Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.70 - License Limitation Programs.
77.70.110 - Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery license—Limitations—Qualifications.

RCW 77.70.110
Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery license—Limitations—Qualifications.

(1) A person shall not commercially take Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in Puget Sound without first obtaining a Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery license. As used in this section, "Puget Sound" has the meaning given in RCW 77.65.160(5)(a). A Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery license is not required to take other species of crab, including red rock crab (Cancer productus).
(2) Except as provided in subsections (3) and (6) of this section, after January 1, 1982, the director shall issue no new Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery licenses. Only a person who meets the following qualification may renew an existing license: The person shall have held the Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery license sought to be renewed during the previous year or acquired the license by transfer from someone who held it during the previous year, and shall not have subsequently transferred the license to another person.
(3) Where the person failed to obtain the license during the previous year because of a license suspension, the person may qualify for a license by establishing that the person held such a license during the last year in which the license was not suspended.
(4) This section does not restrict the issuance of commercial crab licenses for areas other than Puget Sound or for species other than Dungeness crab.
(5) Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery licenses are transferable from one license holder to another.
(6) If fewer than one hundred twenty-five persons are eligible for Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery licenses, the director may accept applications for new licenses. The director shall determine by random selection the successful applicants for the additional licenses. The number of additional licenses issued shall be sufficient to maintain one hundred twenty-five licenses in the Puget Sound Dungeness crab fishery. The director shall adopt rules governing the application, selection, and issuance procedures for new Dungeness crab—Puget Sound fishery licenses.

[ 2000 c 107 § 65; 1999 c 151 § 1602; 1998 c 190 § 101. Prior: 1997 c 233 § 1; 1997 c 115 § 1; 1993 c 340 § 34; 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § 147; 1982 c 157 § 1; 1980 c 133 § 4. Formerly RCW 75.30.130, 75.28.275.]

Part headings not law—Effective date—1999 c 151: See notes following RCW 18.28.010.

Finding, intent—Captions not law—Effective date—Severability—1993 c 340: See notes following RCW 77.65.010.

Severability—1980 c 133: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1980 c 133 § 8.]

Legislative findings—1980 c 133: "The legislature finds that a significant commercial crab fishery is developing within Puget Sound. The legislature further finds that the crab fishery in Puget Sound represents a separate and distinct fishery from that of the coastal waters and is limited in quantity and is in need of conservation. The potential for depletion of the crab stocks in these waters is increasing, particularly as crab fishing becomes an attractive alternative to fishermen facing increasing restrictions on commercial salmon fishing.
The legislature finds that the number of commercial fishermen engaged in crab fishing has steadily increased. This factor, combined with advances in fishing and marketing techniques, has resulted in strong pressures on the supply of crab, unnecessary waste of an important natural resource, and economic loss to the citizens of the state.
The legislature finds that increased regulation of commercial crab fishing is necessary to preserve and efficiently manage the commercial crab fishery in the waters of Puget Sound." [ 1980 c 133 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.70 - License Limitation Programs.

77.70.005 - Definitions.

77.70.010 - License renewed subject to RCW 77.65.080.

77.70.020 - No harvest opportunity during year—License requirements waived—Effect on license limitation programs.

77.70.040 - Administrative review of department's decision—Hearing—Procedures.

77.70.050 - Salmon charter boats—Limitation on issuance of licenses—Renewal—Transfer.

77.70.060 - Salmon charter boats—Angler permit, when required.

77.70.070 - Salmon charter boats—Angler permit—Number of anglers.

77.70.080 - Salmon charter boats—Angler permit—Total number of anglers limited—Permit transfer—Fees.

77.70.090 - Commercial salmon fishing licenses and delivery licenses—Limitations—Transfer.

77.70.100 - Commercial salmon fishery license or salmon delivery license—Reversion to department following government confiscation of vessel.

77.70.110 - Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery license—Limitations—Qualifications.

77.70.120 - Herring fishery license—Limitations on issuance.

77.70.130 - Whiting-Puget Sound fishery license—Limitation on issuance.

77.70.140 - Whiting-Puget Sound fishery license—Transferable to family members.

77.70.150 - Sea urchin dive fishery license—Limitation on issuance—Transfer of license—Issuance of new licenses.

77.70.160 - Emerging commercial fishery designation—Experimental fishery permits.

77.70.170 - Emerging commercial fishery designation—Legislative review.

77.70.180 - Emerging commercial fishery—License status—Recommendations to legislature—Information included in report.

77.70.190 - Sea cucumber dive fishery license—Limitation on issuance—Transfer of license—Fee—Issuance of new licenses.

77.70.200 - Herring spawn on kelp fishery licenses—Number limited.

77.70.210 - Herring spawn on kelp fishery license—Auction.

77.70.220 - Geoduck fishery license—Fees—Conditions and limitations—OSHA regulations—Violations—Vessel identification number/fee.

77.70.230 - Ocean pink shrimp—Delivery license—Requirements and criteria—Continuous participation.

77.70.240 - Ocean pink shrimp—Delivery license—Requirements and criteria—Historical participation.

77.70.250 - Ocean pink shrimp—Delivery license—License transfer—License suspension.

77.70.260 - Ocean pink shrimp—Single delivery license—Fees.

77.70.280 - Crab fishery—License required—Dungeness crab-coastal fishery license—Coastal crab and replacement vessel defined—Federal fleet reduction program.

77.70.290 - Crab taken in offshore waters—Criteria for landing in Washington state—Limitations.

77.70.300 - Crab taken in offshore waters—Dungeness crab offshore delivery license—Fee.

77.70.310 - Transfer of Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses—Fee.

77.70.320 - Coastal crab account—Created—Revenues—Expenditures.

77.70.330 - Coastal crab account expenditures—Management of coastal crab resource.

77.70.340 - Criteria for nonresident Dungeness crab-coastal fishery license for Oregon residents—Section effective contingent upon reciprocal statutory authority in Oregon.

77.70.350 - Restrictions on vessel designations and substitutions on Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses.

77.70.360 - Dungeness crab-coastal fishery licenses—Limitation on new licenses—Requirements for renewal.

77.70.370 - Limitation on taking crab in the exclusive economic zone of Oregon or California—Section effective contingent upon reciprocal legislation by both Oregon and California.

77.70.390 - Reduction of landing requirements under RCW 77.70.280—Procedure.

77.70.400 - Coastal Dungeness crab resource plan.

77.70.410 - Shrimp pot-Puget Sound fishery—Limited entry fishery—License analogous to personal property—Transferability—Alternate operator designation.

77.70.420 - Shrimp trawl-Puget Sound fishery—Limited entry fishery—License analogous to personal property—Transferability—Alternate operator.

77.70.430 - Puget Sound crab pot buoy tag program—Fee—Coastal crab pot buoy tag program—Fee—Review.

77.70.440 - Puget Sound crab pot buoy tag account.

77.70.442 - Washington coastal crab pot buoy tag account.

77.70.450 - Commercial fisheries buyback account.

77.70.460 - Collection of fee—Fee schedule—Deposit of moneys.

77.70.470 - Ban on assessing fee under RCW 77.70.460.

77.70.480 - Pacific sardines—Purse seine fishery license or temporary annual fishery permit required.

77.70.490 - Pacific sardine purse seine fishery license—Fees—Temporary annual fishery permit—Fees—Adoption of rules regarding bycatch.

77.70.500 - Crab pot removal permit—Shellfish pot removal permit—Rules—Penalty.

77.70.510 - Washington-coastal spot shrimp pot fishery license.