Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 45-24 - Zoning Ordinances
Section 45-24-73. - Consistent statewide treatment of accessory dwelling units required.

§ 45-24-73. Consistent statewide treatment of accessory dwelling units required.
(a) Any municipality that chooses to permit accessory dwelling units (ADUs) within the municipality, shall not impose any excessive restrictions on accessory dwelling units (ADUs). More specifically, a municipality that permits ADUs shall not:
(1) Restrict tenants based on familial relationship or age unless such restriction is necessary to comply with the terms of the federal subsidy related to affordability;
(2) Charge unique or unreasonable application fees for the creation of an ADU;
(3) Require infrastructure improvements, including, but not limited to, separate water or sewer service lines or expanded septic system capacity; provided, however, municipalities may require modification required for compliance under state law or regulation;
(4) Discriminate against populations protected under state and federal fair housing laws;
(5) Impose unreasonable dimensional requirements on ADUs that effectively preclude their development or utilization;
(6) Require a larger minimum lot size for a property with an ADU over that required for a property without an ADU in the same zone;
(7) Require more than one parking space beyond what is already required for the primary use; or
(8) Limit ADUs to lots with preexisting homes; provided, a municipality shall allow ADUs as part of applications for new primary dwelling units or subdivisions.
(b) To further enable the use of ADUs and to remove barriers to utilization, municipalities may allow ADUs in primary or accessory structures that are lawfully established preexisting non-conforming through a special use permit and not require a variance, notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary that would require a variance.
(c) Private restrictions on ADUs imposed by condominium associations, homeowner associations, or similar residential property governing bodies, which conflict with the provisions of this section or the definition of an ADU as set forth in § 45-24-31, shall be void as against public policy. Provided, however, if ADUs are allowed by condominium association covenants, homeowner association covenants, or similar residential property governing bodies, they shall be deemed in compliance with this subsection.
(d) The development of ADUs shall not be restricted by any locally adopted ordinance or policy that places a limit or moratorium on the development of residential units in land zoned for residential use.
History of Section.P.L. 2022, ch. 437, § 2, effective June 30, 2022; P.L. 2022, ch. 440, § 2, effective June 30, 2022.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 45 - Towns and Cities

Chapter 45-24 - Zoning Ordinances

Section 45-24-1 - — 45-24-26. Repealed.

Section 45-24-27. - Title.

Section 45-24-28. - Continuation of ordinances — Supercession — Relation to other statutes.

Section 45-24-29. - Legislative findings and intent.

Section 45-24-30. - General purposes of zoning ordinances.

Section 45-24-31. - Definitions.

Section 45-24-32. - Contents of zoning ordinances.

Section 45-24-33. - Standard provisions.

Section 45-24-34. - General provisions — Purpose and consistency with comprehensive plan.

Section 45-24-35. - General provisions — Definitions.

Section 45-24-36. - General provisions — Division into districts.

Section 45-24-37. - General provisions — Permitted uses.

Section 45-24-38. - General provisions — Substandard lots of record.

Section 45-24-39. - General provisions — Nonconforming development.

Section 45-24-40. - General provisions — Alteration of nonconforming development.

Section 45-24-41. - General provisions — Variances.

Section 45-24-42. - General provisions — Special-use permits.

Section 45-24-43. - General provisions — Special conditions.

Section 45-24-44. - General provisions — Creation of vested rights.

Section 45-24-45. - General provisions — Publication and availability of zoning ordinances.

Section 45-24-46. - Special provisions — Modification.

Section 45-24-46.1. - Inclusionary zoning.

Section 45-24-46.2. - Special provisions — Transfer of development rights — North Kingstown.

Section 45-24-46.3. - Special provisions — Transfer of development rights — Exeter.

Section 45-24-46.4. - Special provisions — Unified development review.

Section 45-24-46.5. - Special provisions — Emergency declaration modifications.

Section 45-24-47. - Special provisions — Land development projects.

Section 45-24-48. - Special provisions — Preapplication conference.

Section 45-24-49. - Special provisions — Development plan review.

Section 45-24-50. - Adoption — Power of council to adopt — Consistency with comprehensive plan.

Section 45-24-51. - Adoption — Procedure for adoption or amendment.

Section 45-24-52. - Adoption — Review by planning board or commission.

Section 45-24-53. - Adoption — Notice and hearing requirements.

Section 45-24-54. - Administration — Administration and enforcement of zoning ordinance.

Section 45-24-55. - Administration — Maintenance of zoning ordinance.

Section 45-24-56. - Administration — Zoning board of review — Establishment and procedures. [Effective until January 1, 2023.]

Section 45-24-57. - Administration — Powers and duties of zoning board of review. [Effective until January 1, 2023.]

Section 45-24-58. - Administration — Application procedure.

Section 45-24-59. - Administration — Fees.

Section 45-24-60. - Administration — Violations.

Section 45-24-61. - Administration — Decisions and records of zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-61.1. - Procedure — Tolling of expiration periods.

Section 45-24-62. - Administration — Judicial aid in enforcement.

Section 45-24-63. - Appeals — Right of appeal.

Section 45-24-64. - Appeals — Appeals to zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-65. - Appeals — Stay of proceedings.

Section 45-24-66. - Appeals — Public hearing by zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-67. - Appeals — Participation in zoning hearing.

Section 45-24-68. - Appeals — Decisions and records of zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-69. - Appeals — Appeals to superior court.

Section 45-24-69.1. - Appeals — Notice of appeals to superior court.

Section 45-24-70. - Appeals — Priority in judicial proceedings.

Section 45-24-71. - Appeals — Appeal of enactment of or amendment to zoning ordinance.

Section 45-24-72. - Severability.

Section 45-24-73. - Consistent statewide treatment of accessory dwelling units required.

Section 45-24-74. - Additional zoning provisions for applications for accessory dwelling units.

Section 45-24-75. - Accessory dwelling units which may be counted towards low- and moderate-income housing.

Section 45-24-76. - Accessory dwelling units annual reporting.