The Treasurer shall, before entering on the duties of his office, give bond with two or more good and sufficient sureties approved by the Governor, with a condition for the faithful discharge of his duties and in the penal sum of ninety thousand dollars.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-842; 1952 Code Section 1-842; 1942 Code Section 3160; 1932 Code Section 3160; Civ. C. '22 Section 855; Civ. C. '12 Section 771; Civ. C. '02 Section 697; G. S. 556; R. S. 614; 1865 (13) 350.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 11-5-10. Salary and personnel.
Section 11-5-50. Duties as to defaulting county treasurers; warrants for arrest.
Section 11-5-60. County treasurer to be charged interest for refusal or neglecting to pay taxes.
Section 11-5-70. Report of names of defaulting county treasurers.
Section 11-5-80. Proceedings against defaulting treasurers.
Section 11-5-100. Account in books for appropriations.
Section 11-5-120. Publication of quarterly statements.
Section 11-5-130. Payment of appropriations to state institutions.
Section 11-5-140. Payment of appropriations to meet ordinary expenses.
Section 11-5-150. Monies appropriated for erection of state college buildings.
Section 11-5-160. Payment of appropriations when no direction is given.
Section 11-5-170. State Treasurer to send daily reports to Comptroller General.
Section 11-5-180. Monthly reports to Comptroller General of cash transactions.
Section 11-5-185. Treasurer's annual report to the General Assembly.
Section 11-5-190. Fund for insurance and postage on securities in transit.
Section 11-5-200. Payroll payments by Electronic Funds Transfer System.
Section 11-5-220. Report required after sale of bonds or notes.
Section 11-5-240. Data to be furnished to rating services.
Section 11-5-245. State Treasurer reports to boards of trustees of institutions of higher learning.
Section 11-5-280. Acceptance of credit cards by state agencies.
Section 11-5-400. Palmetto ABLE Savings Program created.
Section 11-5-410. Definitions.
Section 11-5-420. Administration of program.
Section 11-5-430. Program managers; management contracts; exchange of data authorized.
Section 11-5-450. Accounts not guaranteed by the State; rules and regulations.