South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 28 - Motor Fuels Subject To User Fees
Section 12-28-2740. Distribution of gasoline user fee among counties; requirements for expenditure of funds; county transportation committees.

(A) The proceeds from two and sixty-six one-hundredths cents a gallon of the user fee on gasoline only as levied and provided for in this chapter must be deposited with the State Treasurer and expended for purposes set forth in this section. The monies must be apportioned among the counties of the State in the following manner:
(1) one-third distributed in the ratio which the land area of the county bears to the total land area of the State;
(2) one-third distributed in the ratio which the population of the county bears to the total population of the State as shown by the latest official decennial census;
(3) one-third distributed in the ratio which the mileage of all rural roads in the county bears to the total rural road mileage in the State as shown by the latest official records of the Department of Transportation. The Department of Revenue shall collect the information required pursuant to Section 12-28-1390 regarding the number of gallons sold in each county for use in making allocations of donor funds as provided in subsection (H). The Department of Revenue shall submit the percentage of the total represented by each county to the Department of Transportation and to each county transportation committee annually by May first of the following calendar year. Upon request of a county transportation committee, the Department of Transportation shall continue to administer the funds allocated to the county.
All interest earnings on the County Transportation Fund in the State Treasury must be added to the distribution to counties under this section in proportion to each county's portion of the entire County Transportation Fund. Except for those funds being used in connection with highway projects administered by the Department of Transportation on behalf of counties administering their own "C" funds, these distributions of earnings and the calculation required to determine the appropriate amount shall not include those counties administering their own "C" funds.
(B) The funds expended must be approved by and used in furtherance of a countywide transportation plan adopted by a county transportation committee. The county transportation committee must be appointed by the county legislative delegation and must be made up of fair representation from municipalities and unincorporated areas of the county. County transportation committees may join in approving a regional transportation plan, and the funds must be used in furtherance of the regional transportation plan. This subsection does not prohibit the county legislative delegation from making project recommendations to the county transportation committee. A county transportation committee may expend from the funds allocated under this section an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars for reasonable administrative expenses directly related to the activities of the committee. Administrative expenses may include costs associated with copying, mailings, public notices, correspondence, and recordkeeping but do not include the payment of per diem or salaries for members of the committee.
(C) At least twenty-five percent of a county's apportionment of "C" funds, based on a biennial averaging of expenditures, must be expended on the state highway system for construction, improvements, and maintenance. The Department of Transportation shall administer all funds expended on the state highway system unless the department has given explicit authority to a county or municipal government or other agent acting on behalf of the county transportation committee to design, engineer, construct, and inspect projects using their own personnel. The county transportation committee, at its discretion, may expend up to seventy-five percent of "C" construction funds for activities including other local paving or improving county roads, for street and traffic signs, and for other road and bridge projects.
(D) The funds allocated to the county also may be used to issue county bonds or state highway bonds as provided in subsection (J), pay directly for appropriate highway projects, including engineering, contracting, and project supervision, and match federal funds available for appropriate projects. Beginning July 1, 2002, for any new "C" fund allocations received on or after this date, the balance of uncommitted funds carried forward from one year into the next may not exceed three hundred percent of the county's total apportionment for the most recent year. Expenditures must be documented on a per-project basis upon the completion of each project in reports to the respective county transportation committees. This documentation must be provided by the agency or local government actually expending the funds and it shall include a description of the completed project and a general accounting of all expenditures made in connection with the project summaries of these reports then must be forwarded by each county transportation committee to the department using guidelines established by the department and the department shall compile these reports into an annual statewide report to be submitted to the General Assembly by the second Tuesday of January of each year. The documentation and reporting requirements of this subsection apply only to counties administering their own "C" funds. For purposes of this section, "uncommitted funds" means funds held in the county's "C" fund account that have not been designated for specific projects.
(E) All unexpended "C" funds allocated to a county remain in the account allocated to the county for the succeeding fiscal year and must be expended as provided in this section.
(F) The countywide and regional transportation plans provided for in this section must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Transportation. Before the expenditure of funds by a county transportation committee, the committee shall adopt specifications for local road projects. In counties electing to expend their allocation directly pursuant to subsection (A), specifications of roads built with "C" funds are to be established by the countywide or regional transportation committee. In counties in which the county transportation committee elects to have "C" funds administered by the Department of Transportation, primary and secondary roads built using "C" funds must meet Department of Transportation specifications.
(G) This section must not be construed as affecting the plans and implementation of plans for a Statewide Surface Transportation System as developed by the Department of Transportation.
(H)(1) For purposes of this subsection, "donor county" means a county that contributes to the "C" fund an amount in excess of what it receives under the allocation formula as stated in subsection (A). In addition to the allocation to the counties pursuant to subsection (A), the Department of Transportation annually shall transfer to the donor counties an amount equal to seventeen million dollars in the ratio of the individual donor county's contribution in excess of "C" fund revenue allocated to the county under subsection (A) to the total excess contributions of all donor counties.
(2) A county is eligible for an additional allocation from the Department of Transportation if the county contributed to the "C" fund an amount in excess of what it receives under the allocation formula as stated in subsection (A) plus what it receives under item (1). The Department of Transportation annually shall transfer to the eligible counties an amount up to three and one-half million dollars in the ratio of the individual eligible county's contribution to the "C" fund in excess of the eligible county's total allocations under subsection (A) and item (1) to the total excess contributions of all eligible counties remaining after all allocations under subsection (A) and item (1) have been made. Under no circumstances can an allocation under this item result in an eligible county receiving total allocations in excess of what the county contributed to the "C" fund.
