Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.95 - Salmon Enhancement Program.
77.95.070 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Goals.

RCW 77.95.070
Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Goals.

Regional fisheries enhancement groups, consistent with the long-term regional policy statements developed under RCW 77.95.020, shall seek to:
(1) Enhance the salmon and steelhead resources of the state;
(2) Maximize volunteer efforts and private donations to improve the salmon and steelhead resources for all citizens;
(3) Assist the department in achieving the goal to double the statewide salmon and steelhead catch by the year 2000; and
(4) Develop projects designed to supplement the fishery enhancement capability of the department.

[ 2000 c 107 § 105; 1997 c 389 § 5; 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 47; 1989 c 426 § 4. Formerly RCW 75.50.080.]

Findings—1997 c 389: See note following RCW 77.95.100.

Effective date—1993 sp.s. c 2 §§ 1-6, 8-59, and 61-79: See RCW 43.300.900.

Severability—1989 c 426: See note following RCW 77.95.060.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.95 - Salmon Enhancement Program.

77.95.010 - Legislative findings.

77.95.020 - Long-term regional policy statements.

77.95.030 - Salmon enhancement plan—Enhancement projects.

77.95.040 - Commission to monitor enhancement projects and enhancement plan.

77.95.050 - "Enhancement project" defined.

77.95.060 - Regional fisheries enhancement group authorized.

77.95.070 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Goals.

77.95.080 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Incorporation prerequisites.

77.95.090 - Regional fisheries enhancement group account—Revenue sources, uses, and limitations.

77.95.100 - Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Start-up funds.

77.95.130 - Regional fisheries enhancement salmonid recovery account—Created.

77.95.140 - Skagit river salmon recovery plan.

77.95.150 - Coordination with regional enhancement groups—Findings.

77.95.160 - Fish passage barrier removal board—Membership—Duties.

77.95.170 - Salmonid fish passage—Removing impediments—Grant program—Administration—Database directory.

77.95.180 - Fish passage barrier removal program.

77.95.185 - Local fish passage barrier removal—Compensatory mitigation preference—Mitigation framework for off-site and out-of-kind barriers—In lieu fee program.

77.95.190 - Field testing of remote site incubators.

77.95.200 - Remote site incubator program—Reports to the fish and wildlife commission.

77.95.210 - Sale of surplus salmon eggs—Order of priority.

77.95.220 - Legislative finding.

77.95.230 - Director's determination of salmon production costs.

77.95.240 - State purchase of private salmon smolts.

77.95.250 - State purchase of private salmon smolts—Bids.

77.95.260 - State purchase of private salmon smolts—Private ocean ranching not authorized.

77.95.270 - State purchase of private salmon smolts—Availability of excess salmon eggs.

77.95.280 - Chinook and coho salmon—External marking of hatchery-produced fish—Findings.

77.95.290 - Chinook and coho salmon—External marking of hatchery-produced fish—Program.

77.95.300 - Chinook and coho salmon—External marking of hatchery-produced fish—Rules.

77.95.310 - Report identifying total salmon and steelhead harvest.

77.95.320 - Program utilizing department-partnership agreements to operate and manage certain hatcheries—Selection of partners—Partnership agreements.

77.95.330 - Powers and authorities conferred by chapter to be construed as in addition and supplemental.

77.95.340 - Identification and removal of impediments to fish passage.