The summons and any other legal process in any action or proceeding against it must be served on an insurance company as defined in Section 38-1-20, including fraternal benefit associations, by delivering two copies of the summons or any other legal process to the Director of the Department of Insurance, as attorney of the company with a fee of ten dollars, of which five dollars must be retained by the director to offset the costs he incurs in service of process and of which five dollars must be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the State. A company shall appoint the director as its attorney pursuant to the provisions of Section 38-5-70. This service is considered sufficient service upon the company. When legal process against any company with the fee provided in this section is served upon the director, he shall immediately forward by registered or certified mail one of the duplicate copies prepaid directed toward the company at its home office or, in the case of a fraternal benefit association, to its secretary or corresponding officer at the head of the association.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-425; 1952 Code Section 10-425; 1947 (45) 322; 1960 (51) 1646; 1964 (53) 1746; 1971 (57) 709; 1979 Act No. 15, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 155, Section 15; 1988 Act No. 366, Section 1; 1993 Act No.181, Section 259.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 9 - Summonses, Orders Of Publication And Service Of Papers Generally
Section 15-9-15. Affidavit as proof of service by publication.
Section 15-9-17. Service of summons, complaint or other judicial documents on Sunday.
Section 15-9-210. Service of process on domestic corporations.
Section 15-9-220. Service on corporations generally; who is deemed to be agent of railroad.
Section 15-9-230. Service on corporations generally; qualification as to foreign corporations.
Section 15-9-240. Service of process on authorized foreign corporation.
Section 15-9-245. Service of process on foreign corporation not authorized to do business in state.
Section 15-9-250. Service on foreign rural electric cooperatives.
Section 15-9-270. Service on insurance companies.
Section 15-9-280. Service on unauthorized insurer.
Section 15-9-285. Service on unauthorized insurer through service on Chief Insurance Commissioner.
Section 15-9-290. Service on unauthorized insurer; alternative method.
Section 15-9-310. Service on attorney of reciprocal insurance subscribers.
Section 15-9-320. Service on joint-stock companies.
Section 15-9-330. Service on unincorporated associations.
Section 15-9-370. Service on nonresident motor vehicle drivers and motor carriers.
Section 15-9-390. Service on nonresident operators of aircraft.
Section 15-9-415. Service on nonresident vessel operators.
Section 15-9-420. Service on certain traveling shows.
Section 15-9-430. Service on nonresident directors of domestic corporations.
Section 15-9-440. Service on trustees of inter vivos trusts.
Section 15-9-450. Service on nonresident individual fiduciaries.
Section 15-9-460. Service on certain nurserymen.
Section 15-9-710. When service by publication may be had.
Section 15-9-720. Service on unknown parties by publication for certain real property actions.
Section 15-9-730. Service on certain domestic corporations by publication.