(I)(1) In expending funds pursuant to this section, counties that administer their own "C" funds shall use a procurement system that requires competitive sealed bids, no bid preferences not required by state or federal law, and public advertisement of all projects. All bids for contracts in excess of one hundred thousand dollars must be accompanied by certified bid bonds, and all work awarded under the contracts must be covered by performance and payment bonds for one hundred percent of the contract value. Bid summaries must be published in a newspaper of general distribution following each award.
(2) The requirement of a bond for bid security or a bond for payment and performance may not include the requirement that the surety bond be furnished by a particular surety company or through a particular agent or broker.
(J) State highway bonds may be issued for the completion of projects for which "C" funds may be expended for projects as determined by the county transportation committee. The applicable source for payment of principal and interest on the bonds is the share of "C" fund revenues available for use by the county transportation committee. The application for the bonds must be filed by the county transportation committee with the Commission of the Department of Transportation and the State Treasurer, which shall forward the application to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority. The State Fiscal Accountability Authority shall consider the application in the same manner that it considers state highway bonds, mutatis mutandis.
(K) Members of the committee are insulated from all personal liability arising out of matters related directly to and within the scope of the performance of official duties and functions conferred upon the committee pursuant to this section.
(L) In Berkeley County, appointments made pursuant to this section are governed by the provisions of Act 159 of 1995.
(M) In Dorchester County, appointments made pursuant to this section are governed by the provisions of Act 512 of 1996. In addition to the members and appointment procedures of the Dorchester County Transportation Committee as provided by this section and subsection, two additional members of the county transportation committee must be appointed from that portion of the Town of Summerville in Dorchester County and that portion of the City of North Charleston in Dorchester County. These members must be residents of the designated municipalities and of the county, and notwithstanding another provision of this subsection, must be appointed by the governing body of the respective municipality.
(N) In Georgetown County, appointments made pursuant to this section are governed by the provisions of Act 515 of 1996 and Section 2, Act 141 of 2001.
(O) Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the legislative delegation of a county may by delegation resolution abolish the county transportation committee and devolve its powers and duties on the governing body of the county. This devolution may be reversed and the county transportation committee reestablished by a subsequent delegation resolution. The exercise of county transportation committee powers and duties by a county governing body is not deemed to constitute dual office holding.
(P) The Department of Transportation shall perform reviews to ensure compliance with subsections (C), (D), (F), and (I). A county failing to comply with these subsections must have all subsequent "C" fund allocations withheld until the requirements of those subsections are met. If a county fails to comply with those subsections within twenty-four months, the county forfeits fifty percent of its allocations for the following year and the forfeited amount must be divided among the other counties as provided in subsection (A).
(Q) A county subject to a proposed withholding or forfeiture of "C" fund allocations pursuant to this section must be notified in writing of the department's decision. The county, within sixty days of receipt of notice of the decision, may request a review of the decision by a panel consisting of the state highway engineer or his designee, the chairman of the affected county's transportation committee or his designee, and a third person named by mutual agreement between the state highway engineer and the county transportation committee chairman. The panel shall meet and render a decision within ninety days of the request by the county transportation committee. The decision of the panel may be appealed by requesting a contested case hearing before the Administrative Law Court pursuant to Section 1-23-600 and the rules of procedure for the Administrative Law Court. The request for a hearing must be made within thirty days of receipt of the panel's decision.
(R) The legislative delegation of the county, by resolution, may rename the county transportation committee established by this section as the (insert name of county) Legislative Delegation transportation committee. Upon the adoption of such a resolution, all references in this section and any other provisions of law to the county transportation committee, for purposes of that county, are deemed references to that county's legislative delegation transportation committee.
(S) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (A), on July 1, 2018, and each July first thereafter until after July 1, 2021, the amount of proceeds of the user fee on gasoline only as levied for in this chapter that must be deposited with the State Treasurer and expended for the purposes of this section must be increased by .3325 cents a gallon, until such time as the total amount equals three and ninety-nine one-hundredths cents a gallon. Any increase in proceeds resulting from the provisions of this subsection must be used exclusively for repairs, maintenance, and improvements to the state highway system.
HISTORY: 1995 Act No. 136, Section 2; 1997 Act No. 117, Section 1; 1997 Act No. 155, Part II, Section 50A; 1997 Act No. 155, Part II, Section 51A; 2002 Act No. 253, Section 4, eff May 14, 2002; 2002 Act No. 293, Section 1, eff June 3, 2002; 2004 Act No. 215, Section 1, eff April 27, 2004; 2017 Act No. 40 (H.3516), Sections 11, 13, eff July 1, 2017; 2020 Act No. 162 (H.5030), Section 1, eff September 28, 2020.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, references in this section to the offices of the former State Budget and Control Board, Office of the Governor, or other agencies, were changed to reflect the transfer of them to the Department of Administration or other entities, pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), effective July 1, 2015.
Editor's Note
By a Ordinance No. 96-5-15, dated October 2, 1996, the Berkeley County Council has notified the Code Commissioner that it accepts the responsibility and authority for making the appointments provided in Act 159 of 1995 which were formerly made by the Berkeley County Legislative Delegation pursuant to the authority of this section.
By Resolution 96-07, dated July 15, 1996, the Dorchester County Council has notified the Code Commissioner that it accepts the responsibility and authority for making the appointments provided in Act 512 of 1996 which were formerly made by the Dorchester County Legislative Delegation pursuant to the authority of this section.
By a resolution dated August 13, 1996, the Georgetown County Council has notified the Code Commissioner that it accepts the responsibility and authority for making the appointments provided in Act 515 of 1996 which were formerly made by the Georgetown County Legislative Delegation pursuant to the authority of this section.
2002 Act No. 253, Section 7, provides as follows:
"This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies to all subject contracts entered into after that date."
2003 Act No. 69, Section 3.BBB directed the Code Commissioner to substitute "user fee" for "tax" and "motor fuel subject to the user fee" for "taxable motor fuel" wherever appearing in Title 12, Chapter 28.
Effect of Amendment
2017 Act No. 40, Section 11, in (H), inserted the paragraph identifiers; in (H)(1), deleted "from the state highway fund" following "shall transfer"; and added (H)(2), relating to the distribution of the motor fuel user fee to counties and allowing for certain additional allocations.
2017 Act No. 40, Section 13, added (S), relating to increasing the amount of proceeds of the user fee on gasoline.
2020 Act No. 162, Section 1, in (M), added the second and third sentences, providing for the appointment of additional members of the Dorchester County Transportation Committee and the manner of their selection.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 12 - Taxation

