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Section 14-23-30. Election and term of judges. - The judges of the probate court shall be elected by...
Section 14-23-40. Bond and oaths. - Judges of probate before receiving their commission shall take the...
Section 14-23-50. Filling of vacancies. - Vacancies for unexpired terms in the offices of judge of...
Section 14-23-60. Clerk of court shall act until vacancy filled. - In case of any such vacancy the clerk of the...
Section 14-23-210. Appointment of times and places for holding courts; notice to interested parties. - Except as provided in Section 14-23-10 the probate court in...
Section 14-23-220. Court open at all times for certain business. - The probate court shall be deemed open at all times...
Section 14-23-230. Adjournment of court. - A probate court may be adjourned as occasion may require....
Section 14-23-250. Jurisdiction once acquired is exclusive. - When any probate court shall have first taken cognizance of...
Section 14-23-260. Jurisdiction shall not be collaterally impeached. - The jurisdiction assumed by any probate court in any case,...
Section 14-23-280. Commencement of proceedings; procedure. - Proceedings in the court of probate may be commenced by...
Section 14-23-290. Court may issue warrants and processes. - Probate courts may issue all warrants and processes, in conformity...
Section 14-23-300. Judge may administer oaths, and take depositions, affidavits, and other instruments; fees. - The judge of probate, while in office, may administer oaths...
Section 14-23-310. Judge may punish for contempt. - The judge may keep order in court and punish any...
Section 14-23-320. Power to commit to jail for refusal or neglect to perform order, sentence, or decree of court. - If any person shall refuse or neglect to perform any...
Section 14-23-330. Taking and use of deposition. - When a witness whose testimony is necessary to be used...
Section 14-23-340. Guardianship proceedings to be held in court of county where guardian was appointed. - All proceedings in relation to the property or estate of...
Section 14-23-360. Enrollment of order or decree for payment of money. - Any party in whose favor an order or decree for...
Section 14-23-370. Order or decree as a lien or a judgment. - No order or decree of any court of probate for...
Section 14-23-380. Effect of enrollment on appeal; execution of order or decree after notice of appeal; when enrollment must be amended or vacated. - Such enrollment of any order or decree for the payment...
Section 14-23-390. Index of enrolled money decrees. - Every judge of probate shall provide and keep in his...
Section 14-23-400. Judges may issue executions. - Judges of the probate court may issue executions against property,...
Section 14-23-410. Prerequisites to issuance of executions. - No execution shall be issued by any judge of probate...
Section 14-23-420. Recording satisfaction of execution. - When any such execution has been duly returned satisfied to...
Section 14-23-430. Form of warrant or process. - When no form of warrant or process is prescribed by...
Section 14-23-440. Sheriff or constable shall execute orders or process. - Any sheriff or constable in this State shall execute the...
Section 14-23-620. Judge shall make search and furnish copies of records; certification; fees. - The judge of probate, when applied to, shall search for...
Section 14-23-660. Manner of filing papers; index. - In filing papers in the judge of probate's office the...
Section 14-23-670. Clerk shall file account of money remaining in court. - At each stated session of the probate court the clerk...
Section 14-23-680. Judge responsible for books, papers, and property of office; transfer to successor; violations. - Every judge of probate shall be responsible for the books...
Section 14-23-690. Successor to issue receipt for books, papers, and property of retiring judge. - Before surrendering such books, papers and furniture the retiring judge...
Section 14-23-700. Liability of retiring judge or representative for failure to account; appropriation of damages. - Every judge of probate retiring from office, or his representatives,...
Section 14-23-710. Authority to make investments and loans; interest notes. - Any judge of probate may invest in, or lend money...
Section 14-23-1010. Establishment. - There is established in each of the counties of this...
Section 14-23-1020. Election and term of judges; filling of vacancies. - There shall be a judge of probate for each probate...
Section 14-23-1030. Associate judges. - In addition to the judge of probate, there shall be...
Section 14-23-1040. Only qualified county electors eligible to office of judge or associate judge. - No person is eligible to hold the office of judge...
Section 14-23-1050. Bond. - Each judge of probate and associate probate judge shall, before...
Section 14-23-1070. Appointment of deputies; powers. - Each judge of probate may from time to time appoint...
Section 14-23-1080. Judges shall not sit in certain cases. - No judge or associate judge shall sit in any case...
Section 14-23-1090. Appointment and removal of clerk. - The judge of probate may appoint a clerk and may...
Section 14-23-1100. Duties of clerk. - The clerk shall keep a true and fair record of...
Section 14-23-1110. Practice of law by judges or associate judges. - No judge or associate judge of probate shall act as...
Section 14-23-1120. Court of record; seal. - The court of probate shall be a court of record...
Section 14-23-1130. Books, office equipment, office space, support personnel; index books. - The governing body of each county shall provide and the...
Section 14-23-1140. Rules and regulations governing practice, procedure, and conduct of business. - The Supreme Court shall have the power by rule to...
Section 14-23-1150. Jurisdiction of judges. - Every judge of probate, in his county, shall have jurisdiction:...