South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 28 - Motor Fuels Subject To User Fees
Section 12-28-2930. Allocation of state source highway funds for construction and renovation projects to firms owned and controlled by disadvantaged ethnic minorities or women.

(A)(1) Of total state source highway funds, including revenues generated by Section 12-28-2740, expended in a fiscal year on highway, bridge, and building construction, and building renovation contracts, the Department of Transportation and counties shall ensure that not less than:
(a) five percent are expended through direct contracts with estimated values of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or less with small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged ethnic minorities (MBEs);
(b) five percent are expended through direct contracts with estimated values of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or less with firms owned and controlled by disadvantaged females (WBEs).
(2) The two hundred fifty thousand dollars value limits may be raised in the discretion of the department as MBEs/WBEs are able to provide bondability.
(B) The department shall certify eligible firms under this section and shall give at least thirty days' notice to certified firms of contracts to be let. The department shall take into consideration the location and availability of MBE or WBE firms in the State when designating projects to be set aside. No certified MBE or WBE may participate after June 30, 1999, or nine years from the date of the firm's first contract, whichever is later, if that firm performed at least three million dollars in highway contracts for four consecutive years while certified as a WBE or MBE. Firms performing less than three million dollars in highway contracts for four consecutive years may be recertified for additional five-year periods based upon recertification reviews by the department.
(C) To achieve the set-asides set forth in subsection (A), the department shall advertise a number of highway construction projects at each regularly scheduled highway letting to be bid exclusively by MBEs and WBEs. The total annual value of those projects awarded must equal at least ten percent of total state source highway funds expended in each fiscal year, or otherwise documented as described in subsection (D). Projects must be awarded when the lowest responsive and responsible bidder submits a bid within ten percent of the official engineer's estimate. If the lowest responsive bid exceeds the engineer's estimate by more than ten percent, the department may enter into negotiation with the low bidder making reasonable changes in the plans and specifications as necessary to bring the contract price within the ten percent range. If the low bidder agrees to the changes and the revised contract price, the contract must be awarded to the low bidder at the revised price. If the low bidder can show just cause for his bid exceeding the ten percent range, the department may award the contract without making any changes in the plans and specifications or the contract price. If the department fails to award any advertised project, that project may be readvertised through the normal bid process and must not be readvertised for the purpose of achieving the set-asides.
(D) If no MBE or WBE firms certified pursuant to this section are available to perform a contract, the department shall verify and record this fact, and the verification must be preserved in department records.
(E) To facilitate implementation of this section, the department may waive bonding requirements for contracts let pursuant to this section with estimated construction costs not exceeding two hundred fifty thousand dollars a contract, and any contract set aside and awarded to any MBE or WBE contractor without bonding shall provide expressly that termination of the contract for default of the contractor renders the contractor ineligible for any further department nonbonded contracts for a minimum period of two years from the date of the notice. The department shall act as bonding company when bonding requirements have been waived. Any claims brought by subcontractors or suppliers in connection with nonbonded projects must be heard by the Department Claims Committee and all legitimate claims must be paid by the department. The committee shall take into account circumstances such as unsettled payments and disputes with the department or other circumstances that are beyond the MBE/WBEs control. Claims resulting in monetary settlements shall render the MBE/WBEs ineligible for any further department nonbonded projects until the MBE/WBE has reimbursed or has made acceptable arrangements to reimburse the department for the amount due as a result of the settlement.
(F) In awarding any contract pursuant to this section, preference must be given to an otherwise eligible South Carolina contractor submitting a responsible bid not exceeding an otherwise eligible out-of-state contractor's low bid by two and one-half percent.
(G) The department shall establish written guidelines to be used in the selection and design of projects awarded under this section. Those guidelines shall outline the types of projects best suited for this program and other related criteria.
(H) When a MBE or WBE receives a contract, the department shall furnish a letter, upon request, stating the dollar value and duration of, and other information about the contract, which may be used by the MBE or WBE in negotiating lines of credit with lending institutions.
(I) The department shall issue an annual report listing all contracts awarded pursuant to this section. That report must also include a listing of all contracts and subcontracts awarded pursuant to Section 106(C) of the Federal Surface Transportation Act of 1987 (STAA-1987; P.L. 100-17, Section 106(c)). The listings must be both chronological and by name of participating firms. Entries must include file numbers, locations, and dollar amounts. The report must also contain information relating to canceled contracts and subcontracts, subcontractor substitutions, and final payments to MBE/WBEs.
(J) Any MBE or WBE acting as a prime contractor shall perform at least thirty percent of the work with his own forces. If thirty percent of the work is performed with his own forces, the total amount of the contract is counted toward the MBE/WBE set-asides. If less than thirty percent is performed by the MBE/WBE, then only that portion performed by the MBE/WBE is counted toward the set-asides.
(K) The department shall make available technical assistance for MBEs and WBEs for not less than three hundred thousand dollars. Any of these funds awarded to small consulting firms owned and controlled by MBEs or WBEs may count toward the set-asides established in subsection (A) of this section. The selected firms must be South Carolina based and experienced in assisting with the development of minority firms.
(L) Technical assistance provided under subsection (K) must include written and verbal instruction on competitive bidding, management techniques, and general business operations. Firms certified under this section must be represented by a company officer in at least twenty hours of continuing education a year in order to remain certified. The department shall implement a system that will designate a lead engineer to work with MBE/WBEs. This engineer shall work with the office of compliance, the supportive services contractor, and with the department's engineers to provide early technical assistance to MBE/WBEs with contracts in each highway district. The support must include professional and technical assistance aimed toward meeting the standards, the specifications, the timing, quality, and other requirements of their contracts. The department also shall endeavor to utilize the expertise of established highway, bridge, and building contractors when providing technical and support services.
(M) Any contracts awarded through the normal bid process to certified MBEs or WBEs may count toward the set-asides. Subcontracts entered into between prime contractors and certified MBE/WBEs without regard to these provisions may be counted toward the set-asides outlined in subsection (A) of this section if these subcontracts are verified through the department records.
(N) If any part or provision of this section is declared to be unconstitutional or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction of this State, the court's decision, nevertheless, has no effect on the constitutionality, validity, and enforceability of the other parts and provisions of this section which are considered severable.
(O) Within one hundred twenty days of the effective date of this section the department shall promulgate and implement regulations to administer the provisions of this section.
HISTORY: 1995 Act No. 136, Section 2.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 12 - Taxation

