Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 77.55 - Construction Projects in State Waters.
77.55.061 - Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable.

RCW 77.55.061
Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable.

The procedural requirements of this chapter shall not apply to any person conducting a remedial action at a facility pursuant to a consent decree, order, or agreed order issued pursuant to chapter 70A.305 RCW, or to the department of ecology when it conducts a remedial action under chapter 70A.305 RCW. The department of ecology shall ensure compliance with the substantive requirements of this chapter through the consent decree, order, or agreed order issued pursuant to chapter 70A.305 RCW, or during the department-conducted remedial action, through the procedures developed by the department pursuant to RCW 70A.305.090.

[ 2020 c 20 § 1465; 1994 c 257 § 18. Formerly RCW 77.55.030, 75.20.025.]

Severability—1994 c 257: See note following RCW 36.70A.270.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 77.55 - Construction Projects in State Waters.

77.55.011 - Definitions.

77.55.021 - Permit.

77.55.031 - Driving across established ford.

77.55.041 - Derelict fishing, crab, and other shellfish gear—Removal.

77.55.051 - Spartina/purple loosestrife—Removal or control.

77.55.061 - Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable.

77.55.081 - Removal or control of aquatic noxious weeds—Rules—Pamphlet.

77.55.091 - Small scale prospecting and mining—Rules.

77.55.101 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter.

77.55.111 - Habitat incentives agreement.

77.55.121 - Habitat incentives program—Goal—Requirements of agreement—Application evaluation factors.

77.55.131 - Dike vegetation management guidelines—Memorandum of agreement.

77.55.151 - Permit issued to a marina or marine terminal for regular maintenance activities.

77.55.161 - Stormwater discharges.

77.55.171 - Watershed restoration projects—Permit processing.

77.55.181 - Fish habitat enhancement project—Permit review and approval process—Fees—Limitation of liability.

77.55.191 - Columbia river anadromous fish sanctuary—Restrictions.

77.55.201 - Landscape management plan.

77.55.211 - Informational brochure.

77.55.221 - Flood damage repair and reduction activities—Five-year maintenance permit agreements.

77.55.231 - Conditions imposed upon a permit—Reasonably related to project—Least impactful modifications—Minor modifications to plans/work timing.

77.55.241 - Off-site mitigation.

77.55.251 - Mitigation plan review.

77.55.261 - Placement of woody debris as condition of permit.

77.55.271 - Sediment dredging or capping actions—Dredging of existing channels and berthing areas—Mitigation not required.

77.55.281 - Fishways on certain agricultural drainage facilities.

77.55.331 - Hydraulic project approval account.

77.55.341 - Department to prepare and distribute information to the public.

77.55.351 - Department to develop system to provide access to hydraulic project approval applications.

77.55.361 - Limitations of chapter to a forest practices hydraulic project—Adoption of rules for concurrent review process—Department's duties regarding chapter 76.09 RCW.

77.55.371 - Memorandum of agreement to implement integration of hydraulic project approvals into forest practices applications—Interagency contract.

77.55.400 - Determination as to whether construction is a hydraulic project—Preapplication determination—Review and comment period—Written determination.

77.55.410 - Violation of chapter.

77.55.420 - Stop work order—Notice—Appeal.

77.55.430 - Notice to comply—Notice—Appeal.

77.55.440 - Penalties—Notice—Appeal—Authority of attorney general to recover penalty—Penalty schedule.

77.55.450 - Administrative inspection warrant.

77.55.460 - Disapproval of an application—Notice—Review.

77.55.470 - Remedies under chapter not exclusive.

77.55.480 - Habitat recovery pilot program.