It shall be unlawful for any state official to deposit public or trust funds with individual or private funds in any bank or other depository in this State, and for any such officer to withdraw any such public or trust funds or any part thereof, for any purpose other than that for which it was received and deposited. Any state official violating this provision of law shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the court and in addition shall be subject to removal from office for malfeasance in office. This section is intended to require all state officers to carry a state fund not required to be deposited by them in the State Treasury under the provisions of Section 11-13-110 in a separate account to be known as public or trust funds without allowing any private funds to be deposited with such public or trust funds.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-749; 1952 Code Section 1-749; 1942 Code Section 3184; 1932 Code Section 3184; 1930 (36) 1250.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 13 - Deposit Of State Funds
Section 11-13-10. Vault for State Treasurer.
Section 11-13-20. Deposit of state funds in banks or trust companies.
Section 11-13-30. Only State Treasurer may invest and deposit funds.
Section 11-13-40. General deposit account.
Section 11-13-45. Deposit and handling of federal funds; donations from other sources.
Section 11-13-60. Security for state funds deposited in excess of FDIC coverage.
Section 11-13-70. Reports from depositories to Treasurer.
Section 11-13-80. Depositories to report deposits monthly to Comptroller General.
Section 11-13-90. Failure of depository to report.
Section 11-13-100. Intermingling official funds with private funds prohibited.
Section 11-13-120. Manner of depositing state funds; exception for county treasurers.
Section 11-13-130. Deposit slips.
Section 11-13-140. State Treasury deemed bank for federal purposes.