Chapter 28 - Motor Fuels Subject To User Fees

Section 12-28-110. Definitions.

Section 12-28-120. Clarifying certain references to the term gallon.

Section 12-28-310. User fees on gasoline and diesel fuel.

Section 12-28-320. Presumption that fuel delivered to motor vehicle fuel supply tank is used in this State.

Section 12-28-330. Presumption that fuel from terminal in State, imported, or delivered into end user's storage tank is used in State.

Section 12-28-340. Petroleum product and ethanol blenders requirements imposed on terminal; blender of record; Renewable Identification Number trading system.

Section 12-28-350. Motor fuel taxes or user fees; boundary clarification.

Section 12-28-510. User fee on motor fuel measured by invoiced gallons.

Section 12-28-520. Measurement of user fees on motor fuel; user fee complemented by user fees measured annually at each terminal.

Section 12-28-530. Repealed.

Section 12-28-710. Exemption from the user fee on motor fuel.

Section 12-28-720. Perfection of exemption for imports.

Section 12-28-730. Exempt use of K-1 kerosene.

Section 12-28-740. Perfection of exemption for federal government, agencies, instrumentalities, and reservations, and state-owned buses and vehicles used in an educational program.

Section 12-28-750. Perfection by refund claim filed by end user for fuel used to operate machinery.

Section 12-28-760. No user fee on motor fuel carried into State, retained in vehicle and consumed by an end user.

Section 12-28-770. Refund upon application after contamination or loss of motor fuel.

Section 12-28-780. Refund of motor fuel user fees erroneously paid.

Section 12-28-785. Perfection of exemptions not covered under Sections 12-28-720 through 12-28-780.

Section 12-28-790. Refunds claims.

Section 12-28-795. Interest on refund.

Section 12-28-905. Time for payment of motor fuel user fees imported from another state.

Section 12-28-910. Blanket election to treat all removals from out-of-state terminals as if from in-state terminals; notice of election.

Section 12-28-915. User fees collected and remitted by supplier; due date; late user fees.

Section 12-28-920. Liability of terminal operator for motor fuel user fee; payment.

