Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 79.14 - Mineral, Coal, Oil, and Gas Leases.
79.14.080 - Leases of land within a geologic structure.

RCW 79.14.080
Leases of land within a geologic structure.

Oil and gas leases shall not be issued on unleased lands which have been classified by the department as being within a known geologic structure of a producing oil or gas field, except as follows: Upon application of any person, the department shall lease in areas not exceeding six hundred forty acres, at public auction, any or all unleased lands within such geologic structure to the person offering the greatest cash bonus therefor at such auction. Notice of the offer of such lands for lease will be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Olympia, Washington, and in such other publications as the department may authorize. The first publication shall be at least thirty days prior to the date of sale.

[ 2003 c 334 § 475; 1955 c 131 § 8. Prior: 1937 c 161 §§ 5, 11. Formerly RCW 78.28.350.]

Intent—2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 79 - Public Lands

Chapter 79.14 - Mineral, Coal, Oil, and Gas Leases.

79.14.010 - Definitions.

79.14.020 - Leases authorized—Terms—Duration.

79.14.030 - Rental fees—Minimum royalties.

79.14.040 - Compensation to owners of private rights and to state for surface damage.

79.14.050 - Drilling operations beyond lease term—Lease provisions.

79.14.060 - Surrender of lease—Liability.

79.14.070 - Royalties.

79.14.080 - Leases of land within a geologic structure.

79.14.090 - Cancellation or forfeiture of leases—New leases.

79.14.100 - Cooperative or unit plans—Communization or drilling agreements.

79.14.110 - Customary provisions in leases.

79.14.120 - Rules.

79.14.130 - Wells to be located minimum distance from boundaries—Exception.

79.14.140 - Rights-of-way over public lands—Payment for timber.

79.14.150 - Sales of timber—Rules.

79.14.160 - Development after discovery.

79.14.170 - Spacing and offsetting of wells.

79.14.180 - Lands may be withheld from leasing.

79.14.190 - Payment of royalty share—Royalty in kind.

79.14.200 - Prior permits validated—Relinquishment for new leases.

79.14.210 - Assignments and subleases of leases.

79.14.220 - Appeal from rulings of commissioner.

79.14.300 - Prospecting and mining contracts—Authority—Exceptions.

79.14.310 - Prospecting and mining—Public auction of mining contracts.

79.14.315 - Recreational prospecting permits.

79.14.320 - Department may adopt rules.

79.14.330 - Prospecting lease—Application fee.

79.14.340 - Compensation for loss or damage to surface rights.

79.14.350 - Prospecting leases—Term—Rent—Conditions.

79.14.360 - Conversion to mining contract.

79.14.370 - Prospecting and mining—Lessee's rights and duties.

79.14.380 - Prospecting and mining—Termination for default.

79.14.390 - Prospecting leases and mining contracts—Form, terms, conditions.

79.14.400 - Prospecting and mining—Reclamation of premises.

79.14.410 - Prospecting and mining—Minimum royalty.

79.14.420 - Mining contracts—Renewal of contract.

79.14.430 - Prospecting and mining—Consolidation.

79.14.440 - Prospecting and mining—Disclosure of information.

79.14.450 - Prospecting and mining—Disposition of materials not covered by lease or contract.

79.14.470 - Leases and option contracts authorized.

79.14.480 - Application for option contract—Fee.

79.14.490 - Investigation and issue of option contract.

79.14.500 - Damage to surface owner or lessee.

79.14.510 - Lease—Application, terms, royalties.

79.14.520 - Lease without option contract.

79.14.530 - Confidential information.

79.14.540 - Use and sale of materials from land.

79.14.550 - Suspension of mining—Termination of lease.

79.14.560 - Condition of premises on termination.

79.14.570 - Re-lease—Procedure—Preference rights.

79.14.580 - Waste prohibited.

79.14.900 - Severability—1955 c 131.