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RCW Dispositions -
Chapter 66.04 - Definitions.
66.04.010 - Definitions. - RCW 66.04.010 Definitions. In this title, unless the context otherwise...
66.04.011 - "Public place" not to include certain parks and picnic areas. - RCW 66.04.011 "Public place" not to include certain parks and...
66.04.021 - "Retailer," "spirits distributor," and "spirits importer." - RCW 66.04.021 "Retailer," "spirits distributor," and "spirits importer." In this...
Chapter 66.08 - Liquor and Cannabis Board—General Provisions.
66.08.010 - Title liberally construed. - RCW 66.08.010 Title liberally construed. This entire title shall be...
66.08.012 - Creation of board—Chair—Quorum—Salary. - RCW 66.08.012 Creation of board—Chair—Quorum—Salary. There shall be a board,...
66.08.014 - Terms of members—Vacancies—Principal office—Removal—Devotion of time to duties—Bond—Oath. - RCW 66.08.014 Terms of members—Vacancies—Principal office—Removal—Devotion of time to duties—Bond—Oath....
66.08.016 - Employees of the board. - RCW 66.08.016 Employees of the board. The board may employ...
66.08.020 - Liquor control board to administer. - RCW 66.08.020 Liquor control board to administer. The administration of...
66.08.022 - Attorney general is general counsel of board—Duties—Assistants. - RCW 66.08.022 Attorney general is general counsel of board—Duties—Assistants. The...
66.08.024 - Annual audit—State auditor's duties—Additional audits—Public records. - RCW 66.08.024 Annual audit—State auditor's duties—Additional audits—Public records. The state...
66.08.026 - Appropriation and payment of administrative expenses from liquor revolving fund—"Administrative expenses" defined. - RCW 66.08.026 Appropriation and payment of administrative expenses from liquor...
66.08.030 - Regulations—Scope. - RCW 66.08.030 Regulations—Scope. The power of the board to make...
66.08.050 - Powers of board in general. - RCW 66.08.050 Powers of board in general. The board, subject...
66.08.0501 - Adoption of rules. - RCW 66.08.0501 Adoption of rules. The *liquor control board may...
66.08.055 - Oaths may be administered and affidavits, declarations received. - RCW 66.08.055 Oaths may be administered and affidavits, declarations received....
66.08.060 - Advertising regulations. - RCW 66.08.060 Advertising regulations. The board has power to adopt...
66.08.071 - Rules—Food service menu requirements. - RCW 66.08.071 Rules—Food service menu requirements. The board must consider...
66.08.080 - Interest in manufacture or sale of liquor prohibited. - RCW 66.08.080 Interest in manufacture or sale of liquor prohibited....
66.08.090 - Sale of liquor by employees of board. - RCW 66.08.090 Sale of liquor by employees of board. No...
66.08.095 - Liquor for training or investigation purposes. - RCW 66.08.095 Liquor for training or investigation purposes. The *liquor...
66.08.100 - Jurisdiction of action against board—Immunity from personal liability of members. - RCW 66.08.100 Jurisdiction of action against board—Immunity from personal liability...
66.08.120 - Preemption of field by state—Exception. - RCW 66.08.120 Preemption of field by state—Exception. No municipality or...
66.08.130 - Inspection of books and records—Goods possessed or shipped—Refusal as violation. - RCW 66.08.130 Inspection of books and records—Goods possessed or shipped—Refusal...
66.08.140 - Inspection of books and records—Financial dealings—Penalty for refusal. - RCW 66.08.140 Inspection of books and records—Financial dealings—Penalty for refusal....
66.08.145 - Subpoena issuing authority. - RCW 66.08.145 Subpoena issuing authority. (1) The liquor and cannabis...
66.08.150 - Board's action as to permits and licenses—Administrative procedure act, applicability—Adjudicative proceeding—Opportunity for hearing—Summary suspension. - RCW 66.08.150 Board's action as to permits and licenses—Administrative procedure...
66.08.170 - Liquor revolving fund—Creation—Composition—State treasurer as custodian—Daily deposits, exceptions—Budget and accounting act applicable. - RCW 66.08.170 Liquor revolving fund—Creation—Composition—State treasurer as custodian—Daily deposits, exceptions—Budget...
66.08.180 - Liquor revolving fund—Distribution—Reserve for administration—Disbursement to universities and state agencies. - RCW 66.08.180 Liquor revolving fund—Distribution—Reserve for administration—Disbursement to universities and...
66.08.190 - Liquor revolving fund—Disbursement of excess funds to border areas, counties, cities, and towns—Disbursements to the municipal research and services center. - RCW 66.08.190 Liquor revolving fund—Disbursement of excess funds to border...
66.08.195 - Liquor revolving fund—Definition of terms relating to border areas. - RCW 66.08.195 Liquor revolving fund—Definition of terms relating to border...
66.08.196 - Liquor revolving fund—Distribution of funds to border areas. - RCW 66.08.196 Liquor revolving fund—Distribution of funds to border areas....
66.08.198 - Liquor revolving fund—Distribution of funds to border areas—Guidelines adoption. - RCW 66.08.198 Liquor revolving fund—Distribution of funds to border areas—Guidelines...
66.08.200 - Liquor revolving fund—Computation for distribution to counties—"Unincorporated area" defined. - RCW 66.08.200 Liquor revolving fund—Computation for distribution to counties—"Unincorporated area"...
66.08.210 - Liquor revolving fund—Computation for distribution to cities. - RCW 66.08.210 Liquor revolving fund—Computation for distribution to cities. (1)...
