All clerks of court shall enter the word "cancelled," together with the signature of such officer, upon the margin or across the indices of judgments when any such judgment is duly cancelled of record by the judgment creditor or his assignee. Such cancellation and signature shall be entered in the margin opposite the names of the judgment debtor and judgment creditor, respectively, or across such names, and the like cancellation shall on the demand of the judgment debtor, or his legal representative, be made on judgments theretofore cancelled of record. Upon failure of such clerk of court to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall, in each instance, forfeit and pay to the judgment debtor the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction, and if such failure be wilful he shall, on conviction, be fined not more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the court. The solicitor of each circuit shall see that the provisions of this section are complied with or shall forthwith prosecute violators thereof.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-1555; 1952 Code Section 10-1555; 1942 Code Section 8709; 1932 Code Section 8709; Civ. C. '22 Section 5230; Cr. C. '22 Section 536; Civ. C. '12 Section 3466; 1910 (26) 587; 1911 (27) 164; 1912 (27) 628.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 35 - Judgments And Decrees Generally
Section 15-35-160. Judgment for damages and costs against married women.
Section 15-35-170. Judgments against unincorporated associations.
Section 15-35-180. Enforcement of judgments.
Section 15-35-350. Judgment by confession; generally.
Section 15-35-360. Judgment by confession; statement in writing and contents thereof.
Section 15-35-370. Judgment by confession; entry of judgment.
Section 15-35-380. Judgment by confession; execution thereon.
Section 15-35-400. Offer of judgment; acceptance; consequences of nonacceptance; attorney's fees.
Section 15-35-510. Clerk shall keep abstract of judgments.
Section 15-35-520. Entries in abstract of judgments; index to judgments.
Section 15-35-530. Judgment roll.
Section 15-35-540. Docketing transcript with clerks of other courts; effect thereof.
Section 15-35-610. Payment by surety shall not discharge judgment against principal.
Section 15-35-620. Payment by one surety shall not discharge judgment as to cosurety.
Section 15-35-630. Discharge of bankrupts from judgments.
Section 15-35-640. Discharge of bankrupts from judgments; notice of application.
Section 15-35-650. Entry of cancellation on margin or index of judgment.
Section 15-35-810. Judgments lien on real estate continue for ten years.
Section 15-35-820. Judgments do not constitute a lien on exempt property.
Section 15-35-830. Payment of taxes by lienholders.
Section 15-35-840. Attorneys as agents of judgment creditors for service of process.
Section 15-35-850. Termination of agency for service of process.
Section 15-35-860. Enrollment of appointments and revocations.
Section 15-35-870. Service of process in other manner suffices.
Section 15-35-900. Short title.
Section 15-35-910. Definitions.
Section 15-35-930. Notice of filing; service and proof of service of notice.
Section 15-35-960. Inapplicability to judgments based on claims contrary to public policy.