Section 12-28-925. Collection of motor fuel user fees from purchaser; election to defer user fee payment.

Section 12-28-930. Qualifications of purchasers for election under Section 12-28-930; bond.

Section 12-28-935. Rescission of purchaser's eligibility and election to defer payment of user fees.

Section 12-28-940. Computing amount of motor fuel user fees due.

Section 12-28-945. Licensed tank wagon operator-importer; payment of user fees.

Section 12-28-950. Payment of user fees by electronic fund transfer.

Section 12-28-955. Supplier may retain one-tenth percent of user fee to cover cost of administration.

Section 12-28-960. Tare allowance allowed to eligible purchaser, licensee importer, and supplier.

Section 12-28-965. User fees collected on motor fuel belongs to State and is held in trust by collector; personal liability for user fee, penalty and interest.

Section 12-28-970. Backup user fee equal to the user fee imposed.

Section 12-28-975. Diversion of motor fuel subject to the user fee.

Section 12-28-980. Final reports accompanied by payment; election to pay in installments.

Section 12-28-985. Floorstocks user fee report; accompanied by payment.

Section 12-28-990. Payment of user fees by persons blending materials or manufacturing or otherwise producing substitute fuel or certain diesel fuel; licensing.

Section 12-28-995. Payment of user fees on fuel imported in tank wagon if destination does not exceed twenty-five miles from border of this State.

Section 12-28-1100. Supplier's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1105. Permissive supplier's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1110. Terminal operator's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1115. Exporter's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1120. Transporter's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1125. Occasional importer's license or a bonded importer's license; fees.

Section 12-28-1130. Tank wagon operator-importer license; fee.

Section 12-28-1135. Fuel vendor license; fee.

Section 12-28-1139. Miscellaneous fuel user fee license; fee.

Section 12-28-1140. Application for a license.

Section 12-28-1145. Investigation of applicant for a license.

Section 12-28-1150. Fingerprinting provisions; exemptions.

Section 12-28-1155. Application must be filed with surety bond or cash deposit.

Section 12-28-1160. Applicant may be required to furnish current verified, financial statements.

Section 12-28-1165. Licensee to file a new bond or additional deposit when required.

Section 12-28-1170. Time for securing new bond or additional deposit; cancellation of license for unsatisfactory new bond or cash deposit.

Section 12-28-1175. Written request for release by surety; time limitations; request by licensee for release of bond or security after three years.

Section 12-28-1180. Notice of proposed denial of application; hearing; notice of suspension or revocation of license; hearing.

Section 12-28-1185. Issuance of license.

Section 12-28-1190. Validity of license.

Section 12-28-1195. License is nontransferable.

Section 12-28-1196. License must be displayed at place of business.

Section 12-28-1197. Surrender of license upon discontinuance of business.

Section 12-28-1199. Notice that licensee has discontinued, sold, or transferred business.

Section 12-28-1300. Verified statement by supplier; reporting of information.

Section 12-28-1305. Licensed occasional importer must file monthly a verified sworn statement of operations.

Section 12-28-1310. Licensed bonded importer must file monthly verified sworn statement of operations.

Section 12-28-1320. Licensed tank importer must file monthly verified sworn statement of operations.

Section 12-28-1330. Terminal operator must file monthly sworn statement of operations; annual report.

Section 12-28-1340. Terminal reports regarding source state; similar data from federal terminal report or source state.

Section 12-28-1350. Final report and payment by licensee.

Section 12-28-1360. Persons licensed as exporter must file monthly reports.

Section 12-28-1370. Licensed transporter to file monthly reports.

Section 12-28-1380. Persons purchasing gallons user fee-exempt for resale to government entities must file report.

Section 12-28-1390. Fuel vendor's reports.

Section 12-28-1395. Miscellaneous fuel user fee licensee's statement.

Section 12-28-1400. Use of information in tracking petroleum products; reporting requirements; penalties.

Section 12-28-1500. Automated machine-printed shipping documents; manually prepared documents in certain circumstances; exemptions.

Section 12-28-1505. Requirements relating to shipping documents.

Section 12-28-1510. Terminal-issued shipping document provided on delivery of shipment.

Section 12-28-1515. Inspection and retention of terminal-issued shipping document by receiver of motor fuel subject to the user fee.

Section 12-28-1520. Acceptance of delivery without proper shipping paper prohibited.