66.08.240 - Transfer of funds pursuant to government service agreement. - RCW 66.08.240 Transfer of funds pursuant to government service agreement....
66.08.260 - Licensing and enforcement system modernization project account. - RCW 66.08.260 Licensing and enforcement system modernization project account. (Expires...
Chapter 66.12 - Exemptions.
66.12.010 - Wine or beer manufactured for home use. - RCW 66.12.010 Wine or beer manufactured for home use. Nothing...
66.12.030 - Licensed manufacturers not prevented from storing liquor—Transshipment in interstate, foreign commerce—Interstate, foreign transactions protected. - RCW 66.12.030 Licensed manufacturers not prevented from storing liquor—Transshipment in...
66.12.060 - Pharmaceutical preparations, patent medicines, denatured alcohol. - RCW 66.12.060 Pharmaceutical preparations, patent medicines, denatured alcohol. Nothing in...
66.12.070 - Medicinal, culinary, and toilet preparations not usable as beverages—Sample and analysis—Clearly labeled. - RCW 66.12.070 Medicinal, culinary, and toilet preparations not usable as...
66.12.110 - Duty-free alcoholic beverages for personal use. - RCW 66.12.110 Duty-free alcoholic beverages for personal use. A person...
66.12.120 - Bringing alcoholic beverages into state from another state—Payment of markup and tax. - RCW 66.12.120 Bringing alcoholic beverages into state from another state—Payment...
66.12.125 - Alcohol for use as fuel—Legislative finding and declaration. - RCW 66.12.125 Alcohol for use as fuel—Legislative finding and declaration....
66.12.130 - Alcohol for use as fuel in motor vehicles, farm implements, machines, etc., or in combination with other petroleum products for use as fuel. - RCW 66.12.130 Alcohol for use as fuel in motor vehicles,...
66.12.140 - Use of alcoholic beverages in culinary, restaurant, or food fermentation courses. - RCW 66.12.140 Use of alcoholic beverages in culinary, restaurant, or...
66.12.145 - Persons engaged in medical or dental pursuits—Persons engaged in mechanical, manufacturing, or scientific pursuits. - RCW 66.12.145 Persons engaged in medical or dental pursuits—Persons engaged...
66.12.150 - Beer or wine offered by hospital or nursing home for consumption on the premises. - RCW 66.12.150 Beer or wine offered by hospital or nursing...
66.12.160 - Manufacture or sale of confections or food containing liquor. - RCW 66.12.160 Manufacture or sale of confections or food containing...
66.12.170 - Obtaining liquor for manufacturing confections or food products. - RCW 66.12.170 Obtaining liquor for manufacturing confections or food products....
66.12.180 - Wine commission—Wine donations—Promotional activities. - RCW 66.12.180 Wine commission—Wine donations—Promotional activities. The Washington wine commission...
66.12.185 - Beer commission—Beer or malt donations—Promotional activities. - RCW 66.12.185 Beer commission—Beer or malt donations—Promotional activities. The Washington...
66.12.195 - Legislative gift center—Selling wine for off-premises consumption. - RCW 66.12.195 Legislative gift center—Selling wine for off-premises consumption. Nothing...
66.12.230 - Washington grain commission. - RCW 66.12.230 Washington grain commission. The Washington grain commission created...
66.12.240 - Wedding boutiques and art galleries. - RCW 66.12.240 Wedding boutiques and art galleries. (1) Nothing in...
Chapter 66.20 - Liquor Permits.
66.20.010 - Special permits. - RCW 66.20.010 Special permits. Upon application in the prescribed form...
66.20.020 - Permits not transferable—False name or address prohibited—Sacramental liquor, wine. - RCW 66.20.020 Permits not transferable—False name or address prohibited—Sacramental liquor,...
66.20.040 - Applicant must sign permit. - RCW 66.20.040 Applicant must sign permit. No permit shall be...
66.20.060 - Duration. - RCW 66.20.060 Duration. Every permit issued for use after October...
66.20.070 - Suspension or cancellation. - RCW 66.20.070 Suspension or cancellation. Where the holder of any...
66.20.080 - Surrender of suspended or canceled permit—New permit, when. - RCW 66.20.080 Surrender of suspended or canceled permit—New permit, when....
66.20.085 - License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance. - RCW 66.20.085 License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance. The board shall...
66.20.090 - Retaining permits wrongfully presented. - RCW 66.20.090 Retaining permits wrongfully presented. Where any permit is...
66.20.100 - Physician may prescribe or administer liquor—Penalty. - RCW 66.20.100 Physician may prescribe or administer liquor—Penalty. Any physician...
66.20.110 - Dentist may administer liquor—Penalty. - RCW 66.20.110 Dentist may administer liquor—Penalty. Any dentist who deems...
66.20.120 - Hospital, etc., may administer liquor—Penalty. - RCW 66.20.120 Hospital, etc., may administer liquor—Penalty. Any person in...
66.20.140 - Limitation on application after cancellation or suspension. - RCW 66.20.140 Limitation on application after cancellation or suspension. No...
66.20.150 - Purchases prohibited under canceled, suspended permit, or under another's permit. - RCW 66.20.150 Purchases prohibited under canceled, suspended permit, or under...
66.20.160 - Licensee definition. - RCW 66.20.160 Licensee definition. As used in RCW 66.20.160 through...
66.20.170 - Card of identification may be accepted as identification card and evidence of legal age. - RCW 66.20.170 Card of identification may be accepted as identification...
66.20.180 - Card of identification to be presented on request of licensee. - RCW 66.20.180 Card of identification to be presented on request...
66.20.190 - Identification cardholder may be required to sign certification card—Contents—Procedure—Statement. - RCW 66.20.190 Identification cardholder may be required to sign certification...
