South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - State Budget System
Section 11-11-170. Use of revenues payable pursuant to Master Settlement Agreement.

(A) All revenues payable to this State pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement as described in Section 11-47-20(e) must be used in the manner specified in this section.
(B)(1) Seventy-three percent of the revenues must be used for healthcare programs. These revenues, or the funds obtained pursuant to Chapter 49, Title 11, must be deposited in a fund separate and distinct from the general fund and all other funds, which is hereby established in the State Treasury styled the Healthcare Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund. Earnings on this fund must be credited to the fund. The principal must remain in the fund and only the interest earnings may be appropriated and used for the following purposes:
(a) for fiscal year 2000-2001 only, the first twenty million dollars available from the principal derived from securitization must be used for hospital base increase;
(b) the South Carolina Seniors' Prescription Drug Program, as provided in Chapter 130, Title 44;
(c) home and community-based programs for seniors coordinated by the Department of Health and Human Services;
(d) youth smoking cessation and prevention programs coordinated by the Department of Health and Environmental Control and the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services;
(e) newborn infants hearing screening initiatives coordinated by the Department of Health and Environmental Control;
(f) disease prevention and elimination of health disparities: diabetes, HIV/AIDS, hypertension, and stroke, particularly in minority populations;
(g) other health related issues as determined by the General Assembly.
(2) Fifteen percent of the revenues, or the funds obtained pursuant to Chapter 49, Title 11, must be deposited in a fund separate and distinct from the general fund and all other funds, which is hereby established in the State Treasury styled the Tobacco Community Trust Fund. Earnings on the fund must be credited to the fund. This fund must be used to reimburse:
(a) tobacco growers, tobacco quota holders, and tobacco warehousemen for actual losses due to reduced quotas since 1998. For purposes of this subitem, "tobacco quota owner" and "tobacco grower" have the meaning provided in Section 46-30-210, and the reimbursement is for losses incurred in reduced cultivation of tobacco in this State. Reimbursements must be made pursuant to eligibility requirements established by the South Carolina Tobacco Community Development Board created pursuant to Section 46-30-230;
(b) after the reimbursement provided pursuant to subitem (a), the balance must be held in an escrow account through June 30, 2012, and used as provided in subitem (a). After June 30, 2012, any account balance must be transferred to the Healthcare Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
(3) Ten percent of the revenues, or the funds obtained pursuant to Chapter 49, Title 11, must be deposited in a fund separate and distinct from the general fund and all other funds, which is hereby established in the State Treasury styled the Tobacco Settlement Economic Development Fund. Earnings on the fund must be credited to the fund. This fund must be used for the following programs:
(a) the first eighty million dollars credited to the fund is set aside to be used for the purposes specified in this item except for subitem (b);
(b) for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 only, the next ten million dollars credited to the fund must be set aside to be available to be appropriated and used in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-37-2735; and
(c) the remaining revenue credited to the fund must be used to fund the South Carolina Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Fund as provided in Section 13-1-45.
(4) Two percent of the revenues, or the funds obtained pursuant to Chapter 49, Title 11, must be deposited in a fund separate and distinct from the general fund and all other funds, which is hereby established in the State Treasury styled the Tobacco Settlement Local Government Fund. Earnings on the fund must be credited to the fund. This fund must be used to fund the operation of and grants distributed by the Office of Local Government of the Division of Regional Development of the Rural Infrastructure Authority, or its successor in interest.
(C) In addition to those investments allowed pursuant to Section 11-9-660, the State Treasurer may invest and reinvest the revenues payable to the State pursuant to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement or funds raised pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 49 of this title and credited to the funds established by this section in any obligations of a corporation, state, or political subdivision denominated in United States dollars if the obligations bear an investment grade rating of at least two nationally recognized rating services.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 387, Part II, Section 69B; 2001 Act No. 7, Section 1.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, references in this section to the offices of the former State Budget and Control Board, Office of the Governor, or other agencies, were changed to reflect the transfer of them to the Department of Administration or other entities, pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), effective July 1, 2015.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 11 - Public Finance

Chapter 11 - State Budget System

Section 11-11-10. Duties of Executive Budget Office and Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, and Department of Revenue.

Section 11-11-15. Budget functions devolved on Governor; Budget Office to assist.

Section 11-11-20. Information to be secured by Governor.

Section 11-11-30. Annual estimates.

Section 11-11-40. Annual statements from Comptroller General.

Section 11-11-50. Comptroller General shall furnish annual estimate of needs of State.

Section 11-11-70. Budgets submitted to General Assembly.

Section 11-11-80. Statements, balance sheet, and general survey to accompany budget.

Section 11-11-90. Repealed.

Section 11-11-100. General Assembly may amend budget bill.

Section 11-11-110. Expenses of certain committee chairmen of the General Assembly.

Section 11-11-140. Limits on appropriation of surplus general fund revenues; revenue derived from change in accounting method.

Section 11-11-150. Estimated income tax revenues; deductions in calculations; Trust Fund for Tax Relief; appropriation of funds.

Section 11-11-155. Homestead Exemption Fund established.

Section 11-11-156. Reimbursement of school districts from Homestead Exemption Fund.

Section 11-11-157. Reallocation of local option sales tax.

Section 11-11-160. Transfers of appropriations; reduction of authorized spending when receipts less than estimated.

Section 11-11-170. Use of revenues payable pursuant to Master Settlement Agreement.

Section 11-11-180. Declaration of operating deficit; meeting to address deficit; borrowing of surpluses authorized.

Section 11-11-190. Transfer of funds to offset deficits.

Section 11-11-220. Contingency Reserve Fund established.

Section 11-11-230. Creation of Smoking Prevention and Cessation Trust Fund and South Carolina Medicaid Reserve Fund.

Section 11-11-240. Safety Maintenance Account.

Section 11-11-310. General Reserve Fund; deficit.

Section 11-11-310. General Reserve Fund; deficit.

Section 11-11-320. Capital Reserve Fund.

Section 11-11-320. Capital Reserve Fund.

Section 11-11-325. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 152, Section 2.B., eff May 8, 2012.

Section 11-11-325. Capital Reserve Fund must be reduced prior to midyear budget reductions.

Section 11-11-330. Trust Fund for Tax Relief; use of funds.

Section 11-11-335. Availability of funds and revenues.

Section 11-11-340. State Institution Bonds and State Highway Bonds Debt Service Fund; credit of funds.

Section 11-11-345. Suspension of appropriations; negative GAAP Fund balance defined.

Section 11-11-350. Estimates of planned general fund expenditures.

Section 11-11-410. Appropriations subject to spending limitation; financial emergency; surplus funds.

Section 11-11-420. Limitation on permanent state positions; emergency suspension.

Section 11-11-430. State bonds.

Section 11-11-440. Limitation on tax increases and new taxes.