Chapter 28 - Motor Fuels Subject To User Fees

Section 12-28-110. Definitions.

Section 12-28-120. Clarifying certain references to the term gallon.

Section 12-28-310. User fees on gasoline and diesel fuel.

Section 12-28-320. Presumption that fuel delivered to motor vehicle fuel supply tank is used in this State.

Section 12-28-330. Presumption that fuel from terminal in State, imported, or delivered into end user's storage tank is used in State.

Section 12-28-340. Petroleum product and ethanol blenders requirements imposed on terminal; blender of record; Renewable Identification Number trading system.

Section 12-28-350. Motor fuel taxes or user fees; boundary clarification.

Section 12-28-510. User fee on motor fuel measured by invoiced gallons.

Section 12-28-520. Measurement of user fees on motor fuel; user fee complemented by user fees measured annually at each terminal.

Section 12-28-530. Repealed.

Section 12-28-710. Exemption from the user fee on motor fuel.

Section 12-28-720. Perfection of exemption for imports.

Section 12-28-730. Exempt use of K-1 kerosene.

Section 12-28-740. Perfection of exemption for federal government, agencies, instrumentalities, and reservations, and state-owned buses and vehicles used in an educational program.

Section 12-28-750. Perfection by refund claim filed by end user for fuel used to operate machinery.

Section 12-28-760. No user fee on motor fuel carried into State, retained in vehicle and consumed by an end user.

Section 12-28-770. Refund upon application after contamination or loss of motor fuel.

Section 12-28-780. Refund of motor fuel user fees erroneously paid.

