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Section 15-1-10. Rules of construction. - The rule of common law that statutes in derogation of...
Section 15-1-30. "Real property" and "real estate" defined. - The words "real property" and "real estate" as used in...
Section 15-1-40. "Personal property" defined. - The words "personal property," as used in this Title, include...
Section 15-1-50. "Property" defined. - The word "property," as used in this Title, includes both...
Section 15-1-60. "Clerk" defined. - The word "clerk", as used in this title, signifies the...
Section 15-1-220. Filing of undertakings. - The various undertakings required to be given by this Title...
Section 15-1-230. Bonds in judicial proceedings. - In all judicial proceedings, whenever it may become necessary for...
Section 15-1-240. Sheriff shall not take attorney at law or officer of court as bail. - No sheriff shall take any attorney at law or officer...
Section 15-1-250. Cash deposit in lieu of bond. - Whenever it shall be necessary for a party to any...
Section 15-1-260. Payment of deposit in lieu of bond. - Whenever such bond, recognizance or undertaking is required or authorized...
Section 15-1-270. Receipt for deposit. - Whenever any sum of money is so deposited in lieu...
Section 15-1-280. Return of deposit. - The person so depositing a sum of money in lieu...
Section 15-1-290. Liability for injury to guests in car. - No person transported by an owner or operator of a...
Section 15-1-300. Contributory negligence shall not bar recovery in motor vehicle accident action. - In any motor vehicle accident, contributory negligence shall not bar...
Section 15-1-310. Liability for emergency care rendered at scene of accident. - Any person, who in good faith gratuitously renders emergency care...
Section 15-1-320. References to minors in State laws mean persons under age of 18 years; exceptions; presumption that minors were persons under age of 21 in certain wills, trusts and deeds. - (a) All references to minors in the law of this...
Section 15-1-330. "Year 2000" computer failure immunity. - A governmental entity is not liable for a loss arising...
Section 15-1-340. Right of service member to proceed in civil action; providing evidence by video-camera or other electronic means. - (A) A service member who is entitled to a stay...