66.20.200 - Unlawful acts relating to identification or certification card—Penalties. - RCW 66.20.200 Unlawful acts relating to identification or certification card—Penalties....
66.20.210 - Licensee's immunity to prosecution or suit—Certification card as evidence of good faith. - RCW 66.20.210 Licensee's immunity to prosecution or suit—Certification card as...
66.20.300 - Alcohol servers—Definitions. - RCW 66.20.300 Alcohol servers—Definitions. The definitions in this section apply...
66.20.310 - Alcohol servers—Permits—Requirements—Suspension, revocation—Violations—Exemptions. - RCW 66.20.310 Alcohol servers—Permits—Requirements—Suspension, revocation—Violations—Exemptions. (1)(a) There is an alcohol...
66.20.320 - Alcohol servers—Education program—Fees—Issuance of permits. - RCW 66.20.320 Alcohol servers—Education program—Fees—Issuance of permits. (1) The board...
66.20.330 - Alcohol servers—Rules. - RCW 66.20.330 Alcohol servers—Rules. The board shall adopt rules to...
66.20.340 - Alcohol servers—Violation of rules—Penalties. - RCW 66.20.340 Alcohol servers—Violation of rules—Penalties. A violation of any...
66.20.350 - Alcohol servers—Deposit of fees. - RCW 66.20.350 Alcohol servers—Deposit of fees. Fees collected by the...
66.20.360 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Holder of license to manufacture wine. - RCW 66.20.360 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Holder of license...
66.20.365 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Requirements for wineries. - RCW 66.20.365 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Requirements for wineries....
66.20.370 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Wine shipper's permit—Requirements. - RCW 66.20.370 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Wine shipper's permit—Requirements....
66.20.375 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Labeling and private carrier requirements. - RCW 66.20.375 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Labeling and private...
66.20.380 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Monthly reporting—Display of permit or license number. - RCW 66.20.380 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Monthly reporting—Display of...
66.20.385 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Fee for wine shipper's permit. - RCW 66.20.385 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Fee for wine...
66.20.390 - Direct sale of wine to consumer—Consent to jurisdiction—Revocation or suspension of permit. - RCW 66.20.390 Direct sale of wine to consumer—Consent to jurisdiction—Revocation...
66.20.400 - Day spa permit. - RCW 66.20.400 Day spa permit. (1) There shall be a...
66.20.410 - Distillery orders for spirits. - RCW 66.20.410 Distillery orders for spirits. (1) The holder of...
Chapter 66.24 - Licenses—Stamp Taxes.
66.24.010 - Licensure—Issuance—Conditions and restrictions—Limitations—Temporary licenses. - RCW 66.24.010 Licensure—Issuance—Conditions and restrictions—Limitations—Temporary licenses. (1) Every license must...
66.24.012 - License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance. - RCW 66.24.012 License suspension—Noncompliance with support order—Reissuance. The board shall...
66.24.013 - License suspension—Electronic benefit cards. - RCW 66.24.013 License suspension—Electronic benefit cards. The board shall immediately...
66.24.015 - Nonrefundable application fee for retail license. - RCW 66.24.015 Nonrefundable application fee for retail license. An application...
66.24.025 - Transfer of license—Fee—Exception—Corporate changes, approval—Fee. - RCW 66.24.025 Transfer of license—Fee—Exception—Corporate changes, approval—Fee. (1) If the...
66.24.035 - Combination spirits, beer, and wine license. - RCW 66.24.035 Combination spirits, beer, and wine license. (1) There...
66.24.055 - Spirits distributor license. - RCW 66.24.055 Spirits distributor license. (1) There is a license...
66.24.065 - Spirits license fee distribution. - RCW 66.24.065 Spirits license fee distribution. The distribution of spirits...
66.24.120 - Vacation of suspension on payment of penalty. - RCW 66.24.120 Vacation of suspension on payment of penalty. The...
66.24.140 - Distiller's license—Fee—On-premises and off-premises consumption—Tasting room age restrictions. - RCW 66.24.140 Distiller's license—Fee—On-premises and off-premises consumption—Tasting room age restrictions....
66.24.145 - Craft distillery—On-premises and off-premises consumption—Tasting room age restrictions. - RCW 66.24.145 Craft distillery—On-premises and off-premises consumption—Tasting room age restrictions....
66.24.146 - Tasting room license. - RCW 66.24.146 Tasting room license. (Effective until December 31, 2023.)...
66.24.1471 - Distilleries, craft distilleries, off-site tasting rooms—Food offerings required—Rules. - RCW 66.24.1471 Distilleries, craft distilleries, off-site tasting rooms—Food offerings required—Rules....
66.24.1472 - Jointly operated off-site tasting rooms—Jointly operated consumption areas. - RCW 66.24.1472 Jointly operated off-site tasting rooms—Jointly operated consumption areas....
66.24.1473 - Off-site tasting rooms—Number of licenses. - RCW 66.24.1473 Off-site tasting rooms—Number of licenses. (1) The number...
66.24.1474 - Distilleries, craft distilleries, off-site tasting rooms—Obtaining a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license. - RCW 66.24.1474 Distilleries, craft distilleries, off-site tasting rooms—Obtaining a spirits,...
66.24.148 - Distilleries, craft distilleries, off-site tasting rooms—Rules. - RCW 66.24.148 Distilleries, craft distilleries, off-site tasting rooms—Rules. The board...
66.24.150 - Manufacturer's license—Scope—Fee. - RCW 66.24.150 Manufacturer's license—Scope—Fee. (1) There shall be a license...
