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66.32.010 - Possession of contraband liquor. - RCW 66.32.010 Possession of contraband liquor. The board may, to...
66.32.020 - Search warrant—Search and seizure. - RCW 66.32.020 Search warrant—Search and seizure. If, upon the sworn...
66.32.030 - Service of warrant—Receipt for seized property. - RCW 66.32.030 Service of warrant—Receipt for seized property. A copy...
66.32.040 - Forfeiture of liquor directed if kept unlawfully. - RCW 66.32.040 Forfeiture of liquor directed if kept unlawfully. All...
66.32.050 - Hearing. - RCW 66.32.050 Hearing. Upon the return of the warrant as...
66.32.060 - Claimants may appear. - RCW 66.32.060 Claimants may appear. At the hearing, any person...
66.32.070 - Judgment of forfeiture—Disposition of proceeds of property sold. - RCW 66.32.070 Judgment of forfeiture—Disposition of proceeds of property sold....
66.32.080 - Forfeiture action no bar to criminal prosecution. - RCW 66.32.080 Forfeiture action no bar to criminal prosecution. Action...
66.32.090 - Seized liquor to be reported to board. - RCW 66.32.090 Seized liquor to be reported to board. In...