RCW 86.16.025
Authority of department.
Subject to RCW 43.21A.068, with respect to such features as may affect flood conditions, the department shall have authority to examine, approve or reject designs and plans for any structure or works, public or private, to be erected or built or to be reconstructed or modified upon the banks or in or over the channel or over and across the floodway of any stream or body of water in this state.
[ 1995 c 8 § 4; 1989 c 64 § 2; 1987 c 109 § 50; 1939 c 85 § 1; 1935 c 159 § 6; RRS § 9663A-6. Formerly RCW 86.16.020, part.]
Findings—1995 c 8: See note following RCW 43.21A.064.
Purpose—Short title—Construction—Rules—Severability—Captions—1987 c 109: See notes following RCW 43.21B.001.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 86.16 - Floodplain Management.
86.16.010 - Statement of policy—State control assumed.
86.16.020 - Floodplain management regulation.
86.16.025 - Authority of department.
86.16.031 - Duties of the department of ecology.
86.16.035 - Department of ecology—Control of dams and obstructions.
86.16.045 - Adoption of ordinances or requirements that exceed minimum federal requirements.
86.16.051 - Basis for state and local floodplain management.
86.16.061 - Adoption of rules.
86.16.071 - Chapter not to create liability for damages against the state.
86.16.120 - Flood damages defined.
86.16.160 - Local programs not prevented.