Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 8.12 - Eminent Domain by Cities.
8.12.300 - Hearing on assessment roll—Notice.

RCW 8.12.300
Hearing on assessment roll—Notice.

After the return of such assessment roll, the court shall make an order setting a time for the hearing thereof before the court, which day shall be at least twenty days after return of the roll. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to give notice of the assessment and of the day fixed by the court for the hearing thereof in the following manner:
(1) They shall at least twenty days prior to the date fixed for the hearing on the roll, mail to each owner of the property assessed, whose name and address is known to them, a notice substantially in the following form:
"Title of Cause. To  . . . .: Pursuant to an order of the superior court of the State of Washington, in and for the county of  . . . . . ., there will be a hearing in the above entitled cause on  . . . . . . at  . . . . . . upon the assessment roll prepared by the commissioners heretofore appointed by said court to assess the property specially benefited by the (here describe nature of improvement); and you are hereby required if you desire to make any objections to the assessment roll, to file your objections to the same before the date herein fixed for the hearing upon the roll, a description of your property and the amount assessed against it for the aforesaid improvement is as follows: (Description of property and amount assessed against it.)

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(2) They shall cause at least twenty days' notice to be given by posting notice of the hearing on the assessment roll in at least three public places in the city, one of which shall be in the neighborhood of the proposed improvement, and by publishing the same at least for two successive weeks in the official newspaper of the city. The notice so required to be posted and published, may be substantially as follows:
"Title of Cause. Special assessment notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that an assessment roll has been filed in the above entitled cause providing for the assessment upon the property benefited of the cost of (here insert brief description of improvement) and that the roll has been set down for hearing on the  . . . . day of  . . . . at  . . . . . . The boundaries of the assessment district are substantially as follows: (here insert an approximate description of the assessment district). All persons desiring to object to the assessment roll are required to file their objections before the date fixed for the hearing upon the roll, and appear on the day fixed for hearing before said court.

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[ 1985 c 469 § 3; 1907 c 153 § 25; RRS § 9239. Prior: 1905 c 55 § 24; 1893 c 84 § 24.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 8 - Eminent Domain

Chapter 8.12 - Eminent Domain by Cities.

8.12.005 - Condemnation final actions—Notice requirements.

8.12.010 - "City" defined.

8.12.020 - Other terms defined.

8.12.030 - Condemnation authorized—Purposes enumerated.

8.12.040 - Ordinance to specify method of payment—Limitations.

8.12.050 - Petition for condemnation.

8.12.060 - Contents of petition.

8.12.070 - Summons—Service.

8.12.080 - Service when state or county lands are involved.

8.12.090 - Waiver of jury—Adjudication of public use—Procedure.

8.12.100 - Trial—Jury—Right to separate juries.

8.12.120 - Interested party may be brought in.

8.12.130 - Jury may view premises.

8.12.140 - Damages to building—Measure.

8.12.150 - Separate findings where there are several interests—Interpleader of adverse claimants.

8.12.160 - Verdict—New trial—Continuance—New summons.

8.12.170 - Change of ownership—Powers of court.

8.12.190 - Findings by jury.

8.12.200 - Judgment—Appellate review—Payment of award into court.

8.12.210 - Title vests upon payment.

8.12.220 - Payment from general fund.

8.12.230 - Payment by special assessment.

8.12.240 - Petition for assessment—Appointment of commissioners.

8.12.250 - Advancement from general funds against assessments.

8.12.260 - Appointment of board of eminent domain commissioners—Terms of office.

8.12.270 - Oath of commissioners—Compensation.

8.12.280 - Duties of commissioners—Assessment of benefits—Apportionment.

8.12.290 - Assessment roll.

8.12.300 - Hearing on assessment roll—Notice.

8.12.310 - Proof of service.

8.12.320 - Continuance of hearing.

8.12.330 - Objections to assessment roll.

8.12.340 - Modification of assessment.

8.12.350 - Judgment, effect—Lien.

8.12.360 - Certification of roll to treasurer.

8.12.370 - Treasurer's notice to pay when assessments immediately payable.

8.12.380 - Notice by mail—Penalty for default.

8.12.390 - Bonds authorized.

8.12.400 - Maturity—Interest—Payment.

8.12.410 - Sale—Application of proceeds.

8.12.420 - Installment payment of assessments.

8.12.430 - Notice to pay—Due date of installments—Penalty—Interest.

8.12.440 - Bond owner may enforce collection.

8.12.450 - Bondholder's remedy limited to assessments.

8.12.460 - Payment of bonds—Call—Notice.

8.12.470 - Enforcement of collection—Interest on delinquency.

8.12.480 - Assessment fund to be kept separate.

8.12.490 - Record of payment and redemption.

8.12.500 - Liability of treasurer.

8.12.510 - Reassessment.

8.12.520 - Lien of assessment—Enforcement by civil action.

8.12.530 - Discontinuance of proceedings.

8.12.540 - Subsequent compensation for property taken or damaged.

8.12.550 - Regrade assessments.

8.12.560 - Construction as to second-class cities.