§ 11-47-35. Sale of concealable weapons — Safety courses and tests — Issuance of permits to certain government officers.
(a)(1) No person shall deliver a pistol or revolver to a purchaser until seven (7) days shall have elapsed from twelve o’clock (12:00) noon of the day following the day of application for the purchase, and when delivered, the pistol or revolver shall be unloaded and securely wrapped, with the bill of sale to be enclosed within the wrapper with the pistol or revolver. Any citizen of the United States and/or lawful resident of this state who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older, and any nonresident member of the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in this state and who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older, may, upon application, purchase or acquire a pistol or revolver. At the time of applying for the purchase of a concealable firearm, the purchaser shall: (i) Complete and sign in triplicate and deliver to the person selling the pistol or revolver the application form described in this section, and in no case shall it contain the serial number of the pistol or revolver; and (ii) Present to the person selling the pistol or revolver a pistol/revolver safety certificate issued by the department of environmental management. The certificate shall be retained in the possession of the buyer. The pistol/revolver safety certificate shall certify that the purchaser has completed a basic pistol/revolver safety course as shall be administered by the department of environmental management.
(Face of application form)
Application to Purchase Pistol or Revolver
(Reverse side of application form)
(2) The person selling the pistol or revolver shall on the date of application sign and forward by registered mail, by delivery in person, or by electronic mail if approved by the applicable police department, the original and duplicate copies of the application to the chief of police in the city or town in which the purchaser has his or her residence or to the superintendent of the Rhode Island state police in the instance where the purchaser either resides in the town of Exeter or resides out of state. The superintendent of the Rhode Island state police or the chief of police in the city or town in which the purchaser has his or her residence shall mark or stamp the original copy of the application form with the date and the time of receipt and return it by the most expeditious means to the person who is selling the pistol or revolver. The triplicate copy duly signed by the person who is selling the pistol or revolver shall within seven (7) days be sent by him or her by registered mail, by delivery in person, or by electronic mail to the attorney general. The person who is selling the pistol or revolver shall retain the original copy duly receipted by the police authority to whom sent or delivered for a period of six (6) years with other records of the sale. It shall be the duty of the police authority to whom the duplicate copy of the application form is sent or delivered to make a background check of the applicant to ascertain whether he or she falls under the provisions of § 11-47-5, § 11-47-6, § 11-47-7, or § 11-47-23. If, after the lapse of seven (7) days from twelve o’clock (12:00) noon of the day following application, no disqualifying information has been received from the investigating police authority by the person who is selling the pistol or revolver, he or she will deliver the firearm applied for to the purchaser. Upon the finding of no disqualifying information under the provisions of the above cited sections of this chapter, and in no case later than thirty (30) days after the date of application, the duplicate and triplicate copies of the application will be destroyed. Retention of the duplicate and triplicate copies in violation of this section or any unauthorized use of the information contained in the copies by a person or agency shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). The provisions of this section shall not apply to bona fide sales at wholesale to duly licensed retail dealers, nor to purchases by retail dealers duly licensed under the provisions of § 11-47-39.
(b)(1) The department of environmental management shall establish the basic pistol/revolver safety course required by this section. The safety course shall consist of not less than two (2) hours of instruction in the safe use and handling of pistols and revolvers and the course shall be available to buyers continually throughout the year at convenient times and places but at least monthly at locations throughout the state, or more frequently as required. Proficiency in the use of pistols or revolvers shall not be prerequisite to the issuance of the safety certificate. No person shall be required to complete the course more than once; provided, that any person completing the course who is unable to produce the safety certificate issued by the department of environmental management shall be required to take the course again unless the person provides evidence to the department that he or she has successfully completed the course.
(2) The administration of the basic pistol/revolver safety course required by this section shall not exceed the cost of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) in any fiscal year.
(c) Proof of passage of the department of environmental management’s basic hunter safety course will be equivalent to the pistol/revolver safety certificate mandated by this section.
