Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.85 - Salmon Recovery.
77.85.010 - Definitions.

RCW 77.85.010

The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Adaptive management" means reliance on scientific methods to test the results of actions taken so that the management and related policy can be changed promptly and appropriately.
(2) "Critical pathways methodology" means a project scheduling and management process for examining interactions between habitat projects and salmonid species, prioritizing habitat projects, and assuring positive benefits from habitat projects.
(3) "Habitat project list" is the list of projects resulting from the critical pathways methodology under RCW 77.85.060(2). Each project on the list must have a written agreement from the landowner on whose land the project will be implemented. Projects include habitat restoration projects, habitat protection projects, habitat projects that improve water quality, habitat projects that protect water quality, habitat-related mitigation projects, and habitat project maintenance and monitoring activities.
(4) "Habitat work schedule" means those projects from the habitat project list that will be implemented during the current funding cycle. The schedule shall also include a list of the entities and individuals implementing projects, the start date, duration, estimated date of completion, estimated cost, and funding sources for the projects.
(5) "Limiting factors" means conditions that limit the ability of habitat to fully sustain populations of salmon. These factors are primarily fish passage barriers and degraded estuarine areas, riparian corridors, stream channels, and wetlands.
(6) "Project sponsor" is a county, city, special district, tribal government, state agency, a combination of such governments through interlocal or interagency agreements, a nonprofit organization, regional fisheries enhancement group, or one or more private citizens. A project sponsored by a state agency may be funded by the board only if it is included on the habitat project list submitted by the lead entity for that area and the state agency has a local partner that would otherwise qualify as a project sponsor.
(7) "Regional recovery organization" or "regional salmon recovery organization" means an entity formed under RCW 77.85.090 for the purpose of recovering salmon, which is recognized in statute or by the governor's salmon recovery office created in RCW 77.85.030.
(8) "Salmon" includes all species of the family Salmonidae which are capable of self-sustaining, natural production.
(9) "Salmon recovery plan" means a state or regional plan developed in response to a proposed or actual listing under the federal endangered species act that addresses limiting factors including, but not limited to harvest, hatchery, hydropower, habitat, and other factors of decline.
(10) "Salmon recovery region" means geographic areas of the state identified or formed under RCW 77.85.090 that encompass groups of watersheds in the state with common stocks of salmon identified for recovery activities, and that generally are consistent with the geographic areas within the state identified by the national oceanic and atmospheric administration or the United States fish and wildlife service for activities under the federal endangered species act.
(11) "Salmon recovery strategy" means the strategy adopted under RCW 77.85.150 and includes the compilation of all subbasin and regional salmon recovery plans developed in response to a proposed or actual listing under the federal endangered species act with state hatchery, harvest, and hydropower plans compiled in accordance with RCW 77.85.150.
(12) "Tribe" or "tribes" means federally recognized Indian tribes.
(13) "WRIA" means a water resource inventory area established in chapter 173-500 WAC as it existed on January 1, 1997.
(14) "Owner" means the person holding title to the land or the person under contract with the owner to lease or manage the legal owner's property.

[ 2007 c 444 § 1; 2005 c 309 § 2; 2002 c 210 § 1; 2000 c 107 § 92; 1998 c 246 § 2. Formerly RCW 75.46.010.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.85 - Salmon Recovery.

77.85.005 - Findings—Intent.

77.85.010 - Definitions.

77.85.020 - Consolidated report on salmon recovery and watershed health.

77.85.030 - Governor's salmon recovery office—Purpose and duties.

77.85.040 - Independent science panel on salmon recovery—Purpose.

77.85.050 - Habitat project lists.

77.85.060 - Critical pathways methodology—Habitat work schedule.

77.85.080 - Sea grant program—Technical assistance authorized.

77.85.090 - Southwest Washington salmon recovery region—Created—Recognition as a regional recovery organization—Puget Sound salmon recovery organizations.

77.85.110 - Salmon recovery funding board—Creation—Membership.

77.85.120 - Board responsibilities—Grants and loans administration assistance.

77.85.130 - Allocation of funds—Procedures and criteria.

77.85.135 - Habitat project funding—Statement of environmental benefits—Development of outcome-focused performance measures.

77.85.140 - Habitat project lists—Tracking of funds.

77.85.150 - Statewide salmon recovery strategy—Prospective application.

77.85.160 - Salmon monitoring data, information.

77.85.170 - Salmon recovery account.

77.85.180 - Findings.

77.85.190 - Federal assurances in forests and fish report—Events constituting failure of assurances—Governor's authority to negotiate.

77.85.200 - Salmon and steelhead recovery program—Management board—Duties.

77.85.220 - Salmon intertidal habitat restoration planning process—Task force—Reports.

77.85.230 - Intertidal salmon enhancement plan—Elements—Initial and final plan.

77.85.240 - Puget Sound partners.