Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.85 - Salmon Recovery.
77.85.090 - Southwest Washington salmon recovery region—Created—Recognition as a regional recovery organization—Puget Sound salmon recovery organizations.

RCW 77.85.090
Southwest Washington salmon recovery region—Created—Recognition as a regional recovery organization—Puget Sound salmon recovery organizations.

(1) The southwest Washington salmon recovery region, whose boundaries are provided in chapter 60, Laws of 1998, is created.
(2) Lead entities within a salmon recovery region that agree to form a regional salmon recovery organization may be recognized by the governor's salmon recovery office created in RCW 77.85.030 as a regional recovery organization. The regional recovery organization may plan, coordinate, and monitor the implementation of a regional recovery plan in accordance with RCW 77.85.150. Regional recovery organizations existing as of July 24, 2005, that have developed draft recovery plans approved by the governor's salmon recovery office by July 1, 2005, may continue to plan, coordinate, and monitor the implementation of regional recovery plans.
(3) Beginning January 1, 2008, the leadership council, created under chapter 90.71 RCW, shall serve as the regional salmon recovery organization for Puget Sound salmon species, except for the program known as the Hood Canal summer chum evolutionarily significant unit area, which the Hood Canal coordinating council shall continue to administer under chapter 90.88 RCW.

[ 2009 c 345 § 10. Prior: 2007 c 444 § 5; 2007 c 341 § 49; 2005 c 309 § 7; 2000 c 107 § 99; 1998 c 246 § 12. Formerly RCW 75.46.110.]

Finding—Intent—2009 c 345: See notes following RCW 77.85.030.

Effective date—2007 c 341: See RCW 90.71.907.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.85 - Salmon Recovery.

77.85.005 - Findings—Intent.

77.85.010 - Definitions.

77.85.020 - Consolidated report on salmon recovery and watershed health.

77.85.030 - Governor's salmon recovery office—Purpose and duties.

77.85.040 - Independent science panel on salmon recovery—Purpose.

77.85.050 - Habitat project lists.

77.85.060 - Critical pathways methodology—Habitat work schedule.

77.85.080 - Sea grant program—Technical assistance authorized.

77.85.090 - Southwest Washington salmon recovery region—Created—Recognition as a regional recovery organization—Puget Sound salmon recovery organizations.

77.85.110 - Salmon recovery funding board—Creation—Membership.

77.85.120 - Board responsibilities—Grants and loans administration assistance.

77.85.130 - Allocation of funds—Procedures and criteria.

77.85.135 - Habitat project funding—Statement of environmental benefits—Development of outcome-focused performance measures.

77.85.140 - Habitat project lists—Tracking of funds.

77.85.150 - Statewide salmon recovery strategy—Prospective application.

77.85.160 - Salmon monitoring data, information.

77.85.170 - Salmon recovery account.

77.85.180 - Findings.

77.85.190 - Federal assurances in forests and fish report—Events constituting failure of assurances—Governor's authority to negotiate.

77.85.200 - Salmon and steelhead recovery program—Management board—Duties.

77.85.220 - Salmon intertidal habitat restoration planning process—Task force—Reports.

77.85.230 - Intertidal salmon enhancement plan—Elements—Initial and final plan.

77.85.240 - Puget Sound partners.