Section 12-28-1525. Relief in case of improperly completed shipping paper; notification of diversion or correction; verification number.

Section 12-28-1530. Reliance on representations regarding destination, user fee-exempt use or supplier's obligation to collect user fees.

Section 12-28-1535. Unlawful sale, use, deliver, or storage of motor fuel subject to the user fee prohibited; exceptions.

Section 12-28-1540. Required notations on terminal-issued shipping paper; exceptions.

Section 12-28-1545. Requirements for licensed importer regarding fuel which has not been dyed, nor user fees paid or accrued by supplier.

Section 12-28-1550. Requirements for exporting fuel.

Section 12-28-1555. Use of dyed fuel prohibited; exceptions; penalties.

Section 12-28-1560. Doing business without license; penalties.

Section 12-28-1565. Fuel must meet ASTM standards.

Section 12-28-1570. False statement on shipping paper regarding liability for user fees; penalties.

Section 12-28-1575. Notice regarding dyed diesel fuel.

Section 12-28-1580. Dyed diesel fuel notice required on shipping papers, bills of lading and invoices.

Section 12-28-1585. Metering device required for fuel dispenser accessible by public; tampering prohibited.

Section 12-28-1590. Tamper-resistant shipping papers required.

Section 12-28-1592. Tank wagons must have IFTA registration; exception.

Section 12-28-1595. Unauthorized sale or use of dyed diesel fuel prohibited.

Section 12-28-1597. Alteration of dye or marker in dyed diesel fuel prohibited.

Section 12-28-1710. Business entities and participating officers, employees, and agents liable for violations of Sections 12-28-1595 and 12-28-1597.

Section 12-28-1720. Liability for uncollected and unpaid user fees; penalties.

Section 12-28-1730. Penalties.

Section 12-28-1740. Impoundment, seizure, sale and forfeiture of vehicle and cargo for violation of shipping paper requirements.

Section 12-28-1910. Inspection of fuel and shipping papers.

Section 12-28-1920. Operation of permanent or portable weigh stations.

Section 12-28-1930. Audits; transportation sampling audits; inspection of shipping papers.

Section 12-28-1940. Penalties for refusing audit or inspection.

Section 12-28-2110. Collection of user fees for fuels consumed by government diesel and other federally exempt vehicles.

Section 12-28-2310. Definitions.

Section 12-28-2315. Analysts, chemists, and inspectors appointed.

Section 12-28-2320. Inspector interested in manufacture or vending of gasoline, illuminating or heating oil.

Section 12-28-2325. Law enforcement assistance.

Section 12-28-2330. Filing of statement for intent to sell petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2335. Notice of shipment of petroleum products into State.

Section 12-28-2340. Standards for petroleum products; testing.

Section 12-28-2345. Records of receipt and shipment of petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2350. Inspection of records pertaining to petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2355. Inspection and environmental impact fee charged on petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2360. Refund of inspection fee on petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2365. Remittance of fees on petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2370. Department to promulgate regulations.

Section 12-28-2375. Retail dealers of petroleum products exempt; exception.

Section 12-28-2380. Motor fuel use to which article applies.

Section 12-28-2385. Exports of petroleum products exempt from inspection fee.

Section 12-28-2520. Motor fuel licensee bond exemption based on statement of assets and liabilities.

Section 12-28-2710. Funds collected deposited to credit of State Treasurer.

Section 12-28-2720. Distribution of gasoline user fee to Department of Transportation and general fund.

Section 12-28-2725. Apportionment to department of mass transit; audit.

Section 12-28-2730. Distribution of gasoline user fee to Department of Natural Resources; water recreational resources fund; creation.

Section 12-28-2740. Distribution of gasoline user fee among counties; requirements for expenditure of funds; county transportation committees.

Section 12-28-2750. Distribution of remainder of gasoline and fuel user fees to State Highway Fund.

Section 12-28-2910. South Carolina Coordinating Council for Economic Development; establishing project priorities; disposition of payments.

Section 12-28-2915. Disposition of taxes collected.

Section 12-28-2920. Construction of toll roads.

Section 12-28-2930. Allocation of state source highway funds for construction and renovation projects to firms owned and controlled by disadvantaged ethnic minorities or women.

Section 12-28-2940. Exemption from appraisal provisions.