South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 18 - South Carolina Volume Cap Allocation Act
Section 11-18-60. Local Government suballocation of Volume Cap.

Local Governments allocated Volume Cap pursuant to this chapter may, by order or resolution of its governing body, suballocate such allocation to any other eligible issuers authorized to issue ARRA Bonds or Other Federal Bonds pursuant to the Code or any related pronouncements made by the Internal Revenue Service or the United States Treasury Department. Each Local Government that suballocates Volume Cap shall attach a copy of the order, ordinance, or resolution authorizing the suballocation to its notice of intent to use Volume Cap required by Section 11-18-40. Local Governments shall be authorized to take any other action required by the Code or related pronouncements made by the Internal Revenue Service or the Treasury Department to issue ARRA Bonds or Other Federal Bonds.
HISTORY: 2010 Act No. 290, Section 15.A, eff June 23, 2010.