South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 17 - Offenses Against Public Policy
Section 16-17-740. Sale or possession of "cigarette load"; penalty.

It is unlawful for any person to sell or possess a novelty device commonly known as a "cigarette load" which may cause a cigarette or cigar to blow up or explode after being lit.
Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars or by a term of imprisonment not to exceed thirty days.
HISTORY: 1983 Act No. 19.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses

Chapter 17 - Offenses Against Public Policy

Section 16-17-10. Barratry prohibited.

Section 16-17-20. Persons convicted of barratry barred from practice of law.

Section 16-17-30. Liability of corporations and unincorporated associations.

Section 16-17-40. Corporations or unincorporated associations convicted of barratry barred from doing business in State.

Section 16-17-50. Article is cumulative.

Section 16-17-210. Definitions.

Section 16-17-220. Desecration or mutilation of United States, Confederate or State flags.

Section 16-17-230. Presumption from possession.

Section 16-17-310. Imitation of organizations' names, emblems and the like.

Section 16-17-320. Injunction to restrain improper use of name and emblems.

Section 16-17-410. Conspiracy.

Section 16-17-420. School disturbances by nonstudents; penalties.

Section 16-17-425. Student threats.

Section 16-17-430. Unlawful communication.

Section 16-17-440. Venue for prosecution under Section 16-17-430.

Section 16-17-445. Deleted.

Section 16-17-446. Regulation of automatically dialed announcing device (ADAD).

Section 16-17-450. Refusal to relinquish party telephone line for emergency call.

Section 16-17-470. Eavesdropping, peeping, voyeurism.

Section 16-17-480. Section 16-17-470 not applicable to law officers.

Section 16-17-490. Contributing to delinquency of a minor.

Section 16-17-495. Custodial interference.

Section 16-17-500. Sale or purchase of tobacco products or alternative nicotine products for minors; proof of age; location of vending machines; penalties; smoking cessation programs.

Section 16-17-501. Definitions.

Section 16-17-502. Distribution of tobacco product or alternative nicotine product samples.

Section 16-17-503. Enforcement; reporting requirements.

Section 16-17-504. Implementation; local laws.

Section 16-17-505. Cigarette packages violating certain federal laws; illegal sale or distribution; penalties; seizure.

Section 16-17-506. Sale of e-liquid containers; restrictions.

Section 16-17-510. Enticing enrolled child from attendance in school.

Section 16-17-520. Disturbance of religious worship.

Section 16-17-525. Wilfully, knowingly or maliciously disturbing funeral service; penalties.

Section 16-17-530. Public disorderly conduct; conditional discharge for first-time offenders.

Section 16-17-540. Bribery with respect to agents, servants or employees.

Section 16-17-550. Bribery of athletes and athletic officials.

Section 16-17-560. Assault or intimidation on account of political opinions or exercise of civil rights.

Section 16-17-570. Interference with fire and police alarm boxes; giving false alarms.

Section 16-17-580. Removing State line marks.

Section 16-17-600. Destruction or desecration of human remains or repositories; liability of crematory operators; penalties.

Section 16-17-610. Soliciting emigrants without licenses.

Section 16-17-620. Exemption of solicitors of farm laborers to work in adjacent states.

Section 16-17-630. Exemption of solicitors of household or domestic employees.

Section 16-17-640. Blackmail.

Section 16-17-650. Cockfighting.

Section 16-17-660. Using dry wells for sewerage in towns of 500 or over.

Section 16-17-670. Record kept by dealers in crossties.

Section 16-17-680. Secondary metals recycler permit to purchase nonferrous metals; permit to transport and sell nonferrous metals; violations; penalties; catalytic converters; records; notice; preemption.

Section 16-17-690. Fortunetelling for purpose of promoting another business.

Section 16-17-700. Tattooing.

Section 16-17-710. Resale of ticket to event; price restriction; exceptions; penalties.

Section 16-17-720. Impersonating law enforcement officer.

Section 16-17-722. Filing of false police reports; knowledge; offense; penalties.

Section 16-17-725. Making false complaint to law enforcement officer; giving false information to rescue squad or fire department; misrepresenting identity to law enforcement officer during traffic stop or to avoid arrest or criminal charge.

Section 16-17-730. Charges for political advertisements in newspapers.

Section 16-17-735. Persons impersonating officials or law enforcement officers; persons falsely asserting authority of law; offenses; punishment.

Section 16-17-740. Sale or possession of "cigarette load"; penalty.

Section 16-17-750. Failure to carry certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt care; penalty.

Section 16-17-760. Knowing and false representation with intent of securing tangible benefit; penalty.

Section 16-17-770. Impersonating a lawyer; penalties.