Any judge of probate may invest in, or lend money on the security of: Federal farm loan bonds issued by Federal land banks pursuant to the Federal Farm Loan Act as amended; bonds issued by the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation pursuant to the provisions of an act of Congress known as the "Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act"; Federal Intermediate Credit Bank debentures issued pursuant to the Federal Farm Loan Act as amended; and debentures issued by Central Bank for Cooperatives and regional banks for cooperatives, organized under the Farm Credit Act of 1933, and any notes, bonds, debentures, or other similar obligations, consolidated or otherwise, issued by farm credit institutions pursuant to authorities contained in the Farm Credit Act of 1971 (Public Law 92-181) or by any of such banks. A judge of probate making an investment or loan authorized by this section shall not be chargeable in his account for a greater rate of interest than the amount actually received on the investment or loan.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-493; 1952 Code Sections 8-237, 37-149.1; 1942 Code Section 9049; 1932 Code Section 9049; Civ. C. '22 Section 5461; 1918 (30) 763; 1919 (31) 133; 1934 (38) 1493; 1952 (47) 1893; 1955 (49) 152; 1973 (58) 335.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 14-23-30. Election and term of judges.
Section 14-23-40. Bond and oaths.
Section 14-23-50. Filling of vacancies.
Section 14-23-60. Clerk of court shall act until vacancy filled.
Section 14-23-210. Appointment of times and places for holding courts; notice to interested parties.
Section 14-23-220. Court open at all times for certain business.
Section 14-23-230. Adjournment of court.
Section 14-23-250. Jurisdiction once acquired is exclusive.
Section 14-23-260. Jurisdiction shall not be collaterally impeached.
Section 14-23-280. Commencement of proceedings; procedure.
Section 14-23-290. Court may issue warrants and processes.
Section 14-23-310. Judge may punish for contempt.
Section 14-23-330. Taking and use of deposition.
Section 14-23-360. Enrollment of order or decree for payment of money.
Section 14-23-370. Order or decree as a lien or a judgment.
Section 14-23-390. Index of enrolled money decrees.
Section 14-23-400. Judges may issue executions.
Section 14-23-410. Prerequisites to issuance of executions.
Section 14-23-420. Recording satisfaction of execution.
Section 14-23-430. Form of warrant or process.
Section 14-23-440. Sheriff or constable shall execute orders or process.
Section 14-23-620. Judge shall make search and furnish copies of records; certification; fees.
Section 14-23-660. Manner of filing papers; index.
Section 14-23-670. Clerk shall file account of money remaining in court.
Section 14-23-690. Successor to issue receipt for books, papers, and property of retiring judge.
Section 14-23-710. Authority to make investments and loans; interest notes.
Section 14-23-1010. Establishment.
Section 14-23-1020. Election and term of judges; filling of vacancies.
Section 14-23-1030. Associate judges.
Section 14-23-1040. Only qualified county electors eligible to office of judge or associate judge.
Section 14-23-1070. Appointment of deputies; powers.
Section 14-23-1080. Judges shall not sit in certain cases.
Section 14-23-1090. Appointment and removal of clerk.
Section 14-23-1100. Duties of clerk.
Section 14-23-1110. Practice of law by judges or associate judges.
Section 14-23-1120. Court of record; seal.
Section 14-23-1130. Books, office equipment, office space, support personnel; index books.
Section 14-23-1140. Rules and regulations governing practice, procedure, and conduct of business.