South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 18 - South Carolina Volume Cap Allocation Act
Section 11-18-50. Board to develop application form for reallocation of any waived Volume Cap allocation; factors for reallocation.

(A) Within thirty days of the effective date of this chapter, the board shall develop a form for use by any eligible issuer in applying for reallocation of any waived Volume Cap allocation. Applications for reallocation may be accepted by the board at times prescribed by the board. The board may make reallocations as soon as it determines that there is an actual or deemed waiver of any Volume Cap allocation.
(B) In making reallocations, the board may consider the following factors:
(1) the likelihood of successful completion of such financing;
(2) the number of jobs to be created or preserved and the wages for such jobs;
(3) relative economic need and benefit to the applicant and any other entity benefiting from the proposed issue; and
(4) the overall best interest of the State and the people of the State.
(C) Upon making any reallocation, the board shall provide written notice of the reallocation of Volume Cap to the eligible issuer by United States registered or certified mail.
HISTORY: 2010 Act No. 290, Section 15.A, eff June 23, 2010.