Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.56 - Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Prevention and Response.
90.56.100 - Washington wildlife rescue coalition.

RCW 90.56.100
Washington wildlife rescue coalition.

(1) The Washington wildlife rescue coalition is established for the purpose of coordinating the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife injured or endangered by oil spills or the release of other hazardous substances into the environment.
(2) The Washington wildlife rescue coalition shall be composed of:
(a) A representative of the department of fish and wildlife designated by the director of fish and wildlife. The department of fish and wildlife shall be designated as lead agency in the operations of the coalition. The coalition shall be chaired by the representative from the department of fish and wildlife;
(b) A representative of the department of ecology designated by the director;
(c) A representative of the Washington military department emergency management division, designated by the director of the Washington military department;
(d) A licensed veterinarian, with experience and training in wildlife rehabilitation, appointed by the veterinary board of governors;
(e) A lay person, with training and experience in the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife appointed by the department; and
(f) A person designated by the legislative authority of the county where oil spills or spills of other hazardous substances may occur. This member of the coalition shall serve on the coalition until wildlife rescue and rehabilitation is completed in that county. The completion of any rescue or rehabilitation project shall be determined by the director of fish and wildlife.
(3) The duties of the Washington wildlife rescue coalition are to:
(a) Develop an emergency mobilization plan to rescue and rehabilitate waterfowl and other wildlife that are injured or endangered by an oil spill or the release of other hazardous substances into the environment;
(b) Develop and maintain a resource directory of persons, governmental agencies, and private organizations that may provide assistance in an emergency rescue effort;
(c) Provide advance training and instruction to volunteers in rescuing and rehabilitating waterfowl and wildlife injured or endangered by oil spills or the release of other hazardous substances into the environment. The training may be provided through grants to community colleges or to groups that conduct programs for training volunteers. The coalition representatives from the agencies described in subsection (2) of this section shall coordinate their training efforts and work to provide training opportunities for young citizens;
(d) Obtain and maintain equipment and supplies used in emergency rescue efforts.
(4)(a) Expenses for the coalition may be provided by the coastal protection fund administered according to RCW 90.48.400.
(b) The coalition is encouraged to seek grants, gifts, or donations from private sources in order to carry out the provisions of this section and RCW 90.56.110. Any private funds donated to the commission shall be deposited into the wildlife rescue account hereby created within the *wildlife fund as authorized under Title 77 RCW.

[ 2000 c 69 § 18; 1998 c 245 § 175; 1994 c 264 § 94; 1992 c 73 § 32; 1990 c 116 § 12. Formerly RCW 90.48.387.]

*Reviser's note: The "state wildlife fund" was renamed the "state wildlife account" pursuant to 2005 c 224 § 4 and 2005 c 225 § 4. Subsequently, 2020 c 148 divided the state wildlife account into two separate accounts, the "limited fish and wildlife account" and the "fish, wildlife, and conservation account," effective July 1, 2021.

Effective dates—1992 c 73: See RCW 82.23B.902.

Findings—Severability—1990 c 116: See notes following RCW 90.56.210.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.56 - Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Prevention and Response.

90.56.005 - Findings—Purpose.

90.56.010 - Definitions.

90.56.020 - Director responsible for spill response.

90.56.030 - Powers and duties.

90.56.040 - Authority supplemental.

90.56.050 - Rules.

90.56.060 - Statewide master oil and hazardous substance spill prevention and contingency plan—Evaluation and revision or elimination of advisory committees.

90.56.070 - Coordination with federal law.

90.56.080 - Hazardous substances incident response training and education program.

90.56.100 - Washington wildlife rescue coalition.

90.56.110 - Rehabilitation of wildlife—Rules.

90.56.200 - Prevention plans.

90.56.210 - Contingency plans.

90.56.2101 - Contingency plans—Department to update rules.

90.56.220 - Facility operation standards.

90.56.230 - Operations manuals.

90.56.240 - Standards for spill management, cleanup, and containment services contractors.

90.56.250 - Index of prevention plans and contingency plans—Equipment inventory.

90.56.260 - Adequacy of contingency plans—Practice drills—Report.

90.56.270 - Enforcement of contingency plans.

90.56.275 - Joint large-scale, multiple plan equipment deployment drills of onshore and offshore facilities and covered vessels—Requirements.

90.56.280 - Duty to notify coast guard and division of emergency management of discharge.

90.56.300 - Unlawful operation of facility—Criminal penalties.

90.56.310 - Operation of a facility or vessel without contingency or prevention plan or financial responsibility—Civil penalty.

90.56.320 - Unlawful for oil to enter waters—Exceptions.

90.56.330 - Additional penalties.

90.56.340 - Duty to remove oil.

90.56.350 - Investigation, removal, containment, treatment, or dispersal of oil and hazardous substances—Record of expenses.

90.56.360 - Liability for expenses.

90.56.370 - Strict liability of owner or controller of oil—Damages—Exceptions.

90.56.380 - Liability of others for cleanup expenses.

90.56.390 - Liability for removal costs.

90.56.400 - Department investigation of circumstances of entry of oil—Order for reimbursement of expenses—Modification—Action to recover necessary expenses.

90.56.410 - Right of entry and access to records pertinent to investigations.

90.56.420 - Authorized discharges of oil—Permits.

90.56.500 - Oil spill response account.

90.56.510 - Oil spill prevention account.

90.56.530 - Reckless operation of a tank vessel—Penalty.

90.56.540 - Operation of a vessel while under influence of liquor or drugs—Penalty.

90.56.550 - Breath or blood analysis.

90.56.560 - Limited immunity for blood withdrawal.

90.56.565 - Facilities that receive crude oil from a railroad car—Advanced notice system—Department required to report information—Adoption of rules.

90.56.569 - Updates to the senate and house of representatives.

90.56.570 - Periodic evaluation and update of planning standards for oil spill response equipment.

90.56.580 - Crude oil vapor pressure—Maximum—Penalty.

90.56.900 - Construction—Appeal not to stay order, rule, or regulation.

90.56.901 - Effective dates—1991 c 200.