless the purchase is approved by the board, or except as permitted in subsection (B)"; and added (B).
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money
Chapter 13 - Bank Loans And Investments
Section 34-13-50. Maximum amounts of loans; generally.
Section 34-13-70. Maximum amounts of loans; another maximum.
Section 34-13-80. Limitations on loans to directors and officers.
Section 34-13-90. Penalty for improper borrowing by directors or officers.
Section 34-13-100. Investigation of security consisting of warehouse receipts.
Section 34-13-110. Certain discounts are not considered as money borrowed.
Section 34-13-140. Restrictions on loan on or purchase of bank's own stock.
Section 34-13-160. Investment in farm loan bonds; accountability for interest.