RCW 76.04.486
Escaped slash burns—Obligations.
(1) All personnel and equipment required by the burning permit issued for a slash burn may be required by the department, at the permittee's expense, for suppression of a fire resulting from the slash burn until the fire is declared out by the department. In no case may the permittee provide less than one suitable bulldozer and five persons capable of taking suppression action. In addition, if a slash burn becomes an uncontrolled fire the department may recover from the landowner the actual costs incurred in suppressing the fire. The amount collected from the landowner shall be limited to and calculated at the rate of one dollar per acre for the landowner's total forestlands protected by the department, up to a maximum charge of fifty thousand dollars per escaped slash burn.
(2) The landowner contingency forest fire suppression account shall be used to pay and the permittee shall not be responsible for fire suppression expenditures greater than fifty thousand dollars or the total amount calculated for forestlands owned as determined in subsection (1) of this section for each escaped slash burn.
(3) All expenses incurred in suppressing a fire resulting from a slash burn in which negligence was involved shall be the obligation of the landowner.
[ 1986 c 100 § 32.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 76 - Forests and Forest Products
Chapter 76.04 - Forest Protection.
76.04.035 - Wardens—Appointment—Duties.
76.04.045 - Rangers—Appointment—Ex officio rangers—Compensation.
76.04.055 - Service of notices.
76.04.065 - Arrests without warrants.
76.04.085 - Penalty for violations.
76.04.095 - Cooperative protection.
76.04.105 - Contracts for protection and development.
76.04.115 - Articles of incorporation—Requirements.
76.04.125 - Requisites of contract.
76.04.155 - Firefighting—Employment—Assistance.
76.04.165 - Legislative declaration—Forest protection zones.
76.04.175 - Fire suppression equipment—Comparison of costs.
76.04.177 - Fire suppression equipment—Requirement to utilize private equipment.
76.04.179 - Wildland fire advisory committee.
76.04.181 - Maximizing the utilization of local fire suppression assets—Department's duty.
76.04.183 - Prescribed burn manager certification program—Rule-making authority.
76.04.205 - Burning permits—Civil penalty.
76.04.215 - Burning mill wood waste—Arresters.
76.04.235 - Dumping mill waste, forest debris—Penalty.
76.04.246 - Use of blasting fuse.
76.04.305 - Closed to entry—Designation.
76.04.315 - Suspension of burning permits/privileges.
76.04.325 - Closure of forest operations or forestlands.
76.04.415 - Penalty for violations—Work stoppage notice.
76.04.425 - Unauthorized entry into sealed fire tool box.
76.04.435 - Deposit of fire or live coals.
76.04.465 - Certain snags to be felled currently with logging.
76.04.475 - Reimbursement for costs of suppression action.
76.04.486 - Escaped slash burns—Obligations.
76.04.511 - Wildfire response, forest restoration, and community resilience account.
76.04.521 - Forest sector workforce development.
76.04.525 - Wildland fire aviation support plan.
76.04.600 - Owners to protect forests.
76.04.610 - Forest fire protection assessment.
76.04.630 - Landowner contingency forest fire suppression account—Expenditures—Assessments.
76.04.650 - Disposal of forest debris—Permission to allow trees to fall on another's land.
76.04.700 - Failure to extinguish campfire.
76.04.710 - Wilful setting of fire.
76.04.720 - Removal of notices.
76.04.730 - Negligent fire—Spread.
76.04.750 - Uncontrolled fire a public nuisance—Suppression—Duties—Summary action—Recovery of costs.
76.04.760 - Civil actions—Forested lands—Fire damage.
76.04.780 - Utility wildland fire prevention advisory committee—Duties—Report—Membership—Immunity.