Section 12-28-785. Perfection of exemptions not covered under Sections 12-28-720 through 12-28-780.

Section 12-28-790. Refunds claims.

Section 12-28-795. Interest on refund.

Section 12-28-905. Time for payment of motor fuel user fees imported from another state.

Section 12-28-910. Blanket election to treat all removals from out-of-state terminals as if from in-state terminals; notice of election.

Section 12-28-915. User fees collected and remitted by supplier; due date; late user fees.

Section 12-28-920. Liability of terminal operator for motor fuel user fee; payment.

Section 12-28-925. Collection of motor fuel user fees from purchaser; election to defer user fee payment.

Section 12-28-930. Qualifications of purchasers for election under Section 12-28-930; bond.

Section 12-28-935. Rescission of purchaser's eligibility and election to defer payment of user fees.

Section 12-28-940. Computing amount of motor fuel user fees due.

Section 12-28-945. Licensed tank wagon operator-importer; payment of user fees.

Section 12-28-950. Payment of user fees by electronic fund transfer.

Section 12-28-955. Supplier may retain one-tenth percent of user fee to cover cost of administration.

Section 12-28-960. Tare allowance allowed to eligible purchaser, licensee importer, and supplier.

Section 12-28-965. User fees collected on motor fuel belongs to State and is held in trust by collector; personal liability for user fee, penalty and interest.

Section 12-28-970. Backup user fee equal to the user fee imposed.

Section 12-28-975. Diversion of motor fuel subject to the user fee.

Section 12-28-980. Final reports accompanied by payment; election to pay in installments.

Section 12-28-985. Floorstocks user fee report; accompanied by payment.

Section 12-28-990. Payment of user fees by persons blending materials or manufacturing or otherwise producing substitute fuel or certain diesel fuel; licensing.

Section 12-28-995. Payment of user fees on fuel imported in tank wagon if destination does not exceed twenty-five miles from border of this State.

Section 12-28-1100. Supplier's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1105. Permissive supplier's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1110. Terminal operator's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1115. Exporter's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1120. Transporter's license; fee.

Section 12-28-1125. Occasional importer's license or a bonded importer's license; fees.

Section 12-28-1130. Tank wagon operator-importer license; fee.

Section 12-28-1135. Fuel vendor license; fee.

Section 12-28-1139. Miscellaneous fuel user fee license; fee.

Section 12-28-1140. Application for a license.

Section 12-28-1145. Investigation of applicant for a license.

Section 12-28-1150. Fingerprinting provisions; exemptions.

Section 12-28-1155. Application must be filed with surety bond or cash deposit.

Section 12-28-1160. Applicant may be required to furnish current verified, financial statements.

Section 12-28-1165. Licensee to file a new bond or additional deposit when required.

Section 12-28-1170. Time for securing new bond or additional deposit; cancellation of license for unsatisfactory new bond or cash deposit.

Section 12-28-1175. Written request for release by surety; time limitations; request by licensee for release of bond or security after three years.

Section 12-28-1180. Notice of proposed denial of application; hearing; notice of suspension or revocation of license; hearing.

Section 12-28-1185. Issuance of license.

Section 12-28-1190. Validity of license.

Section 12-28-1195. License is nontransferable.

Section 12-28-1196. License must be displayed at place of business.

Section 12-28-1197. Surrender of license upon discontinuance of business.

Section 12-28-1199. Notice that licensee has discontinued, sold, or transferred business.

Section 12-28-1300. Verified statement by supplier; reporting of information.

Section 12-28-1305. Licensed occasional importer must file monthly a verified sworn statement of operations.

Section 12-28-1310. Licensed bonded importer must file monthly verified sworn statement of operations.

Section 12-28-1320. Licensed tank importer must file monthly verified sworn statement of operations.

Section 12-28-1330. Terminal operator must file monthly sworn statement of operations; annual report.

Section 12-28-1340. Terminal reports regarding source state; similar data from federal terminal report or source state.

Section 12-28-1350. Final report and payment by licensee.

Section 12-28-1360. Persons licensed as exporter must file monthly reports.

Section 12-28-1370. Licensed transporter to file monthly reports.

Section 12-28-1380. Persons purchasing gallons user fee-exempt for resale to government entities must file report.

Section 12-28-1390. Fuel vendor's reports.

Section 12-28-1395. Miscellaneous fuel user fee licensee's statement.

Section 12-28-1400. Use of information in tracking petroleum products; reporting requirements; penalties.

Section 12-28-1500. Automated machine-printed shipping documents; manually prepared documents in certain circumstances; exemptions.

Section 12-28-1505. Requirements relating to shipping documents.

