All machines, location controllers, and the central computer monitoring system selected by the department must perform correctly before, during, and after the year 2000, with no error in functioning or data caused by failure to correctly interpret and utilize data contained within date fields within the system.
HISTORY: 1999 Act No. 125, Section 10.
Editor's Note
See Editor's Note at the beginning of this Chapter.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 22 - Coin-operated Machines And Other Devices
Section 12-22-10. Definitions.
Section 12-22-730. Regulations.
Section 12-22-740. Machines prohibited at casinos.
Section 12-22-910. Machine license required.
Section 12-22-920. Types of machines and equipment permitted.
Section 12-22-930. Requirements for machine licensure.
Section 12-22-940. Location controllers and modems.
Section 12-22-950. Standards for machines and related equipment.
Section 12-22-960. Burden of proof.
Section 12-22-970. Notice to department prior to certain changes in machines.
Section 12-22-980. Notice to department prior to certain changes in location controllers.
Section 12-22-990. Machines to be disabled if location controller not polled for a specified period.
Section 12-22-1000. VGMID required.
Section 12-22-1010. Records required for each machine.
Section 12-22-1040. Simulation of bingo or slot machines prohibited.
Section 12-22-1050. Printing of tickets.
Section 12-22-1060. Machines and related equipment must be Year 2000 compliant.
Section 12-22-1070. Department to disable machines under specified circumstances.