[Only subsections (19) and (22) of this section, as found in 1999, Act No. 125, Section 10, took effect June 1, 1999. See Editor's Note at the beginning of this chapter.]
(19) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, entity, or organization of any type.
(22)(a) "Principal" means:
(i) every person;
(ii) an association;
(iii) all partners of a partnership, limited partnership, or limited liability partnership;
(iv) all members of a limited liability company, or if the company is a manager-managed company, all members and managers;
(v) trust and its beneficiaries;
(vi) corporation, its directors, officers, and stockholders with a ten percent or more direct or beneficial interest or any person or entity that receives more than ten percent of the net income; or
(vii) an employee who has day-to-day operational management responsibilities for the business or entity; which has or will have a direct or indirect ownership interest in a machine or machines, a manufacturer, a machine owner, distributor, a machine operator or the establishment for which the applicant seeks a new or renewal license.
(b) "Indirect ownership interest" includes, but is not limited to, a loan or extension of credit or forgiving of a loan of ten thousand dollars or more, made to or for the benefit of an applicant or licensee. Indirect ownership interest' does not include a loan or extension of credit made by a state or federally chartered financial institution or a restricted or supervised lender licensed under South Carolina law. Multiple loans of less than ten thousand dollars may not be used to evade the requirements of this chapter and such activity is grounds for revocation of any and all licenses issued pursuant to Section 12-22-320 held by the applicant.
(c) If a corporation is a member of a controlled group of corporations, as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1563, or a member of an affiliated group of corporations, as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1504, and at least one member of the group of corporations is a publicly-held corporation, then only the corporation which engages in the business or activity required to be licensed pursuant to this chapter is considered a principal for purposes of this chapter, along with its directors, officers, and stockholders as described in subitem (a)(vi).
(d) For purposes of item (c) of this subsection, "publicly held corporation" means a corporation:
(i) whose shares are traded on a national exchange; and
(ii) whose total assets at the end of the corporation's most recent fiscal quarter exceeded one billion dollars.
HISTORY: 1999 Act No. 125, Section 10.
Editor's Note
See Editor's Note at the beginning of this Chapter, relating to repeal by necessary implication, effective July 1, 2000.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 22 - Coin-operated Machines And Other Devices
Section 12-22-10. Definitions.
Section 12-22-730. Regulations.
Section 12-22-740. Machines prohibited at casinos.
Section 12-22-910. Machine license required.
Section 12-22-920. Types of machines and equipment permitted.
Section 12-22-930. Requirements for machine licensure.
Section 12-22-940. Location controllers and modems.
Section 12-22-950. Standards for machines and related equipment.
Section 12-22-960. Burden of proof.
Section 12-22-970. Notice to department prior to certain changes in machines.
Section 12-22-980. Notice to department prior to certain changes in location controllers.
Section 12-22-990. Machines to be disabled if location controller not polled for a specified period.
Section 12-22-1000. VGMID required.
Section 12-22-1010. Records required for each machine.
Section 12-22-1040. Simulation of bingo or slot machines prohibited.
Section 12-22-1050. Printing of tickets.
Section 12-22-1060. Machines and related equipment must be Year 2000 compliant.
Section 12-22-1070. Department to disable machines under specified circumstances.