Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.95 - Salmon Enhancement Program.
77.95.100 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Start-up funds.

RCW 77.95.100
Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Start-up funds.

The department may provide start-up funds to regional fisheries enhancement groups for costs associated with any enhancement project. The commission shall develop guidelines for providing funds to the regional fisheries enhancement groups.

[ 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 82; 2000 c 107 § 107; 1997 c 389 § 2. Formerly RCW 75.50.105.]

Effective date—2010 1st sp.s. c 26; 2010 1st sp.s. c 7: See note following RCW 43.03.027.

Findings—1997 c 389: "(1) The legislature finds that:
(a) Currently, many of the salmon stocks on the Washington coast and in Puget Sound are severely depressed and may soon be listed under the federal endangered species act.
(b) Immediate action is needed to reverse the severe decline of this resource and ensure its very survival.
(c) The cooperation and participation of private landowners is crucial in efforts to restore and enhance salmon populations.
(d) Regional fisheries enhancement groups have been exceptionally successful in their efforts to work with private landowners to restore and enhance salmon habitat on private lands.
(e) State funding for regional fisheries enhancement groups has been declining and is a significant limitation to current fisheries enhancement and habitat restoration efforts.
(f) Therefore, a stable funding source is essential to the success of the regional enhancement groups and their efforts to work cooperatively with private landowners to restore salmon resources.
(2) The legislature further finds that:
(a) The increasing population and continued development throughout the state, and the transportation system needed to serve this growth, have exacerbated problems associated with culverts, creating barriers to fish passage.
(b) These barriers obstruct habitat and have resulted in reduced production and survival of anadromous and resident fish at a time when salmonid stocks continue to decline.
(c) Current state laws do not appropriately direct resources for the correction of fish passage obstructions related to transportation facilities.
(d) Current fish passage management efforts related to transportation projects lack necessary coordination on a watershed, regional, and statewide basis, have inadequate funding, and fail to maximize use of available resources.
(e) Therefore, the legislature finds that the department of transportation and the department of fish and wildlife should work with state, tribal, local government, and volunteer entities to develop a coordinated, watershed-based fish passage barrier removal program." [ 1997 c 389 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.95 - Salmon Enhancement Program.

77.95.010 - Legislative findings.

77.95.020 - Long-term regional policy statements.

77.95.030 - Salmon enhancement plan—Enhancement projects.

77.95.040 - Commission to monitor enhancement projects and enhancement plan.

77.95.050 - "Enhancement project" defined.

77.95.060 - Regional fisheries enhancement group authorized.

77.95.070 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Goals.

77.95.080 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Incorporation prerequisites.

77.95.090 - Regional fisheries enhancement group account—Revenue sources, uses, and limitations.

77.95.100 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Start-up funds.

77.95.130 - Regional fisheries enhancement salmonid recovery account—Created.

77.95.140 - Skagit river salmon recovery plan.

77.95.150 - Coordination with regional enhancement groups—Findings.

77.95.160 - Fish passage barrier removal board—Membership—Duties.

77.95.170 - Salmonid fish passage—Removing impediments—Grant program—Administration—Database directory.

77.95.180 - Fish passage barrier removal program.

77.95.185 - Local fish passage barrier removal—Compensatory mitigation preference—Mitigation framework for off-site and out-of-kind barriers—In lieu fee program.

77.95.190 - Field testing of remote site incubators.

77.95.200 - Remote site incubator program—Reports to the fish and wildlife commission.

77.95.210 - Sale of surplus salmon eggs—Order of priority.

77.95.220 - Legislative finding.

77.95.230 - Director's determination of salmon production costs.

77.95.240 - State purchase of private salmon smolts.

77.95.250 - State purchase of private salmon smolts—Bids.

77.95.260 - State purchase of private salmon smolts—Private ocean ranching not authorized.

77.95.270 - State purchase of private salmon smolts—Availability of excess salmon eggs.

77.95.280 - Chinook and coho salmon—External marking of hatchery-produced fish—Findings.

77.95.290 - Chinook and coho salmon—External marking of hatchery-produced fish—Program.

77.95.300 - Chinook and coho salmon—External marking of hatchery-produced fish—Rules.

77.95.310 - Report identifying total salmon and steelhead harvest.

77.95.320 - Program utilizing department-partnership agreements to operate and manage certain hatcheries—Selection of partners—Partnership agreements.

77.95.330 - Powers and authorities conferred by chapter to be construed as in addition and supplemental.

77.95.340 - Identification and removal of impediments to fish passage.