Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 16-2 - School Committees and Superintendents [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
Section 16-2-5. - Composition of city or town school committees — Election and terms of members — Vacancies.

§ 16-2-5. Composition of city or town school committees — Election and terms of members — Vacancies.
The school committee of each city or town shall consist of three (3) residents of the city or town, or of any number as at the present time constitute the committee. In cities or towns having annual elections of city or town officers the committee shall be divided as equally as may be into three (3) classes whose several terms of office shall expire at the end of three (3) years from the dates of their respective elections. In cities or towns having biennial elections the committee shall be divided as equally as may be into two (2) classes whose several terms of office shall expire at the end of four (4) years from the dates of their respective elections. As the office of each class shall become vacant, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the city or town at its regular city or town meeting for the election of state or city or town officers, or by the city or town council at its next meeting after this. In case of a vacancy by death, resignation, or otherwise than as is provided in this section, the vacancy shall be filled by the city or town council until the next regular city or town meeting for the election of state or city or town officers, when it shall be filled for the unexpired term as is provided in this section. This section shall not apply to the cities of Providence, Central Falls, Woonsocket, or the Town of North Smithfield.
History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 54, § 7; G.L. 1909, ch. 66, § 4; G.L. 1923, ch. 69, § 4; P.L. 1925, ch. 680, § 16; P.L. 1926, ch. 889, § 15; G.L. 1938, ch. 179, § 4; G.L. 1956, § 16-2-5; P.L. 1988, ch. 84, § 71; P.L. 2015, ch. 1, § 3; P.L. 2015, ch. 4, § 3.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 16 - Education

Chapter 16-2 - School Committees and Superintendents [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]

Section 16-2-1. - Cities included as towns.

Section 16-2-2. - City and town schools required — School year — Location — Kindergartens.

Section 16-2-3. - Emergency reduction of school year.

Section 16-2-4. - Repealed.

Section 16-2-5. - Composition of city or town school committees — Election and terms of members — Vacancies.

Section 16-2-5.1. - Professional development.

Section 16-2-6. - Chairperson and clerk of city or town committee.

Section 16-2-7. - Distribution of documents and blanks by clerk.

Section 16-2-8. - Regular meetings of committee.

Section 16-2-9. - General powers and duties of school committees. [Effective until January 1, 2023.]

Section 16-2-9.1. - Code of basic management principles and ethical school standards.

Section 16-2-9.2. - Joint purchasing agreements.

Section 16-2-9.3. - The advisory council on school finances.

Section 16-2-9.4. - School district accounting compliance.

Section 16-2-9.5. - Other post-employment benefits — OPEB trusts.

Section 16-2-9.6. - Joint purchasing agreements for technology and IT infrastructure.

Section 16-2-10. - Certification of superintendents.

Section 16-2-11. - General powers and duties of superintendent.

Section 16-2-11.1. - General powers and duties of school principals.

Section 16-2-12. - Joint superintendent employed by two or more cities or towns.

Section 16-2-13. - Joint committee — Annual convention — Superintendent — Dissolution.

Section 16-2-14. - Repealed.

Section 16-2-15. - Location of schools — Control of property.

Section 16-2-15.1. - Pawtucket school committee — Abandonment, closing, reopening, or acquisition of school buildings — Public hearings.

Section 16-2-16. - Rules and regulations — Curriculum.

Section 16-2-17. - Right to a safe school.

Section 16-2-17.1. - In school suspensions.

Section 16-2-18. - Selection of teachers and superintendent — General control of schools — Expenses.

Section 16-2-18.1. - Criminal records review.

Section 16-2-18.2. - Prior criminal records checks.

Section 16-2-18.3. - Rules and regulations.

Section 16-2-18.4. - Criminal records review for volunteers.

Section 16-2-18.5. - Prior criminal records checks for school volunteers.

Section 16-2-19. - Children attending in adjoining cities or towns.

Section 16-2-20. - Visitation and examination of schools.

Section 16-2-21. - Pre-budget consultation — Annual reports — Appropriation requests — Budgets.

Section 16-2-21.1. - Repealed.

Section 16-2-21.2. - Three-year budget forecasting process.

Section 16-2-21.3. - Meetings with city and town councils.

Section 16-2-21.4. - School budgets — Compliance with certain requirements.

Section 16-2-21.5. - Notification of state school aid to school districts.

Section 16-2-21.6. - Collective bargaining fiscal impact statements.

Section 16-2-22. - Repealed.

Section 16-2-23. - Expenditures pending annual appropriation.

Section 16-2-24. - Survey of city or town schools.

Section 16-2-25. - Distribution of powers in Providence and Cranston.

Section 16-2-26. - Special statutes prevailing.

Section 16-2-27. - Eligibility for attendance — Kindergarten.

Section 16-2-28. - Eligibility for attendance — First grade.

Section 16-2-28.1. - Regulations.

Section 16-2-28.2. - Kindergarten multiple sessions.

Section 16-2-29. - Repealed.

Section 16-2-30. - School lunch programs.

Section 16-2-31. - School crossing guard equipment.

Section 16-2-32. - Policy manual for school committee.

Section 16-2-33. - City of Woonsocket — Compensation to school committee members.

Section 16-2-33.1. - City of Woonsocket — School dress code.

Section 16-2-33.2. - City of Central Falls — School dress code.

Section 16-2-34. - Central Falls School District board of trustees.

Section 16-2-35. - The Middletown public schools sponsorship program.

Section 16-2-36. - Orientation.