Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 45-24 - Zoning Ordinances
Section 45-24-37. - General provisions — Permitted uses.

§ 45-24-37. General provisions — Permitted uses.
(a) The zoning ordinance shall provide a listing of all land uses and/or performance standards for uses that are permitted within the zoning use districts of the municipality. The ordinance may provide for a procedure under which a proposed land use that is not specifically listed may be presented by the property owner to the zoning board of review or to a local official or agency charged with administration and enforcement of the ordinance for an evaluation and determination of whether the proposed use is of a similar type, character, and intensity as a listed permitted use. Upon such determination, the proposed use may be considered to be a permitted use.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the following uses are permitted uses within all residential zoning use districts of a municipality and all industrial and commercial zoning use districts except where residential use is prohibited for public health or safety reasons:
(1) Households;
(2) Community residences; and
(3) Family daycare homes.
(c) Any time a building or other structure used for residential purposes, or a portion of a building containing residential units, is rendered uninhabitable by virtue of a casualty such as fire or flood, the owner of the property is allowed to park, temporarily, mobile and manufactured home, or homes, as the need may be, elsewhere upon the land, for use and occupancy of the former occupants for a period of up to twelve (12) months, or until the building or structure is rehabilitated and otherwise made fit for occupancy. The property owner, or a properly designated agent of the owner, is only allowed to cause the mobile and manufactured home, or homes, to remain temporarily upon the land by making timely application to the local building official for the purposes of obtaining the necessary permits to repair or rebuild the structure.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, appropriate access for people with disabilities to residential structures is allowed as a reasonable accommodation for any person(s) residing, or intending to reside, in the residential structure.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an accessory dwelling unit in an owner-occupied residence that complies with §§ 45-24-31 and 45-24-73 shall be permitted as a reasonable accommodation for family members with disabilities or who are sixty-two (62) years of age or older, or to accommodate other family members.
(f) When used in this section the terms “people with disabilities” or “member, or members, with disabilities” means a person(s) who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, as defined in § 42-87-1(7).
(g) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, plant agriculture is a permitted use within all zoning districts of a municipality, including all industrial and commercial zoning districts, except where prohibited for public health or safety reasons or the protection of wildlife habitat.
History of Section.P.L. 1991, ch. 307, § 1; P.L. 1996, ch. 213, § 1; P.L. 1998, ch. 360, § 1; P.L. 1999, ch. 83, § 128; P.L. 1999, ch. 130, § 128; P.L. 2008, ch. 172, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 176, § 1; P.L. 2011, ch. 282, § 1; P.L. 2011, ch. 401, § 1; P.L. 2012, ch. 342, § 1; P.L. 2016, ch. 503, § 1; P.L. 2016, ch. 520, § 1; P.L. 2019, ch. 214, § 1; P.L. 2019, ch. 267, § 1; P.L. 2022, ch. 97, § 1, effective June 17, 2022; P.L. 2022, ch. 98, § 1, effective June 17, 2022; P.L. 2022, ch. 437, § 1, effective June 30, 2022; P.L. 2022, ch. 440, § 1, effective June 30, 2022.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 45 - Towns and Cities

Chapter 45-24 - Zoning Ordinances

Section 45-24-1 - — 45-24-26. Repealed.

Section 45-24-27. - Title.

Section 45-24-28. - Continuation of ordinances — Supercession — Relation to other statutes.

Section 45-24-29. - Legislative findings and intent.

Section 45-24-30. - General purposes of zoning ordinances.

Section 45-24-31. - Definitions.

Section 45-24-32. - Contents of zoning ordinances.

Section 45-24-33. - Standard provisions.

Section 45-24-34. - General provisions — Purpose and consistency with comprehensive plan.

Section 45-24-35. - General provisions — Definitions.

Section 45-24-36. - General provisions — Division into districts.

Section 45-24-37. - General provisions — Permitted uses.

Section 45-24-38. - General provisions — Substandard lots of record.

Section 45-24-39. - General provisions — Nonconforming development.

Section 45-24-40. - General provisions — Alteration of nonconforming development.

Section 45-24-41. - General provisions — Variances.

Section 45-24-42. - General provisions — Special-use permits.

Section 45-24-43. - General provisions — Special conditions.

Section 45-24-44. - General provisions — Creation of vested rights.

Section 45-24-45. - General provisions — Publication and availability of zoning ordinances.

Section 45-24-46. - Special provisions — Modification.

Section 45-24-46.1. - Inclusionary zoning.

Section 45-24-46.2. - Special provisions — Transfer of development rights — North Kingstown.

Section 45-24-46.3. - Special provisions — Transfer of development rights — Exeter.

Section 45-24-46.4. - Special provisions — Unified development review.

Section 45-24-46.5. - Special provisions — Emergency declaration modifications.

Section 45-24-47. - Special provisions — Land development projects.

Section 45-24-48. - Special provisions — Preapplication conference.

Section 45-24-49. - Special provisions — Development plan review.

Section 45-24-50. - Adoption — Power of council to adopt — Consistency with comprehensive plan.

Section 45-24-51. - Adoption — Procedure for adoption or amendment.

Section 45-24-52. - Adoption — Review by planning board or commission.

Section 45-24-53. - Adoption — Notice and hearing requirements.

Section 45-24-54. - Administration — Administration and enforcement of zoning ordinance.

Section 45-24-55. - Administration — Maintenance of zoning ordinance.

Section 45-24-56. - Administration — Zoning board of review — Establishment and procedures. [Effective until January 1, 2023.]

Section 45-24-57. - Administration — Powers and duties of zoning board of review. [Effective until January 1, 2023.]

Section 45-24-58. - Administration — Application procedure.

Section 45-24-59. - Administration — Fees.

Section 45-24-60. - Administration — Violations.

Section 45-24-61. - Administration — Decisions and records of zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-61.1. - Procedure — Tolling of expiration periods.

Section 45-24-62. - Administration — Judicial aid in enforcement.

Section 45-24-63. - Appeals — Right of appeal.

Section 45-24-64. - Appeals — Appeals to zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-65. - Appeals — Stay of proceedings.

Section 45-24-66. - Appeals — Public hearing by zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-67. - Appeals — Participation in zoning hearing.

Section 45-24-68. - Appeals — Decisions and records of zoning board of review.

Section 45-24-69. - Appeals — Appeals to superior court.

Section 45-24-69.1. - Appeals — Notice of appeals to superior court.

Section 45-24-70. - Appeals — Priority in judicial proceedings.

Section 45-24-71. - Appeals — Appeal of enactment of or amendment to zoning ordinance.

Section 45-24-72. - Severability.

Section 45-24-73. - Consistent statewide treatment of accessory dwelling units required.

Section 45-24-74. - Additional zoning provisions for applications for accessory dwelling units.

Section 45-24-75. - Accessory dwelling units which may be counted towards low- and moderate-income housing.

Section 45-24-76. - Accessory dwelling units annual reporting.