Whenever any sum of money is so deposited in lieu of a bond, recognizance or undertaking the person depositing it shall be entitled to a receipt therefor, stating that such sum of money has been deposited and is held for the same purpose as would have been specified and conditioned in the bond, recognizance or undertaking in lieu whereof such sum of money is so deposited.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-27; 1952 Code Section 10-27; 1942 Code Section 349; 1932 Code Section 349; Civ. P. '22 Section 305; Civ. C. '12 Section 3938; Civ. C. '02 Section 2835; 1897 (22) 424.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 15-1-10. Rules of construction.
Section 15-1-30. "Real property" and "real estate" defined.
Section 15-1-40. "Personal property" defined.
Section 15-1-50. "Property" defined.
Section 15-1-60. "Clerk" defined.
Section 15-1-220. Filing of undertakings.
Section 15-1-230. Bonds in judicial proceedings.
Section 15-1-240. Sheriff shall not take attorney at law or officer of court as bail.
Section 15-1-250. Cash deposit in lieu of bond.
Section 15-1-260. Payment of deposit in lieu of bond.
Section 15-1-270. Receipt for deposit.
Section 15-1-280. Return of deposit.
Section 15-1-290. Liability for injury to guests in car.
Section 15-1-300. Contributory negligence shall not bar recovery in motor vehicle accident action.
Section 15-1-310. Liability for emergency care rendered at scene of accident.