Section 12-28-1510. Terminal-issued shipping document provided on delivery of shipment.

Section 12-28-1515. Inspection and retention of terminal-issued shipping document by receiver of motor fuel subject to the user fee.

Section 12-28-1520. Acceptance of delivery without proper shipping paper prohibited.

Section 12-28-1525. Relief in case of improperly completed shipping paper; notification of diversion or correction; verification number.

Section 12-28-1530. Reliance on representations regarding destination, user fee-exempt use or supplier's obligation to collect user fees.

Section 12-28-1535. Unlawful sale, use, deliver, or storage of motor fuel subject to the user fee prohibited; exceptions.

Section 12-28-1540. Required notations on terminal-issued shipping paper; exceptions.

Section 12-28-1545. Requirements for licensed importer regarding fuel which has not been dyed, nor user fees paid or accrued by supplier.

Section 12-28-1550. Requirements for exporting fuel.

Section 12-28-1555. Use of dyed fuel prohibited; exceptions; penalties.

Section 12-28-1560. Doing business without license; penalties.

Section 12-28-1565. Fuel must meet ASTM standards.

Section 12-28-1570. False statement on shipping paper regarding liability for user fees; penalties.

Section 12-28-1575. Notice regarding dyed diesel fuel.

Section 12-28-1580. Dyed diesel fuel notice required on shipping papers, bills of lading and invoices.

Section 12-28-1585. Metering device required for fuel dispenser accessible by public; tampering prohibited.

Section 12-28-1590. Tamper-resistant shipping papers required.

Section 12-28-1592. Tank wagons must have IFTA registration; exception.

Section 12-28-1595. Unauthorized sale or use of dyed diesel fuel prohibited.

Section 12-28-1597. Alteration of dye or marker in dyed diesel fuel prohibited.

Section 12-28-1710. Business entities and participating officers, employees, and agents liable for violations of Sections 12-28-1595 and 12-28-1597.

Section 12-28-1720. Liability for uncollected and unpaid user fees; penalties.

Section 12-28-1730. Penalties.

Section 12-28-1740. Impoundment, seizure, sale and forfeiture of vehicle and cargo for violation of shipping paper requirements.

Section 12-28-1910. Inspection of fuel and shipping papers.

Section 12-28-1920. Operation of permanent or portable weigh stations.

Section 12-28-1930. Audits; transportation sampling audits; inspection of shipping papers.

Section 12-28-1940. Penalties for refusing audit or inspection.

Section 12-28-2110. Collection of user fees for fuels consumed by government diesel and other federally exempt vehicles.

Section 12-28-2310. Definitions.

Section 12-28-2315. Analysts, chemists, and inspectors appointed.

Section 12-28-2320. Inspector interested in manufacture or vending of gasoline, illuminating or heating oil.

Section 12-28-2325. Law enforcement assistance.

Section 12-28-2330. Filing of statement for intent to sell petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2335. Notice of shipment of petroleum products into State.

Section 12-28-2340. Standards for petroleum products; testing.

Section 12-28-2345. Records of receipt and shipment of petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2350. Inspection of records pertaining to petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2355. Inspection and environmental impact fee charged on petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2360. Refund of inspection fee on petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2365. Remittance of fees on petroleum products.

Section 12-28-2370. Department to promulgate regulations.

Section 12-28-2375. Retail dealers of petroleum products exempt; exception.

Section 12-28-2380. Motor fuel use to which article applies.

Section 12-28-2385. Exports of petroleum products exempt from inspection fee.

Section 12-28-2520. Motor fuel licensee bond exemption based on statement of assets and liabilities.

Section 12-28-2710. Funds collected deposited to credit of State Treasurer.

Section 12-28-2720. Distribution of gasoline user fee to Department of Transportation and general fund.

Section 12-28-2725. Apportionment to department of mass transit; audit.

Section 12-28-2730. Distribution of gasoline user fee to Department of Natural Resources; water recreational resources fund; creation.

Section 12-28-2740. Distribution of gasoline user fee among counties; requirements for expenditure of funds; county transportation committees.

Section 12-28-2750. Distribution of remainder of gasoline and fuel user fees to State Highway Fund.

Section 12-28-2910. South Carolina Coordinating Council for Economic Development; establishing project priorities; disposition of payments.

Section 12-28-2915. Disposition of taxes collected.

Section 12-28-2920. Construction of toll roads.

Section 12-28-2930. Allocation of state source highway funds for construction and renovation projects to firms owned and controlled by disadvantaged ethnic minorities or women.

Section 12-28-2940. Exemption from appraisal provisions.