66.24.155 - Alcohol manufacturers—Ancillary activities—Penalties. - RCW 66.24.155 Alcohol manufacturers—Ancillary activities—Penalties. (1) The state liquor and...
66.24.160 - Spirits importer's license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.160 Spirits importer's license—Fee. A spirits importer's license may...
66.24.165 - Local wine industry association license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.165 Local wine industry association license—Fee. (1) There is...
66.24.170 - Domestic winery license—Winery as distributor and/or retailer of own wine—Off-premises samples—Domestic wine made into sparkling wine—Sales at qualifying farmers markets. - RCW 66.24.170 Domestic winery license—Winery as distributor and/or retailer of...
66.24.175 - Farmers markets—Wine and beer sampling endorsement. - RCW 66.24.175 Farmers markets—Wine and beer sampling endorsement. (1) A...
66.24.179 - Wine retailer reseller endorsement—Beer and/or wine specialty shop licensee. - RCW 66.24.179 Wine retailer reseller endorsement—Beer and/or wine specialty shop...
66.24.185 - Bonded wine warehouse storage license—Qualifications and requirements—Fee. - RCW 66.24.185 Bonded wine warehouse storage license—Qualifications and requirements—Fee. (1)...
66.24.191 - Wine transfers. - RCW 66.24.191 Wine transfers. Wine may be transferred from one...
66.24.200 - Wine distributor's license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.200 Wine distributor's license—Fee. There shall be a license...
66.24.203 - Wine importer's license—Principal office—Report—Labels—Fee. - RCW 66.24.203 Wine importer's license—Principal office—Report—Labels—Fee. There shall be a...
66.24.206 - Out-of-state winery—Certificate of approval—Fee. - RCW 66.24.206 Out-of-state winery—Certificate of approval—Fee. (1)(a) A United States...
66.24.210 - Imposition of taxes on sales of wine and cider—Additional taxes—Distributions (as amended by 2016 c 225). - RCW 66.24.210 Imposition of taxes on sales of wine and...
66.24.215 - Levy of assessment on wine producers and growers to fund wine commission—Assessment rate changes—Procedures—Disbursement—Continuation. - RCW 66.24.215 Levy of assessment on wine producers and growers...
66.24.230 - Monthly reports of domestic winery, wine certificate of approval holder, wine importer, and wine distributor—Prohibited, authorized sales. - RCW 66.24.230 Monthly reports of domestic winery, wine certificate of...
66.24.240 - Domestic brewery's license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.240 Domestic brewery's license—Fee. (Effective until December 31, 2023.)...
66.24.244 - Microbrewery's license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.244 Microbrewery's license—Fee. (Effective until December 31, 2023.) (1)(a)...
66.24.246 - On-premises endorsement—Sale of beer by domestic wineries—Sale of wine by domestic breweries or microbreweries—Fee. - RCW 66.24.246 On-premises endorsement—Sale of beer by domestic wineries—Sale of...
66.24.248 - Packaging services endorsement. - RCW 66.24.248 Packaging services endorsement. (1) There is an endorsement...
66.24.250 - Beer distributor's license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.250 Beer distributor's license—Fee. There shall be a license...
66.24.261 - Beer importer's license—Principal office—Report—Labels—Fee. - RCW 66.24.261 Beer importer's license—Principal office—Report—Labels—Fee. There shall be a...
66.24.270 - Manufacturer's monthly report of malt liquor or strong beer sales—Certificate of approval—Report for out-of-state or imported beer—Fee. - RCW 66.24.270 Manufacturer's monthly report of malt liquor or strong...
66.24.290 - Authorized, prohibited sales—Monthly reports—Added tax—Distribution—Late payment penalty—Additional taxes, purposes. - RCW 66.24.290 Authorized, prohibited sales—Monthly reports—Added tax—Distribution—Late payment penalty—Additional taxes,...
66.24.305 - Refunds of taxes on unsalable wine and beer. - RCW 66.24.305 Refunds of taxes on unsalable wine and beer....
66.24.310 - Representative's license—Qualifications—Conditions and restrictions—Fee. - RCW 66.24.310 Representative's license—Qualifications—Conditions and restrictions—Fee. (1)(a) Except as provided...
66.24.320 - Beer and/or wine restaurant license—Containers—Fee—Caterer's endorsement. - RCW 66.24.320 Beer and/or wine restaurant license—Containers—Fee—Caterer's endorsement. (Effective until...
66.24.330 - Tavern license—Fees. - RCW 66.24.330 Tavern license—Fees. (Effective until December 31, 2023.) (1)...
66.24.350 - Snack bar license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.350 Snack bar license—Fee. (Effective until December 31, 2023.)...
66.24.354 - Combined license—Sale of beer and wine for consumption on and off premises—Conditions—Fee. - RCW 66.24.354 Combined license—Sale of beer and wine for consumption...
66.24.360 - Grocery store license—Fees—Restricted license—Determination of public interest—Inventory—Endorsements. - RCW 66.24.360 Grocery store license—Fees—Restricted license—Determination of public interest—Inventory—Endorsements. (1)...
66.24.363 - Grocery store—Beer and wine tasting endorsement. - RCW 66.24.363 Grocery store—Beer and wine tasting endorsement. (1) A...
66.24.371 - Beer and/or wine specialty shop license—Fee—Samples—Restricted license—Determination of public interest—Inventory. - RCW 66.24.371 Beer and/or wine specialty shop license—Fee—Samples—Restricted license—Determination of...
66.24.375 - "Society or organization" defined for certain purposes. - RCW 66.24.375 "Society or organization" defined for certain purposes. "Society...
