The State Treasurer shall designate a form of deposit slip to be used by each department and institution in making deposits, and each department and institution shall provide a sufficient amount of such deposit slips for its use and strictly adhere to the systems prescribed by the State Treasurer in the handling of state funds.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-752; 1952 Code Section 1-752; 1942 Code Section 3188; 1932 Code Section 3188; Civ. C. '22 Sections 882, 883, 884; 1921 (32) 114; 1930 (36) 1361.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 13 - Deposit Of State Funds
Section 11-13-10. Vault for State Treasurer.
Section 11-13-20. Deposit of state funds in banks or trust companies.
Section 11-13-30. Only State Treasurer may invest and deposit funds.
Section 11-13-40. General deposit account.
Section 11-13-45. Deposit and handling of federal funds; donations from other sources.
Section 11-13-60. Security for state funds deposited in excess of FDIC coverage.
Section 11-13-70. Reports from depositories to Treasurer.
Section 11-13-80. Depositories to report deposits monthly to Comptroller General.
Section 11-13-90. Failure of depository to report.
Section 11-13-100. Intermingling official funds with private funds prohibited.
Section 11-13-120. Manner of depositing state funds; exception for county treasurers.
Section 11-13-130. Deposit slips.
Section 11-13-140. State Treasury deemed bank for federal purposes.