If it be held that the application of this chapter to the refunding of general obligation bonds is invalid, such holding shall not disturb the right of governing boards to effect advanced refundings of bonds payable from the revenues of any revenue-producing project.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-638; 1965 (54) 551.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Advanced Refunding Of Bonds Of Public Agencies
Section 11-21-10. Definitions.
Section 11-21-20. Issuance of advanced refunding bonds authorized; purpose; amount.
Section 11-21-30. Time of issuance.
Section 11-21-40. Findings to be made by governing board.
Section 11-21-50. Optional redemption; agreement as to use of proceeds; notice.
Section 11-21-60. Disposition of proceeds of refunding bonds.