(d) Any person who has reason to believe that he or she does not need the required handgun safety course may apply by any written means to the department of environmental management to take an objective test on the subject matter of the handgun safety course. The test shall be prepared, as well as an instruction manual upon which the test shall be based, by the department. The manual shall be made available by any means to the applicant who may, within the time limits for application, take the objective test at the department or at any location where the handgun safety course is being given. Any person receiving a passing grade on the test shall be issued a pistol/revolver safety certificate by the department.
(e) [Deleted by P.L. 2005, ch. 20, § 11 and P.L. 2005, ch. 27, § 11.]
(f) The following persons shall be issued basic pistol/revolver permits by the department of environmental management: sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, the superintendent and members of the state police, prison or jail wardens or their deputies, members of the city or town police force, members of the park police, conservation officers, members of the airport police and officers of the United States government authorized by law to carry a concealed firearm and, at the discretion of the department of environmental management, any person who can satisfactorily establish that he or she formerly held one of these offices or were so authorized.
(g) Any person who is serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty shall not be required to obtain a basic pistol/revolver safety certificate or basic pistol/revolver permit under this section so long as he or she remains on active duty.
(h) Any person who is serving in the active reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or any person in an active duty paid status in the Rhode Island National Guard, shall not be required to obtain a basic pistol/revolver safety certificate under this section so long as he or she remains in active status.
History of Section.P.L. 1929, ch. 1421, § 1; G.L. 1938, ch. 405, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 11-47-29; G.L., § 11-47-35; P.L. 1959, ch. 75, § 1; P.L. 1975, ch. 278, § 1; P.L. 1979, ch. 206, § 1; P.L. 1980, ch. 376, § 1; P.L. 1985, ch. 439, § 1; P.L. 1987, ch. 530, § 1; P.L. 1989, ch. 139, § 1; P.L. 1990, ch. 37, § 2; P.L. 1990, ch. 300, § 1; P.L. 1996, ch. 146, § 1; P.L. 2000, ch. 109, § 11; P.L. 2000, ch. 128, § 1; P.L. 2001, ch. 180, § 9; P.L. 2005, ch. 20, § 11; P.L. 2005, ch. 27, § 11; P.L. 2007, ch. 497, § 1; P.L. 2007, ch. 519, § 1; P.L. 2020, ch. 61, § 2; P.L. 2020, ch. 68, § 2; P.L. 2021, ch. 339, § 1, effective July 12, 2021; P.L. 2021, ch. 340, § 1, effective July 12, 2021.
Structure Rhode Island General Laws
Section 11-47-1. - Short title.
Section 11-47-2. - Definitions.
Section 11-47-3. - Carrying dangerous weapons or substances when committing crime of violence.
Section 11-47-3.1. - Carrying a stolen firearm when committing a crime of violence.
Section 11-47-3.2. - Using a firearm when committing a crime of violence.
Section 11-47-4. - Being armed prima facie evidence of intention.
Section 11-47-5. - Possession of firearms by certain persons prohibited.
Section 11-47-5.1. - Larceny of a firearm.
Section 11-47-5.2. - Possession of a stolen firearm.
Section 11-47-5.3. - Surrender of firearms by persons convicted of domestic violence offenses.
Section 11-47-5.4. - Surrender of firearms after domestic violence offenses.
Section 11-47-6. - Mental incompetents and drug addicts prohibited from possession of firearms.
Section 11-47-7. - Possession of firearm by alien.
Section 11-47-8. - License or permit required for carrying pistol — Other weapons prohibited.
Section 11-47-8.1. - Modification of semi-automatic weapon.
Section 11-47-9. - Persons exempt from restrictions.
Section 11-47-9.1. - Additional exemptions.
Section 11-47-10. - License or permit not required to carry to target range.
Section 11-47-11. - License or permit to carry concealed pistol or revolver.
Section 11-47-12. - License or permit fee.
Section 11-47-13. - Revocation of license or permit.
Section 11-47-14. - Licenses and permits to banks and carriers.