66.24.380 - Special occasion license—Fee—Penalty. - RCW 66.24.380 Special occasion license—Fee—Penalty. There is a retailer's license...
66.24.395 - Interstate common carrier's licenses—Class CCI—Fees—Scope. - RCW 66.24.395 Interstate common carrier's licenses—Class CCI—Fees—Scope. (1)(a) There shall...
66.24.400 - Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license—Liquor by the bottle for hotel or club guests—Soju endorsement—Removing unconsumed liquor, when. - RCW 66.24.400 Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine...
66.24.410 - Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license—Terms defined. - RCW 66.24.410 Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine...
66.24.420 - Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license—Schedule of fees—Location—Number of licenses—Caterer's endorsement. - RCW 66.24.420 Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine...
66.24.425 - Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license—Restaurants not serving the general public. - RCW 66.24.425 Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine...
66.24.450 - Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine private club license—Qualifications—Fee. - RCW 66.24.450 Liquor by the drink, spirits, beer, and wine...
66.24.452 - Private club beer and wine license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.452 Private club beer and wine license—Fee. (1) There...
66.24.455 - Bowling establishments—Extension of premises to concourse and lane areas—Beer and/or wine restaurant, tavern, snack bar, spirits, beer, and wine restaurant, spirits, beer, and wine private club, or beer and wine private club licensees. - RCW 66.24.455 Bowling establishments—Extension of premises to concourse and lane...
66.24.480 - Bottle clubs—License required. - RCW 66.24.480 Bottle clubs—License required. "Bottle club" means a club...
66.24.481 - Public place or club—License or permit required—Penalty. - RCW 66.24.481 Public place or club—License or permit required—Penalty. No...
66.24.495 - Nonprofit arts organization license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.495 Nonprofit arts organization license—Fee. (Effective until December 31,...
66.24.520 - Grower's license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.520 Grower's license—Fee. There shall be a grower's license...
66.24.530 - Duty free exporter's license—Class S—Fee. - RCW 66.24.530 Duty free exporter's license—Class S—Fee. (1) There shall...
66.24.540 - Motel license—Fee. - RCW 66.24.540 Motel license—Fee. (Effective until December 31, 2023.) (1)...
66.24.550 - Beer and wine gift delivery license—Fee—Limitations. - RCW 66.24.550 Beer and wine gift delivery license—Fee—Limitations. There shall...
66.24.570 - Sports entertainment facility license—Fee—Caterer's endorsement—Financial arrangements—Reporting. - RCW 66.24.570 Sports entertainment facility license—Fee—Caterer's endorsement—Financial arrangements—Reporting. (Effective until...
66.24.580 - Public house license—Fees—Limitations. - RCW 66.24.580 Public house license—Fees—Limitations. (Effective until December 31, 2023.)...
66.24.590 - Hotel license—Fee—Limitations. - RCW 66.24.590 Hotel license—Fee—Limitations. (Effective until December 31, 2023.) (1)...
66.24.600 - Nightclub license. - RCW 66.24.600 Nightclub license. (Effective until December 31, 2023.) (1)...
66.24.610 - VIP airport lounge operator. - RCW 66.24.610 VIP airport lounge operator. There shall be a...
66.24.620 - Sale of spirits by a holder of a spirits distributor or spirits retail license—State liquor store closure. - RCW 66.24.620 Sale of spirits by a holder of a...
66.24.630 - Spirits retail license. - RCW 66.24.630 Spirits retail license. (1) There is a spirits...
66.24.632 - Spirits retail licensee—Combination spirits, beer, and wine licensee—License issuance fee exemption. - RCW 66.24.632 Spirits retail licensee—Combination spirits, beer, and wine licensee—License...
66.24.640 - Licensed distillers operating as spirits retailers/distributors. - RCW 66.24.640 Licensed distillers operating as spirits retailers/distributors. Any distiller...
66.24.650 - Theater license—Beer, strong beer, and wine. - RCW 66.24.650 Theater license—Beer, strong beer, and wine. (Effective until...
66.24.655 - Theater license—Spirits, beer, strong beer, and wine. - RCW 66.24.655 Theater license—Spirits, beer, strong beer, and wine. (Effective...
66.24.660 - Liquor sales at self-checkout registers. - RCW 66.24.660 Liquor sales at self-checkout registers. Retailers may sell...
66.24.670 - Liquor sampling activities. - RCW 66.24.670 Liquor sampling activities. (1) The holder of a...
66.24.675 - Beer and wine sampling on licensee premises. - RCW 66.24.675 Beer and wine sampling on licensee premises. (1)...
66.24.680 - Senior center license. - RCW 66.24.680 Senior center license. (Effective until December 31, 2023.)...
66.24.690 - Caterer's license. - RCW 66.24.690 Caterer's license. (Effective until December 31, 2023.) (1)...
66.24.695 - Bonded and nonbonded spirits warehouse license. - RCW 66.24.695 Bonded and nonbonded spirits warehouse license. (1) There...
66.24.700 - Gift certificates. - RCW 66.24.700 Gift certificates. (1) Any licensee authorized to sell...
66.24.900 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521. - RCW 66.24.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c...
Chapter 66.28 - Miscellaneous Regulatory Provisions.
66.28.030 - Responsibility of breweries, microbreweries, wineries, certificate of approval holders, and importers for conduct of distributors—Penalties. - RCW 66.28.030 Responsibility of breweries, microbreweries, wineries, certificate of approval...
66.28.035 - Spirits certificate of approval holders—Reporting—Spirits shipments. - RCW 66.28.035 Spirits certificate of approval holders—Reporting—Spirits shipments. (1) By...
