South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 13-1-2030. Coordinating Council for Workforce Development created; membership; duties.

(A) There is established the "Coordinating Council for Workforce Development" which is created to engage in discussions, collaboration, and information sharing concerning the state's ability to prepare and train workers to meet current and future workforce needs. The coordinating council must be comprised of:
(1) the Secretary of the Department of Commerce or his designee;
(2) the State Superintendent of Education or his designee;
(3) the Executive Director of the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education or his designee;
(4) the Executive Director of the Department of Employment and Workforce or his designee;
(5) the Executive Director of the Commission on Higher Education or his designee;
(6) the president or provost of a research university who is selected by the presidents of the research universities;
(7) the president or provost of a four-year college or university who is selected by the presidents of the four-year universities;
(8) the president of a technical college who shall be appointed by the Chairman of the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education;
(9) the following members appointed by the State Superintendent of Education who have expertise regarding Chapter 59, Title 59, the South Carolina Education and Economic Development Act:
(a) a school district superintendent;
(b) a school counselor; and
(c) a career and technology education director;
(10) two representatives from the business community appointed by the Governor, who have professional expertise in economic development and workforce issues;
(11) a person appointed by the Chairman of the House Education and Public Works Committee and a person appointed by the House minority party leader; and
(12) a person appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee and a person appointed by the Senate minority party leader.
(B)(1) The coordinating council shall:
(a) facilitate and coordinate the development of a unified, statewide workforce plan that utilizes data and analysis to identify statewide workforce priorities and create measurable, time-sensitive metrics in which all workforce pipeline stakeholders including, but not limited to, education and workforce boards, councils, and partner representatives, participate. The statewide workforce plan must ensure that federal and state requirements are met and agency constituents remain served. The plan also must establish standardized education and workforce terminology and definitions to be used across all agencies and sectors. The plan must identify at least two, but not more than four, goals to be accomplished in less than four years and update those goals every five years;
(b) advise appropriate agencies and governing boards to ensure the components of Chapter 59, Title 59, are implemented with fidelity to provide a better prepared workforce, student success in postsecondary education, and enhanced coordination between K-12, higher education, and employers. The council shall review accountability and performance measures for implementation of this article and make recommendations for the promulgation of regulations to carry out its provisions including, but not limited to, enforcement procedures, which may include monitoring and auditing functions, and addressing consequences for noncompliance;
(c) utilize data and analysis to develop a method for identifying and addressing long-term workforce needs and make evidence-based recommendations to the General Assembly;
(d) develop and implement procedures for sharing information and coordinating efforts among stakeholders to prepare the state's current and emerging workforce to meet the needs of the state's economy;
(e) make recommendations to the General Assembly concerning matters related to workforce development that exceed the council members' agencies' scope of authority to implement and legislation is required;
(f) recommend, to the General Assembly, programs intended to increase student access to and incentivize workforce training within state training programs or through programs offered by businesses through scholarships, grants, loans, tax credits, or other programs documented to be effective in addressing current and future workforce needs;
(g) conduct an ongoing inventory of existing workforce programs to identify duplications among and within the programs and identify ineffective programs. The council may make recommendations concerning the appropriate actions necessary to eliminate duplication, improvements to ineffective programs so that the programs can achieve the desired result, or the elimination of programs that no longer meet workforce needs; and
(h) submit an annual progress report to the Governor and the General Assembly, by September first of each fiscal year, concerning the actions taken by the council during the previous fiscal year, and any recommendations for legislation or agency action. The council may submit additional reports on an ongoing basis as deemed necessary by the council chairman.
(2) The coordinating council may create subcommittees or advisory groups comprised of community or state or local government stakeholders to assist the council in carrying out the council's duties as contained in item (1).
(C) The Secretary of the Department of Commerce is the coordinating council's chairman.
(D) The Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education, the Department of Commerce, and the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education shall provide staff for the coordinating council.
HISTORY: 2016 Act No. 252 (H.4145), Section 1, eff June 8, 2016; 2022 Act No. 194 (H.4766), Section 1, eff May 16, 2022.
Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner in 2016, in (A), "Coordinating Council for Workforce Development" was substituted for "Coordinating Council of Workforce Development" to correct a typographical error.
Effect of Amendment
2022 Act No. 194, Section 1, rewrote the section.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Section 13-1-10. Department of Commerce established.

Section 13-1-20. Purposes of department.

Section 13-1-25. Public monies defined; accountability and disclosure requirements; reporting requirements.

Section 13-1-30. Secretary of Commerce; executive director; division directors; duties and responsibilities.

Section 13-1-40. Advisory councils.

Section 13-1-45. South Carolina Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Fund created; definitions; powers and duties of Department of Commerce; criteria for selecting qualified projects.

Section 13-1-50. Annual audit of department.

