All bonds issued by the Secretary of Commerce under authority of this article shall be limited obligations of the division, the principal of and interest on which shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the operation of the railroads authorized by this article which the bonds are issued to finance. Bonds and interest coupons issued under authority of this article shall not constitute an indebtedness of the division or department, the State of South Carolina, or any political subdivision thereof, within the meaning of any state constitutional provision or statutory limitation and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the same or a charge against the general credit of the division or the department or against the full faith, credit or taxing power of the State of South Carolina, or a political subdivision thereof, and such fact shall be plainly stated on the face of each bond. Such bonds may be executed and delivered at any time as a single issue or from time to time as several issues, may be in such form and denominations, may be of such tenor, may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal or interest or both, may be payable in such installments and at such time or times not exceeding forty years from their date, may be subject to such terms of redemption, may be payable at such place or places, may bear interest at such rate or rates payable at such place or places and evidenced in such manner, and may contain such provisions not inconsistent herewith, all of which shall be provided in the proceedings of the commission authorizing the bonds. Any bonds issued under the authority of this article may be sold at public or private sale at such price and in such manner and from time to time as may be determined by the Secretary of Commerce to be most advantageous, and the division may pay, as a part of the cost of acquiring any railroad and necessary equipment, and out of the bond proceeds, all expenses, premiums and commissions which the Secretary of Commerce may deem necessary or advantageous in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance thereof. All bonds issued under the authority of this article except registered bonds, registered otherwise than to bearer and all interest coupons appurtenant thereto shall be construed to be negotiable instruments, despite the fact that they are payable solely from a specified source. The proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds may provide for the issuance, in the future, of further bonds on a parity with those initially issued, but such proceedings shall preclude the issuance of bonds or any obligations of any sort secured by a lien prior to the lien of the bonds or bonds afterwards issued on a parity with the bonds.
Pending the issuance of bonds, bond anticipation notes may be issued, and to the end that a vehicle be provided therefor, the provisions of Sections 11-17-10 to 11-17-110, as now or hereafter amended, shall be applicable to such bond anticipatory borrowing.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 181, Section 247, eff July 1, 1993; 1994 Act No. 361, Section 9, eff May 3, 1994.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 13-1-10. Department of Commerce established.
Section 13-1-20. Purposes of department.
Section 13-1-40. Advisory councils.
Section 13-1-50. Annual audit of department.
Section 13-1-60. Severability.
Section 13-1-310. Definitions.
Section 13-1-320. Objectives of division.
Section 13-1-330. Division made up of bureaus.
Section 13-1-340. Director of division; duties, powers and responsibilities.
Section 13-1-350. Director to assume duties of certain former boards, commissions, and councils.
Section 13-1-360. Confidentiality of information.
Section 13-1-370. Advisory committee of the Division of State Development.
Section 13-1-380. Recycling Market Development Advisory Council.
Section 13-1-610. Definitions.
Section 13-1-620. Rights and powers of director.
Section 13-1-630. Area of director's powers.
Section 13-1-640. Issuance of revenue bonds to fund projects.
Section 13-1-660. Specifics of revenue bonds and their issuance.
Section 13-1-670. Principal and interest on bonds exempt from taxation.
Section 13-1-690. Signature on bonds.
Section 13-1-700. Manner of sale of bonds.
Section 13-1-710. Report to State Treasurer following issuance of bonds.
Section 13-1-720. Enforceability of orders, covenants, and agreements related to bonds.
Section 13-1-730. Bonds to constitute limited obligations of division; payment on bonds.
Section 13-1-740. Investment of funds.
Section 13-1-750. Carryover of funds to subsequent fiscal years.
Section 13-1-780. Promulgation of regulations.
Section 13-1-790. Establishment of corporations by director.
Section 13-1-800. Payment in lieu of property taxes on property of division.
Section 13-1-810. Division's status as "agency".
Section 13-1-1000. Definitions.
Section 13-1-1010. Commission created; purpose; purchase and sale of aeronautics assets.
Section 13-1-1020. Commission districts; election and appointment of members.
Section 13-1-1060. Oath of office.
Section 13-1-1080. Appointment of executive director.
Section 13-1-1090. Qualifications for commission chairman and members.
Section 13-1-1110. Organization and objectives of division.
Section 13-1-1310. Division of Public Railways created.
Section 13-1-1320. Definitions.
Section 13-1-1330. Powers and duties of director of division.
Section 13-1-1340. Transfer of certain common carrier switching operations to division.
Section 13-1-1350. Power of director to extend division's operations.
Section 13-1-1355. Transfer of certain railroad equipment.
Section 13-1-1360. Bonds of division to be limited obligations.
Section 13-1-1370. Bonds to be secured by pledge of division revenues.
Section 13-1-1380. Contract terms for construction and equipment.
Section 13-1-1400. Power of director over disbursement of bond proceeds.
Section 13-1-1410. Books of additional acquisitions to be kept separately.
Section 13-1-1420. Application of proceeds from sale of bonds.
Section 13-1-1430. Refunding of bonds.
Section 13-1-1440. Bonds to be lawful investments.
Section 13-1-1450. Bonds, revenue, and property of division to be tax exempt.
Section 13-1-1470. Director not subject to other limitations.
Section 13-1-1710. Coordinating Council for Economic Development.
Section 13-1-1720. Purpose and duties of council.
Section 13-1-1740. Recommendations by council; review of agency requests for appropriations.
Section 13-1-1750. Funding; technical advisory committees; data sources.
Section 13-1-1760. Council not to infringe on autonomy of other agencies.
Section 13-1-1780. Agricultural businesses considered for economic development awards.
Section 13-1-1810. Transfer of powers relating to regional education centers.
Section 13-1-1820. Department to provide oversight to regional education centers.
Section 13-1-2030. Coordinating Council for Workforce Development created; membership; duties.