66.28.040 - Giving away of liquor prohibited—Exceptions. - RCW 66.28.040 Giving away of liquor prohibited—Exceptions. (1) Except as...
66.28.042 - Providing food and beverages for business meetings permitted. - RCW 66.28.042 Providing food and beverages for business meetings permitted....
66.28.043 - Providing food, beverages, transportation, and admission to events permitted. - RCW 66.28.043 Providing food, beverages, transportation, and admission to events...
66.28.050 - Solicitation of orders prohibited. - RCW 66.28.050 Solicitation of orders prohibited. No person shall canvass...
66.28.060 - Distillers to make monthly report. - RCW 66.28.060 Distillers to make monthly report. Every distillery licensed...
66.28.070 - Restrictions on purchases of spirits, beer, or wine by retail spirits, beer, or wine licensees or special occasion licensees. - RCW 66.28.070 Restrictions on purchases of spirits, beer, or wine...
66.28.080 - Permit for music and dancing upon licensed premises. - RCW 66.28.080 Permit for music and dancing upon licensed premises....
66.28.090 - Licensed premises or banquet permit premises open to inspection—Failure to allow, violation. - RCW 66.28.090 Licensed premises or banquet permit premises open to...
66.28.100 - Spirits to be labeled—Contents. - RCW 66.28.100 Spirits to be labeled—Contents. Every person manufacturing spirits...
66.28.110 - Wine to be labeled—Contents. - RCW 66.28.110 Wine to be labeled—Contents. (1) Every person producing,...
66.28.120 - Malt liquor to be labeled—Contents. - RCW 66.28.120 Malt liquor to be labeled—Contents. Every person manufacturing...
66.28.130 - Selling, supplying, or serving of liquor to or consumption by standing or walking person. - RCW 66.28.130 Selling, supplying, or serving of liquor to or...
66.28.140 - Removing family beer or wine from home for use at wine tastings or competitions—Conditions. - RCW 66.28.140 Removing family beer or wine from home for...
66.28.150 - Breweries, microbreweries, wineries, distilleries, distributors, certificate of approval holders, and agents authorized to conduct courses of instruction on beer and wine. - RCW 66.28.150 Breweries, microbreweries, wineries, distilleries, distributors, certificate of approval...
66.28.155 - Breweries, microbreweries, wineries, distilleries, distributors, certificate of approval holders, and agents authorized to conduct educational activities on licensed premises of retailer. - RCW 66.28.155 Breweries, microbreweries, wineries, distilleries, distributors, certificate of approval...
66.28.160 - Promotion of liquor at colleges and universities. - RCW 66.28.160 Promotion of liquor at colleges and universities. No...
66.28.170 - Wine or malt beverage manufacturers—Discrimination in price to purchaser for resale prohibited—Price differentials. - RCW 66.28.170 Wine or malt beverage manufacturers—Discrimination in price to...
66.28.180 - Price list—Contents—Contracts and memoranda with distributors. - RCW 66.28.180 Price list—Contents—Contracts and memoranda with distributors. (1) Beer...
66.28.185 - Sales of wine and spirits to the employees of licensed wine and spirits distributors. - RCW 66.28.185 Sales of wine and spirits to the employees...
66.28.190 - Sales of nonliquor food and food ingredients. - RCW 66.28.190 Sales of nonliquor food and food ingredients. (1)...
66.28.200 - Keg registration—Special endorsement for grocery store licensee—Requirements of seller. - RCW 66.28.200 Keg registration—Special endorsement for grocery store licensee—Requirements of...
66.28.210 - Keg registration—Requirements of purchaser. - RCW 66.28.210 Keg registration—Requirements of purchaser. (1) Except as provided...
66.28.220 - Keg registration—Identification of containers—Rules—Fees—Sale in violation of rules unlawful. - RCW 66.28.220 Keg registration—Identification of containers—Rules—Fees—Sale in violation of rules...
66.28.230 - Keg registration—Furnishing to minors—Penalties. - RCW 66.28.230 Keg registration—Furnishing to minors—Penalties. Except as provided in...
66.28.240 - Keg registration—State preemption. - RCW 66.28.240 Keg registration—State preemption. The state of Washington fully...
66.28.260 - Beer distributors—Restricted transactions. - RCW 66.28.260 Beer distributors—Restricted transactions. Licensed beer distributors may not...
66.28.270 - Cash payments—Electronic funds transfers. - RCW 66.28.270 Cash payments—Electronic funds transfers. (1) Nothing in this...
66.28.280 - Finding. - RCW 66.28.280 Finding. The legislature recognizes that the historical total...
66.28.285 - Three-tier system—Definitions. - RCW 66.28.285 Three-tier system—Definitions. The definitions in this section apply...
66.28.290 - Three-tier system—Direct or indirect interests between industry members, affiliates, and retailers. - RCW 66.28.290 Three-tier system—Direct or indirect interests between industry members,...
66.28.295 - Three-tier system—Direct or indirect interests—Allowed activities. - RCW 66.28.295 Three-tier system—Direct or indirect interests—Allowed activities. Nothing in...
66.28.300 - Three-tier system—Undue influence—Determination by board. - RCW 66.28.300 Three-tier system—Undue influence—Determination by board. Any industry member...
66.28.305 - Three-tier system—Money advances—Prohibition. - RCW 66.28.305 Three-tier system—Money advances—Prohibition. Except as provided in RCW...
66.28.310 - Three-tier system—Promotional items. - RCW 66.28.310 Three-tier system—Promotional items. (1)(a) Nothing in RCW 66.28.305...
