Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 5-19.1 - Pharmacies
Section 5-19.1-33. - Partial fill of Schedule II controlled substance.

§ 5-19.1-33. Partial fill of Schedule II controlled substance.
(a) A pharmacist may dispense a Schedule II controlled substance, as listed in § 21-28-2.08, as a partial fill if requested by the patient or the prescriber.
(b) If a pharmacist dispenses a partial fill on a prescription pursuant to this section, the pharmacy shall retain the original prescription, with a notation of how much of the prescription has been filled, until the prescription has been fully dispensed. The total quantity dispensed shall not exceed the total quantity prescribed.
(c) Subsequent fills, until the original prescription is completely dispensed, shall occur at the pharmacy where the original prescription was partially filled. The full prescription shall be dispensed not more than thirty (30) days after the date on which the prescription was written. Thirty-one (31) days after the date on which the prescription was written, the prescription shall expire and no more of the drug shall be dispensed without a subsequent prescription.
(d) The pharmacist shall record in the prescription-drug-monitoring program, maintained by the department of health pursuant to § 21-28-3.18, only the actual amounts of the drug dispensed.
(e) The pharmacist shall record the date and amount of each partial fill in a readily retrievable form and on the original prescription, and shall include the initials of the pharmacist who dispensed each partial fill.
(f) This section is not intended to conflict with or supersede any other requirement established for the prescription of a Schedule II controlled substance.
(g) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(1) “Original prescription” means the prescription presented by the patient to the pharmacy or submitted electronically to the pharmacy.
(2) “Partial fill” means a part of a prescription filled that is of a quantity less than the entire prescription.
History of Section.P.L. 2018, ch. 150, § 1; P.L. 2018, ch. 254, § 1.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 5 - Businesses and Professions

Chapter 5-19.1 - Pharmacies

Section 5-19.1-1. - Introduction.

Section 5-19.1-2. - Definitions.

Section 5-19.1-3. - State board of pharmacy — Creation — Membership — Oath — Vacancies.

Section 5-19.1-4. - State board of pharmacy — Meetings — Quorum — Chairperson.

Section 5-19.1-5. - State board of pharmacy — Powers and duties.

Section 5-19.1-6. - Board of pharmacy — Inspectors and assistants.

Section 5-19.1-7. - Director of health — Powers and duties.

Section 5-19.1-8. - Licensing required.

Section 5-19.1-9. - Pharmacy license — Fee — Display — Declaration of ownership and location.

Section 5-19.1-10. - Restricted pharmacies — License.

Section 5-19.1-11. - Nonresident pharmacy — Fees — Display — Declaration of ownership and location.

Section 5-19.1-11.1. - Rules.

Section 5-19.1-12. - Manufacturer’s license — Fees — Display — Declaration of ownership and location.

Section 5-19.1-13. - Wholesaler’s license — Fees — Display — Declaration of ownership and location.

Section 5-19.1-14. - Licensing of pharmacists — Prerequisites — Examinations — Reciprocity — Fees — Renewal.

Section 5-19.1-15. - Pharmacy interns — License — Fees — Renewals.

Section 5-19.1-16. - Pharmacy technicians — License — Fees — Renewals.

Section 5-19.1-17. - Central database — Operation.

Section 5-19.1-18. - Necessity of prescription label.

Section 5-19.1-19. - Pharmacists — Substitution of drugs.

Section 5-19.1-19.1. - Pharmacists — Substitution of biological products.

Section 5-19.1-20. - License — Renewal — Fee display.

Section 5-19.1-21. - Refusal, suspension and revocation of licensees.

Section 5-19.1-22. - Authorized practices.

Section 5-19.1-23. - Unlawful practices.

Section 5-19.1-24. - Emergency prescription refill.

Section 5-19.1-25. - Immunity.

Section 5-19.1-26. - Refusal, suspension, and revocation of licenses — Appeal procedure.

Section 5-19.1-27. - Penalty for operating without license.

Section 5-19.1-28. - Severability.

Section 5-19.1-29. - Continuity of administration.

Section 5-19.1-30. - List of drugs to be posted — Display of current selling price required — Exception.

Section 5-19.1-31. - Administration of influenza immunizations to individuals between the ages of nine (9) years and eighteen (18) years, inclusive.

Section 5-19.1-32. - Limited-function tests.

Section 5-19.1-33. - Partial fill of Schedule II controlled substance.

Section 5-19.1-34. - Notice of warning regarding use of Schedule II controlled substances to be posted.

Section 5-19.1-35. - Audits.