Section 11-47-15. - Proof of ability required for license or permit.
Section 11-47-15.2. - Definitions of law enforcement firing positions.
Section 11-47-15.3. - Commission on law enforcement standards and training.
Section 11-47-16. - Certification of qualification.
Section 11-47-19. - Machine gun manufacturers’ licenses or permits.
Section 11-47-20. - Sale or possession of silencers.
Section 11-47-20.1. - Armor-piercing bullets.
Section 11-47-20.2. - Possession during commission of a felony.
Section 11-47-20.3. - Injury or death of law enforcement officer.
Section 11-47-20.4. - Body armor.
Section 11-47-21. - Restrictions on possession or carrying of explosives or noxious substances.
Section 11-47-22. - Forfeiture and destruction of unlawful firearms.
Section 11-47-23. - False information in securing firearm or license — Straw purchases.
Section 11-47-24. - Alteration of marks of identification on firearms.
Section 11-47-25. - Antique firearms and collections.
Section 11-47-26. - Penalties for violations.
Section 11-47-27. - Standard of proof under §§ 11-47-1 — 11-47-34.
Section 11-47-28. - Arrest and detention for possession of firearms.
Section 11-47-29. - Certification of conviction of alien.
Section 11-47-30. - Transfer or delivery of firearms to minors.
Section 11-47-31. - Sale, transfer or delivery of ammunition to minors.
Section 11-47-32. - Possession of ammunition by minor.
Section 11-47-33. - Possession of firearms by minors.
Section 11-47-34. - [Repealed.]
Section 11-47-35.1. - Persons exempt from § 11-47-35.
Section 11-47-35.2. - Sale of rifles/shotguns.
Section 11-47-35.3. - Annual report on application process administration.
Section 11-47-36. - Purchase of concealable firearms from out of state dealers.
Section 11-47-37. - Sale to minors and others forbidden.
Section 11-47-37.1. - Persons exempt from age restrictions.
Section 11-47-38. - Dealers to be licensed.
Section 11-47-39. - Issuance and conditions of dealer’s license.
Section 11-47-40. - Register of sales of firearms — Display of firearms.
Section 11-47-41. - Government firearm registration prohibited.
Section 11-47-42. - Weapons other than firearms prohibited.
Section 11-47-43. - Collectors and police officers exempt from § 11-47-42.
Section 11-47-44. - Standard of proof under §§ 11-47-42 and 11-47-43.
Section 11-47-45. - Arrest and detention for possession of weapon prohibited by § 11-47-42.
Section 11-47-46. - Sections 11-47-42 — 11-47-45 inapplicable to firearms.
Section 11-47-47. - Display of weapons.
Section 11-47-48. - Report of gunshot wounds.
Section 11-47-48.1. - Report of lost or stolen weapons.
Section 11-47-49. - Firing across highways prohibited.
Section 11-47-49.1. - Firing in Blackstone Valley Flood Plain prohibited.
Section 11-47-50. - Firing without landowner’s permission — Firing in compact area.
Section 11-47-51. - Loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles and roadways.
Section 11-47-52. - Carrying of weapon while under the influence of liquor or drugs.
Section 11-47-53. - Limitation of prosecutions under §§ 11-47-49 — 11-47-52 — Fines.
Section 11-47-54. - Licensing of shooting galleries.
Section 11-47-55. - Enforcement of chapter.
Section 11-47-56. - Constitutionality.
Section 11-47-57. - “Mace” or similar substances.
Section 11-47-58. - Firearms — State preemption.
Section 11-47-59. - Possession of knife during commission of crime.
Section 11-47-60. - Possession of firearms on school grounds.
Section 11-47-60.1. - Safe storage.
Section 11-47-60.2. - Possession of weapons on school grounds — Notification.
Section 11-47-60.3. - Trigger lock required.
Section 11-47-61. - Drive-by shootings.
Section 11-47-62. - Rifle ranges — Immunity from prosecution — Criminal or civil.