66.28.315 - Three-tier system—Recordkeeping. - RCW 66.28.315 Three-tier system—Recordkeeping. All industry members and retailers shall...
66.28.320 - Three-tier system—Rule adoption. - RCW 66.28.320 Three-tier system—Rule adoption. The board shall adopt rules...
66.28.330 - Spirits sales—Foreign wine—Distilled spirits. - RCW 66.28.330 Spirits sales—Foreign wine—Distilled spirits. (1) No price for...
66.28.340 - Retailer of wine or spirits—Wine or spirits delivery, warehouse, and distribution. - RCW 66.28.340 Retailer of wine or spirits—Wine or spirits delivery,...
66.28.350 - Theft prevention—Regulating spirits retailers. - RCW 66.28.350 Theft prevention—Regulating spirits retailers. (1) Subject to the...
66.28.360 - Cider sales—Container brought by purchaser. - RCW 66.28.360 Cider sales—Container brought by purchaser. (1) Licensees holding...
66.28.370 - Failure to submit required reports or payment for license issuance—Penalty. - RCW 66.28.370 Failure to submit required reports or payment for...
Chapter 66.32 - Search and Seizure.
66.32.010 - Possession of contraband liquor. - RCW 66.32.010 Possession of contraband liquor. The board may, to...
66.32.020 - Search warrant—Search and seizure. - RCW 66.32.020 Search warrant—Search and seizure. If, upon the sworn...
66.32.030 - Service of warrant—Receipt for seized property. - RCW 66.32.030 Service of warrant—Receipt for seized property. A copy...
66.32.040 - Forfeiture of liquor directed if kept unlawfully. - RCW 66.32.040 Forfeiture of liquor directed if kept unlawfully. All...
66.32.050 - Hearing. - RCW 66.32.050 Hearing. Upon the return of the warrant as...
66.32.060 - Claimants may appear. - RCW 66.32.060 Claimants may appear. At the hearing, any person...
66.32.070 - Judgment of forfeiture—Disposition of proceeds of property sold. - RCW 66.32.070 Judgment of forfeiture—Disposition of proceeds of property sold....
66.32.080 - Forfeiture action no bar to criminal prosecution. - RCW 66.32.080 Forfeiture action no bar to criminal prosecution. Action...
66.32.090 - Seized liquor to be reported to board. - RCW 66.32.090 Seized liquor to be reported to board. In...
Chapter 66.36 - Abatement Proceedings.
66.36.010 - Places where liquor unlawfully kept declared a nuisance—Abatement of activity and realty—Judgment—Bond to reopen. - RCW 66.36.010 Places where liquor unlawfully kept declared a nuisance—Abatement...
Chapter 66.40 - Local Option.
66.40.010 - Local option units. - RCW 66.40.010 Local option units. (1) For an election upon...
66.40.020 - Election may be held. - RCW 66.40.020 Election may be held. Within any unit referred...
66.40.030 - License elections. - RCW 66.40.030 License elections. (1) Within any election unit referred...
66.40.040 - Petition for election—Contents—Procedure—Signatures, filing, form, copies, fees, etc.—Public inspection. - RCW 66.40.040 Petition for election—Contents—Procedure—Signatures, filing, form, copies, fees, etc.—Public...
66.40.100 - Check of petitions. - RCW 66.40.100 Check of petitions. Upon the filing of a...
66.40.110 - Form of ballot. - RCW 66.40.110 Form of ballot. Upon the ballot to be...
66.40.120 - Canvass of votes—Effect. - RCW 66.40.120 Canvass of votes—Effect. The returns of any such...
66.40.130 - Effect of election as to licenses. - RCW 66.40.130 Effect of election as to licenses. Ninety days...
66.40.140 - Certificate of result to board—Grace period—Permitted activities. - RCW 66.40.140 Certificate of result to board—Grace period—Permitted activities. Whenever...
66.40.150 - Concurrent liquor elections in same election unit prohibited. - RCW 66.40.150 Concurrent liquor elections in same election unit prohibited....
Chapter 66.44 - Enforcement—Penalties.
66.44.010 - Local officers to enforce law—Authority of board—Liquor enforcement officers. - RCW 66.44.010 Local officers to enforce law—Authority of board—Liquor enforcement...
66.44.040 - Sufficiency of description of offenses in complaints, informations, process, etc. - RCW 66.44.040 Sufficiency of description of offenses in complaints, informations,...
66.44.050 - Description of offense in words of statutes—Proof required. - RCW 66.44.050 Description of offense in words of statutes—Proof required....
66.44.060 - Proof of unlawful sale establishes prima facie intent. - RCW 66.44.060 Proof of unlawful sale establishes prima facie intent....
66.44.070 - Certified analysis is prima facie evidence of alcoholic content. - RCW 66.44.070 Certified analysis is prima facie evidence of alcoholic...
66.44.080 - Service of process on corporation. - RCW 66.44.080 Service of process on corporation. In all prosecutions,...
66.44.090 - Acting without license. - RCW 66.44.090 Acting without license. Any person doing any act...
66.44.100 - Opening or consuming liquor in public place—Penalty. - RCW 66.44.100 Opening or consuming liquor in public place—Penalty. Except...
66.44.120 - Unlawful use of seal. - RCW 66.44.120 Unlawful use of seal. (1) No person other...
66.44.130 - Sales of liquor by drink or bottle. - RCW 66.44.130 Sales of liquor by drink or bottle. Except...
66.44.140 - Unlawful sale, transportation of spirituous liquor without stamp or seal—Unlawful operation, possession of still or mash. - RCW 66.44.140 Unlawful sale, transportation of spirituous liquor without stamp...
