South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Advanced Refunding Of Bonds Of Public Agencies
Section 11-21-20. Issuance of advanced refunding bonds authorized; purpose; amount.

Any public agency may utilize the provisions of either Article 5, Chapter 15, Title 11 (the Refunding Act) or Chapter 17, Title 6 (the Revenue Bond Refinancing Act) as herein amplified, to effect the refunding of any of its outstanding bonds and the provisions of this chapter shall extend to and are hereby made available to the governing boards of all public agencies in order to refund outstanding bonds. If and when the authorizations of this chapter are utilized, the provisions of this chapter shall control in the event of conflict between this chapter and any provision in either the Refunding Act or the Revenue Bond Refinancing Act. To the extent that they may be required in order to effect an advanced refunding, refunding bonds may be issued in such amounts as shall be required to provide for the payment of (a) all outstanding bonds maturing subsequent to the date as of which refunding bonds shall be issued and (b) such further amount as shall be required to effect the payment of any redemption premium of the outstanding bonds, the amount required to fund interest on the outstanding bonds to the date fixed for redemption in the plan of advancing refunding, if the funding of interest on the outstanding bonds shall prove necessary, and any deposits required in connection with the refunding bonds and expenses incurred by the governing board in connection with the issuance of refunding bonds. Provided, if any governing board shall find it necessary to effect improvements at the same time as it shall undertake an advanced refunding with refunding bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 17, Title 6 and this chapter, refunding bonds in addition to those otherwise required may be issued to such extent as may be necessary to meet the costs of such improvements.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-632; 1965 (54) 551; 1981 Act No. 50, Section 2.