Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 80.50 - Energy Facilities—Site Locations.
80.50.100 - Recommendations to governor—Expedited processing—Approval or rejection of certification—Reconsideration.

RCW 80.50.100
Recommendations to governor—Expedited processing—Approval or rejection of certification—Reconsideration.

(1)(a) The council shall report to the governor its recommendations as to the approval or rejection of an application for certification within twelve months of receipt by the council of an application deemed complete by the director, or such later time as is mutually agreed by the council and the applicant.
(b) The council shall review and consider comments received during the application process in making its recommendation.
(c) In the case of an application filed prior to December 31, 2025, for certification of an energy facility proposed for construction, modification, or expansion for the purpose of providing generating facilities that meet the requirements of RCW 80.80.040 and are located in a county with a coal-fired electric generation facility subject to RCW 80.80.040(3)(c), the council shall expedite the processing of the application pursuant to RCW 80.50.075 and shall report its recommendations to the governor within one hundred eighty days of receipt by the council of such an application, or a later time as is mutually agreed by the council and the applicant.
(2) If the council recommends approval of an application for certification, it shall also submit a draft certification agreement with the report. The council shall include conditions in the draft certification agreement to implement the provisions of this chapter including, but not limited to, conditions to protect state, local governmental, or community interests, or overburdened communities as defined in RCW 70A.02.010 affected by the construction or operation of the facility, and conditions designed to recognize the purpose of laws or ordinances, or rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, that are preempted or superseded pursuant to RCW 80.50.110 as now or hereafter amended.
(3)(a) Within 60 days of receipt of the council's report the governor shall take one of the following actions:
(i) Approve the application and execute the draft certification agreement; or
(ii) Reject the application; or
(iii) Direct the council to reconsider certain aspects of the draft certification agreement.
(b) The council shall reconsider such aspects of the draft certification agreement by reviewing the existing record of the application or, as necessary, by reopening the adjudicative proceeding for the purposes of receiving additional evidence. Such reconsideration shall be conducted expeditiously. The council shall resubmit the draft certification to the governor incorporating any amendments deemed necessary upon reconsideration. Within 60 days of receipt of such draft certification agreement, the governor shall either approve the application and execute the certification agreement or reject the application. The certification agreement shall be binding upon execution by the governor and the applicant.
(4) The rejection of an application for certification by the governor shall be final as to that application but shall not preclude submission of a subsequent application for the same site on the basis of changed conditions or new information.

[ 2022 c 183 § 10; 2011 c 180 § 109; 1989 c 175 § 174; 1977 ex.s. c 371 § 8; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 108 § 36; 1970 ex.s. c 45 § 10.]

Effective date—2022 c 183: See note following RCW 80.50.010.

Findings—Purpose—2011 c 180: See note following RCW 80.80.010.

Effective date—1989 c 175: See note following RCW 34.05.010.

Severability—Effective date—1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 108: See notes following RCW 43.21F.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 80 - Public Utilities

Chapter 80.50 - Energy Facilities—Site Locations.

80.50.010 - Legislative finding—Policy—Intent.

80.50.020 - Definitions.

80.50.030 - Energy facility site evaluation council—Created—Membership—Quorum.

80.50.040 - Energy facility site evaluation council—Powers enumerated.

80.50.045 - Recommendations to secretary, federal energy regulatory commission—Siting electrical transmission corridors—Council designated as state authority for siting transmission facilities.

80.50.060 - Energy facilities to which chapter applies—Applications for certification—Forms—Council's duties—Potential effects to tribal cultural resources.

80.50.071 - Council to receive applications—Payment of costs incurred by the council—Notification requirements.

80.50.075 - Expedited processing of applications.

80.50.080 - Counsel for the environment.

80.50.085 - Council staff to assist applicants, make recommendations.

80.50.090 - Public hearings—Opportunity for public comment.

80.50.100 - Recommendations to governor—Expedited processing—Approval or rejection of certification—Reconsideration.

80.50.105 - Transmission facilities for petroleum products—Recommendations to governor.

80.50.110 - Chapter governs and supersedes other law or regulations—Preemption of regulation and certification by state.

80.50.120 - Effect of certification.

80.50.130 - Revocation or suspension of certification—Grounds.

80.50.140 - Review.

80.50.150 - Enforcement of compliance—Penalties.

80.50.155 - Additional penalties—Appeal procedures.

80.50.160 - Availability of information.

80.50.175 - Council's powers.

80.50.180 - Proposals and actions by other state agencies and local political subdivisions pertaining to energy facilities exempt from "detailed statement" required by RCW 43.21C.030.

80.50.300 - Unfinished nuclear power projects—Transfer of all or a portion of a site to a political subdivision or subdivisions of the state—Water rights.

80.50.310 - Council actions—Exemption from chapter 43.21C RCW.

80.50.320 - Governor to evaluate council efficiency, make recommendations.

80.50.330 - Preapplication—Siting electrical transmission facilities—Corridors.

80.50.340 - Preapplication—Fees—Plans.

80.50.360 - Duties of chair and director.

80.50.370 - Clean energy product manufacturing facilities.

80.50.380 - Preapplication review of a proposed project—Fees.

80.50.390 - Energy facility site evaluation council account.

80.50.400 - Transfer of authority from the utilities and transportation commission to the council.