Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.70 - License Limitation Programs.
77.70.210 - Herring spawn on kelp fishery license—Auction.

RCW 77.70.210
Herring spawn on kelp fishery license—Auction.

(1) A herring spawn on kelp fishery license is required to commercially take herring eggs which have been deposited on vegetation of any type.
(2) A herring spawn on kelp fishery license may be issued only to a person who:
(a) Holds a herring fishery license issued under RCW 77.65.200 and 77.70.120; and
(b) Is the highest bidder in an auction conducted under subsection (3) of this section.
(3) The department shall sell herring spawn on kelp commercial fishery licenses at auction to the highest bidder. Bidders shall identify their sources of kelp. Kelp harvested from state-owned aquatic lands as defined in *RCW 79.90.465 requires the written consent of the department of natural resources. The department shall give all holders of herring fishery licenses thirty days' notice of the auction.

[ 2000 c 107 § 70; 1993 c 340 § 37; 1989 c 176 § 2. Formerly RCW 75.30.270, 75.28.245.]

*Reviser's note: RCW 79.90.465 was repealed by 2005 c 155 § 1013.

Finding, intent—Captions not law—Effective date—Severability—1993 c 340: See notes following RCW 77.65.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.70 - License Limitation Programs.

77.70.005 - Definitions.

77.70.010 - License renewed subject to RCW 77.65.080.

77.70.020 - No harvest opportunity during year—License requirements waived—Effect on license limitation programs.

77.70.040 - Administrative review of department's decision—Hearing—Procedures.

77.70.050 - Salmon charter boats—Limitation on issuance of licenses—Renewal—Transfer.

77.70.060 - Salmon charter boats—Angler permit, when required.

77.70.070 - Salmon charter boats—Angler permit—Number of anglers.

77.70.080 - Salmon charter boats—Angler permit—Total number of anglers limited—Permit transfer—Fees.

77.70.090 - Commercial salmon fishing licenses and delivery licenses—Limitations—Transfer.

77.70.100 - Commercial salmon fishery license or salmon delivery license—Reversion to department following government confiscation of vessel.

77.70.110 - Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery license—Limitations—Qualifications.

77.70.120 - Herring fishery license—Limitations on issuance.

77.70.130 - Whiting-Puget Sound fishery license—Limitation on issuance.

77.70.140 - Whiting-Puget Sound fishery license—Transferable to family members.

77.70.150 - Sea urchin dive fishery license—Limitation on issuance—Transfer of license—Issuance of new licenses.

77.70.160 - Emerging commercial fishery designation—Experimental fishery permits.

77.70.170 - Emerging commercial fishery designation—Legislative review.

77.70.180 - Emerging commercial fishery—License status—Recommendations to legislature—Information included in report.

77.70.190 - Sea cucumber dive fishery license—Limitation on issuance—Transfer of license—Fee—Issuance of new licenses.

77.70.200 - Herring spawn on kelp fishery licenses—Number limited.

77.70.210 - Herring spawn on kelp fishery license—Auction.

77.70.220 - Geoduck fishery license—Fees—Conditions and limitations—OSHA regulations—Violations—Vessel identification number/fee.

77.70.230 - Ocean pink shrimp—Delivery license—Requirements and criteria—Continuous participation.

77.70.240 - Ocean pink shrimp—Delivery license—Requirements and criteria—Historical participation.

77.70.250 - Ocean pink shrimp—Delivery license—License transfer—License suspension.

77.70.260 - Ocean pink shrimp—Single delivery license—Fees.

77.70.280 - Crab fishery—License required—Dungeness crab-coastal fishery license—Coastal crab and replacement vessel defined—Federal fleet reduction program.

77.70.290 - Crab taken in offshore waters—Criteria for landing in Washington state—Limitations.

77.70.300 - Crab taken in offshore waters—Dungeness crab offshore delivery license—Fee.

77.70.310 - Transfer of Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses—Fee.

77.70.320 - Coastal crab account—Created—Revenues—Expenditures.

77.70.330 - Coastal crab account expenditures—Management of coastal crab resource.

77.70.340 - Criteria for nonresident Dungeness crab-coastal fishery license for Oregon residents—Section effective contingent upon reciprocal statutory authority in Oregon.

77.70.350 - Restrictions on vessel designations and substitutions on Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses.

77.70.360 - Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses—Limitation on new licenses—Requirements for renewal.

77.70.370 - Limitation on taking crab in the exclusive economic zone of Oregon or California—Section effective contingent upon reciprocal legislation by both Oregon and California.

77.70.390 - Reduction of landing requirements under RCW 77.70.280—Procedure.

77.70.400 - Coastal Dungeness crab resource plan.

77.70.410 - Shrimp pot-Puget Sound fishery—Limited entry fishery—License analogous to personal property—Transferability—Alternate operator designation.

77.70.420 - Shrimp trawl-Puget Sound fishery—Limited entry fishery—License analogous to personal property—Transferability—Alternate operator.

77.70.430 - Puget Sound crab pot buoy tag program—Fee—Coastal crab pot buoy tag program—Fee—Review.

77.70.440 - Puget Sound crab pot buoy tag account.

77.70.442 - Washington coastal crab pot buoy tag account.

77.70.450 - Commercial fisheries buyback account.

77.70.460 - Collection of fee—Fee schedule—Deposit of moneys.

77.70.470 - Ban on assessing fee under RCW 77.70.460.

77.70.480 - Pacific sardines—Purse seine fishery license or temporary annual fishery permit required.

77.70.490 - Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license—Fees—Temporary annual fishery permit—Fees—Adoption of rules regarding bycatch.

77.70.500 - Crab pot removal permit—Shellfish pot removal permit—Rules—Penalty.

77.70.510 - Washington-coastal spot shrimp pot fishery license.