Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 12-12 - Indictments, Informations and Complaints
Section 12-12-1.8. - Hearing to determine probable cause.

§ 12-12-1.8. Hearing to determine probable cause.
At the probable cause hearing the information and exhibits appended to it shall be before the court. The defendant may call witnesses and may introduce evidence bearing on the question of the existence of probable cause to charge him or her. The state may not call witnesses, introduce evidence, or otherwise supplement the exhibits appended to the information unless the court grants leave to do so.
History of Section.P.L. 1974, ch. 118, § 11.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 12 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 12-12 - Indictments, Informations and Complaints

Section 12-12-1. - Repealed.

Section 12-12-1.1. - Capital or life offenses.

Section 12-12-1.2. - Felonies — Less than capital or life, penalty.

Section 12-12-1.3. - Lesser offenses, penalty.

Section 12-12-1.4. - Contents of indictments, informations and complaints.

Section 12-12-1.5. - Informations — Exhibits to be attached.

Section 12-12-1.6. - Defendant to receive copy of information.

Section 12-12-1.7. - Motion to dismiss information.

Section 12-12-1.8. - Hearing to determine probable cause.

Section 12-12-1.9. - Determining whether probable cause exists.

Section 12-12-1.10. - Dismissal of information — Effect.

Section 12-12-1.11. - “Indictment” construed.

Section 12-12-2. - Process in fictitious name or by description.

Section 12-12-3. - Formal defects in process not ground for abatement or quashing.

Section 12-12-4 - — 12-12-9. Repealed.

Section 12-12-10. - Variances of proof and immaterial mistakes.

Section 12-12-11. - Conditions not required to be negated in allegations.

Section 12-12-12. - Description of written instruments.

Section 12-12-13. - Allegations as to form of money.

Section 12-12-14. - Allegations as to statutory larceny.

Section 12-12-15. - Allegations in perjury indictments or informations.

Section 12-12-16. - Allegations as to property held jointly, in common, or by partners.

Section 12-12-17. - Statute of limitations.

Section 12-12-18. - Period of limitations extended by theft, loss or destruction of indictment or information.

Section 12-12-19. - Repealed.

Section 12-12-20. - Original and duplicates of charges to be filed.

Section 12-12-21. - “Designated assistants” defined.

Section 12-12-22. - Arraignments and pleas — Notices to aliens.