66.44.150 - Buying liquor illegally. - RCW 66.44.150 Buying liquor illegally. If any person in this...
66.44.160 - Illegal possession, transportation of alcoholic beverages. - RCW 66.44.160 Illegal possession, transportation of alcoholic beverages. Except as...
66.44.170 - Illegal possession of liquor with intent to sell—Prima facie evidence, what is. - RCW 66.44.170 Illegal possession of liquor with intent to sell—Prima...
66.44.175 - Violations of law. - RCW 66.44.175 Violations of law. Every person who violates any...
66.44.180 - General penalties—Jurisdiction for violations. - RCW 66.44.180 General penalties—Jurisdiction for violations. (1) Every person guilty...
66.44.193 - Sales on university or college campus. - RCW 66.44.193 Sales on university or college campus. If an...
66.44.200 - Sales to persons apparently under the influence of liquor—Purchases or consumption by persons apparently under the influence of liquor on licensed premises—Penalty—Notice—Separation of actions. - RCW 66.44.200 Sales to persons apparently under the influence of...
66.44.210 - Obtaining liquor for ineligible person. - RCW 66.44.210 Obtaining liquor for ineligible person. Except in the...
66.44.240 - Drinking in public conveyance—Penalty against carrier—Exception. - RCW 66.44.240 Drinking in public conveyance—Penalty against carrier—Exception. Every person...
66.44.250 - Drinking in public conveyance—Penalty against individual—Restricted application. - RCW 66.44.250 Drinking in public conveyance—Penalty against individual—Restricted application. Every...
66.44.265 - Candidates giving or purchasing liquor on election day prohibited. - RCW 66.44.265 Candidates giving or purchasing liquor on election day...
66.44.270 - Furnishing liquor to minors—Possession, use—Penalties—Exhibition of effects—Exceptions. - RCW 66.44.270 Furnishing liquor to minors—Possession, use—Penalties—Exhibition of effects—Exceptions. (1)...
66.44.280 - Minor applying for permit. - RCW 66.44.280 Minor applying for permit. Every person under the...
66.44.290 - Minor purchasing or attempting to purchase liquor—Penalty. - RCW 66.44.290 Minor purchasing or attempting to purchase liquor—Penalty. (1)...
66.44.292 - Sales to minors by licensee or employee—Board notification to prosecuting attorney to formulate charges against minors. - RCW 66.44.292 Sales to minors by licensee or employee—Board notification...
66.44.300 - Treats, gifts, purchases of liquor for or from minor, or holding out minor as at least twenty-one, in public place where liquor sold. - RCW 66.44.300 Treats, gifts, purchases of liquor for or from...
66.44.310 - Minors frequenting off-limits area—Misrepresentation of age—Penalty—Classification of licensees. - RCW 66.44.310 Minors frequenting off-limits area—Misrepresentation of age—Penalty—Classification of licensees....
66.44.316 - Certain persons eighteen years and over permitted to enter and remain upon licensed premises during employment. - RCW 66.44.316 Certain persons eighteen years and over permitted to...
66.44.318 - Employees or interns aged eighteen to twenty-one handling, transporting, and possessing beer and wine—Wine production. - RCW 66.44.318 Employees or interns aged eighteen to twenty-one handling,...
66.44.325 - Unlawful transfer to minor of age identification. - RCW 66.44.325 Unlawful transfer to minor of age identification. Any...
66.44.328 - Preparation or acquisition and supply to persons under age twenty-one of facsimile of official identification card—Penalty. - RCW 66.44.328 Preparation or acquisition and supply to persons under...
66.44.340 - Employees eighteen years and over allowed to sell and handle beer and wine for certain licensed employers. - RCW 66.44.340 Employees eighteen years and over allowed to sell...
66.44.350 - Employees eighteen years and over allowed to serve and carry liquor, clean up, etc., for certain licensed employers. - RCW 66.44.350 Employees eighteen years and over allowed to serve...
66.44.365 - Juvenile driving privileges—Alcohol or drug violations. - RCW 66.44.365 Juvenile driving privileges—Alcohol or drug violations. (1) If...
66.44.370 - Resisting or opposing officers in enforcement of title. - RCW 66.44.370 Resisting or opposing officers in enforcement of title....
66.44.380 - Powdered alcohol. - RCW 66.44.380 Powdered alcohol. (1) It is unlawful for a...
66.44.800 - Compliance by Washington wine and beer commissions. - RCW 66.44.800 Compliance by Washington wine and beer commissions. (1)...
Chapter 66.98 - Construction.
66.98.010 - Short title. - RCW 66.98.010 Short title. This act may be cited as...
66.98.020 - Severability and construction—1933 ex.s. c 62. - RCW 66.98.020 Severability and construction—1933 ex.s. c 62. If any...
66.98.030 - Effect of act on certain laws—1933 ex.s. c 62. - RCW 66.98.030 Effect of act on certain laws—1933 ex.s. c...
66.98.040 - Effective date and application—1937 c 217. - RCW 66.98.040 Effective date and application—1937 c 217. This act...
66.98.050 - Effective date and application—1939 c 172. - RCW 66.98.050 Effective date and application—1939 c 172. This act...
66.98.060 - Rights of spirits, beer, and wine restaurant licensees—1949 c 5. - RCW 66.98.060 Rights of spirits, beer, and wine restaurant licensees—1949...
66.98.070 - Regulations by board—1949 c 5. - RCW 66.98.070 Regulations by board—1949 c 5. For the purpose...
66.98.100 - Effective date—1981 1st ex.s. c 5. - RCW 66.98.100 Effective date—1981 1st ex.s. c 5. This act...