(A) In any foreclosure proceeding under this article, the trustee is required to notify the obligor including persons in this State, outside of this State, or in foreign countries by delivering a written notice of default and intent to sell under Section 27-32-325 to the notice addresses of the obligor and junior interest holders, as applicable, by certified or registered mail, as follows:
(1) The trustee must place a copy of the notice of default and intent to sell in a sealed envelope with adequate postage addressed to the obligor, the record owner of the timeshare estate if different from the obligor, and any junior interest holders.
(2) The envelope must be placed in the mail as certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.
(3) Notice under this section is considered perfected upon the signing of the return receipt by a person at the notice address.
(B) If the certified or registered mail sent pursuant to subsection (A) is returned with an endorsement or stamp showing "refused", the trustee may send the notice by first class mail to the notice address. The failure to claim certified or registered mail is not refusal of notice within the meaning of this subsection. Notice pursuant to this subsection must be delivered as follows:
(1) the trustee must place a copy of the notice of default and intent to sell in a sealed envelope with adequate postage addressed to the obligor, the record owner of the timeshare estate if different from the obligor, and any junior interest holders;
(2) the envelope must be mailed by first class mail with the return address of the trustee on the envelope;
(3) notice under this subsection is considered perfected upon the mailing of the envelope.
(C) If notice is perfected under subsection (A), the trustee must file an affidavit setting forth the manner of notice as part of the certificate of compliance set forth in Section 27-32-340. The affidavit must state the nature of the process, the date on which the process was mailed by certified or registered mail, the name and address on the envelope containing the notice, the fact that the notice was mailed certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, the name of the person who signed the return receipt, if known, and the basis for that knowledge. The return receipt from the certified or registered mail must be attached to the affidavit.
(D) If notice is perfected under subsection (B), the trustee must file an affidavit setting forth the manner of notice as part of the certificate of compliance set forth in Section 27-32-340. The affidavit must state the nature of the notice, the date on which the notice was mailed by certified or registered mail, the name and address on the envelope containing the notice, the fact that the notice was mailed certified or registered mail and was returned with the endorsement or stamped "refused", the date, if known, on which the notice was "refused", the date on which the notice was mailed by first class mail, the name and address on the envelope containing the notice that was mailed by first class mail, and the fact that the notice was mailed by first class mail with the return address of the trustee on the envelope. The return envelope from the attempt to mail notice by certified or registered mail and the return envelope, if any, from the attempt to mail the envelope by first class mail must be attached to the affidavit.
(E) If the trustee is unable to perfect notice pursuant to either subsection (A) or subsection (B) because the copy of the notice mailed by certified or registered mail is returned by the United States Post Office as "undeliverable" or for any other reason and if by a diligent search and inquiry the trustee cannot obtain a different address for the obligor for service required by subsection (A), the trustee may perfect notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the timeshare estate is located. The notice must appear once a week for two successive weeks. A copy of the notice must be sent to the obligor by first class mail to the notice address of the obligor and to any other address of the obligor obtained through the trustee's diligent search and inquiry. If notice is perfected by publication under this subsection, the trustee must attach an affidavit of publication to the certificate of compliance set forth in Section 27-32-340 and must state that the notice was perfected by publication after diligent search and inquiry was made for the obligor's address, attaching the returned envelope with the notation from the United States Post Office. No other action of the trustee is necessary to perfect notice. If the diligent search and inquiry has produced an address different from the notice address, that address may be used in lieu of the notice address of the obligor for subsequent mailings required under this article.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 262, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 27 - Property and Conveyances
Chapter 32 - Vacation Time Sharing Plans
Section 27-32-10. Definitions.
Section 27-32-30. Materials to be kept among business records of seller of plans.
Section 27-32-40. Furnishing copy of contract to purchaser; terms thereof.
Section 27-32-50. Request to cancel contract.
Section 27-32-55. Vacation time sharing resale services; written contract; and other requirements.
Section 27-32-60. Refund upon cancellation; escrow account.
Section 27-32-70. Misrepresentation of right to cancel.
Section 27-32-80. Transfer of seller's interest in plan or facilities to third party.
Section 27-32-100. Public offering statements; contents.
Section 27-32-110. Prohibited practices.
Section 27-32-115. Finder's fees; limitations on finder's activities.
Section 27-32-120. Penalties for violation of chapter; effect on contract.
Section 27-32-130. Enforcement and implementation of chapter; regulations.
Section 27-32-160. Grants in aid and contracts with similar agencies to further objectives.
Section 27-32-170. Proceeds from sale or exchange exempt from sales tax.
Section 27-32-190. Registration of plans; powers of the commission.
Section 27-32-200. Vacation Time Sharing Recovery Fund.
Section 27-32-210. Recovery from fund; conditions.
Section 27-32-220. Limitations on payments from fund.
Section 27-32-240. Property taxation of time share units; valuation; assessment; enforcement.
Section 27-32-250. Sales or exchanges of vacation multiple ownership interests.
Section 27-32-300. Short title.
Section 27-32-310. Definitions.
Section 27-32-325. Conditions for exercise of power of sale by trustee.
Section 27-32-330. Notification of obligor; perfection of notice.
Section 27-32-345. Public sale procedures; certificate of sale.
Section 27-32-355. Trustee's deed; release of lien extinguished by sale.
Section 27-32-360. Disposition of proceeds of sale; costs and fees.
Section 27-32-365. Trustee's deed; contents; effect; liability of trustee.
Section 27-32-400. Citation of article.
Section 27-32-410. Timeshare closing; time; representation; notice to purchaser; contents.
Section 27-32-500. Short title.
Section 27-32-505. Purposes of article.
Section 27-32-510. Extension of vacation time sharing plan terms; voting; quorum; proxy.