Section 13-1-60. Severability.

Section 13-1-310. Definitions.

Section 13-1-320. Objectives of division.

Section 13-1-330. Division made up of bureaus.

Section 13-1-340. Director of division; duties, powers and responsibilities.

Section 13-1-350. Director to assume duties of certain former boards, commissions, and councils.

Section 13-1-360. Confidentiality of information.

Section 13-1-370. Advisory committee of the Division of State Development.

Section 13-1-380. Recycling Market Development Advisory Council.

Section 13-1-610. Definitions.

Section 13-1-620. Rights and powers of director.

Section 13-1-630. Area of director's powers.

Section 13-1-640. Issuance of revenue bonds to fund projects.

Section 13-1-650. Executive order of director required for issuance of revenue bonds; contents of order.

Section 13-1-660. Specifics of revenue bonds and their issuance.

Section 13-1-670. Principal and interest on bonds exempt from taxation.

Section 13-1-680. Approval of State Fiscal Accountability Authority as prerequisite to issuance of bonds.

Section 13-1-690. Signature on bonds.

Section 13-1-700. Manner of sale of bonds.

Section 13-1-710. Report to State Treasurer following issuance of bonds.

Section 13-1-720. Enforceability of orders, covenants, and agreements related to bonds.

Section 13-1-730. Bonds to constitute limited obligations of division; payment on bonds.

Section 13-1-740. Investment of funds.

Section 13-1-750. Carryover of funds to subsequent fiscal years.

Section 13-1-760. Determinations of director as prerequisites to undertaking of projects; financing agreements.

Section 13-1-770. Application of proceeds from sale of bonds; what constitutes cost of acquiring project.

Section 13-1-780. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 13-1-790. Establishment of corporations by director.

Section 13-1-800. Payment in lieu of property taxes on property of division.

Section 13-1-810. Division's status as "agency".

Section 13-1-1000. Definitions.

Section 13-1-1010. Commission created; purpose; purchase and sale of aeronautics assets.

Section 13-1-1020. Commission districts; election and appointment of members.

Section 13-1-1030. County-commission district overlap; consecutive terms; two commissioners from same county.

Section 13-1-1040. Delegations to elect commissioner from district; organization of delegation; certification and issuance of commission.

Section 13-1-1050. Terms of commission members; vacancies; forfeiture of office; at-large commission member as chairman.

Section 13-1-1060. Oath of office.

Section 13-1-1070. Official seal; adoption of rules and procedures; reimbursement for official expenses.

Section 13-1-1080. Appointment of executive director.

Section 13-1-1090. Qualifications for commission chairman and members.

Section 13-1-1110. Organization and objectives of division.

Section 13-1-1310. Division of Public Railways created.

Section 13-1-1320. Definitions.

Section 13-1-1330. Powers and duties of director of division.

Section 13-1-1340. Transfer of certain common carrier switching operations to division.

Section 13-1-1350. Power of director to extend division's operations.

Section 13-1-1355. Transfer of certain railroad equipment.

Section 13-1-1360. Bonds of division to be limited obligations.

Section 13-1-1370. Bonds to be secured by pledge of division revenues.

Section 13-1-1380. Contract terms for construction and equipment.

Section 13-1-1390. Determinations of director prerequisite to acquisition of railroads and equipment.

Section 13-1-1400. Power of director over disbursement of bond proceeds.

Section 13-1-1410. Books of additional acquisitions to be kept separately.

Section 13-1-1420. Application of proceeds from sale of bonds.

Section 13-1-1430. Refunding of bonds.

Section 13-1-1440. Bonds to be lawful investments.

Section 13-1-1450. Bonds, revenue, and property of division to be tax exempt.

Section 13-1-1460. Approval of State Fiscal Accountability Authority as prerequisite to issuance of bonds; procedure.

Section 13-1-1470. Director not subject to other limitations.

Section 13-1-1480. Division to hold title to assets and account for revenues; funds to be held in separate accounts.

Section 13-1-1710. Coordinating Council for Economic Development.

Section 13-1-1720. Purpose and duties of council.

Section 13-1-1730. Reports.

Section 13-1-1740. Recommendations by council; review of agency requests for appropriations.

Section 13-1-1750. Funding; technical advisory committees; data sources.

Section 13-1-1760. Council not to infringe on autonomy of other agencies.

Section 13-1-1770. Downtown Redevelopment Program; purpose; guidelines for evaluating and awarding grants.

Section 13-1-1780. Agricultural businesses considered for economic development awards.

Section 13-1-1810. Transfer of powers relating to regional education centers.

Section 13-1-1820. Department to provide oversight to regional education centers.

Section 13-1-1840. Assistance to department in planning and promoting career information and employment options and preparation programs.

Section 13-1-2030. Coordinating Council for Workforce Development created; membership; duties.