RCW 76.04.183
Prescribed burn manager certification program—Rule-making authority.
(1) Subject to availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the department must create a prescribed burn manager certification program for those who practice prescribed burning in the state. The certification program must include training on all relevant aspects of prescribed fire in Washington including, but not limited to, the following: Legal requirements; safety; weather; fire behavior; smoke management; prescribed fire techniques; public relations; planning; and contingencies.
(2) The department may not require certification under the program created under subsection (1) of this section for burn permit approval under this chapter. Nothing in this section may be construed as creating a mandatory prescribed burn manager certification requirement to conduct prescribed burning in Washington.
(3) No civil or criminal liability may be imposed by any court, the state, or its officers and employees, on a prescribed burn manager certified under the program created under subsection (1) of this section, for any direct or proximate adverse impacts resulting from a prescribed fire conducted under the provisions of this chapter except upon proof of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
(4) The department may adopt rules to create the prescribed burn manager certification program and to set periodic renewal criteria. The rules should be developed in consultation with prescribed burn programs in other states. The department may also adopt rules to establish a decertification process for certified prescribed burn managers who commit a violation under this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter. The department may, in its own discretion, develop an equivalency test for experienced prescribed burn managers.
(5) Certified prescribed burn managers may be issued burn permits with modified requirements in recognition of their training and skills. In such cases, normal smoke management and fire risk parameters apply.
[ 2018 c 172 § 1.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 76 - Forests and Forest Products
Chapter 76.04 - Forest Protection.
76.04.035 - Wardens—Appointment—Duties.
76.04.045 - Rangers—Appointment—Ex officio rangers—Compensation.
76.04.055 - Service of notices.
76.04.065 - Arrests without warrants.
76.04.085 - Penalty for violations.
76.04.095 - Cooperative protection.
76.04.105 - Contracts for protection and development.
76.04.115 - Articles of incorporation—Requirements.
76.04.125 - Requisites of contract.
76.04.155 - Firefighting—Employment—Assistance.
76.04.165 - Legislative declaration—Forest protection zones.
76.04.175 - Fire suppression equipment—Comparison of costs.
76.04.177 - Fire suppression equipment—Requirement to utilize private equipment.
76.04.179 - Wildland fire advisory committee.
76.04.181 - Maximizing the utilization of local fire suppression assets—Department's duty.
76.04.183 - Prescribed burn manager certification program—Rule-making authority.
76.04.205 - Burning permits—Civil penalty.
76.04.215 - Burning mill wood waste—Arresters.
76.04.235 - Dumping mill waste, forest debris—Penalty.
76.04.246 - Use of blasting fuse.
76.04.305 - Closed to entry—Designation.
76.04.315 - Suspension of burning permits/privileges.
76.04.325 - Closure of forest operations or forestlands.
76.04.415 - Penalty for violations—Work stoppage notice.
76.04.425 - Unauthorized entry into sealed fire tool box.
76.04.435 - Deposit of fire or live coals.
76.04.465 - Certain snags to be felled currently with logging.
76.04.475 - Reimbursement for costs of suppression action.
76.04.486 - Escaped slash burns—Obligations.
76.04.511 - Wildfire response, forest restoration, and community resilience account.
76.04.521 - Forest sector workforce development.
76.04.525 - Wildland fire aviation support plan.
76.04.600 - Owners to protect forests.
76.04.610 - Forest fire protection assessment.
76.04.630 - Landowner contingency forest fire suppression account—Expenditures—Assessments.
76.04.650 - Disposal of forest debris—Permission to allow trees to fall on another's land.
76.04.700 - Failure to extinguish campfire.
76.04.710 - Wilful setting of fire.
76.04.720 - Removal of notices.
76.04.730 - Negligent fire—Spread.
76.04.750 - Uncontrolled fire a public nuisance—Suppression—Duties—Summary action—Recovery of costs.
76.04.760 - Civil actions—Forested lands—Fire damage.
76.04.780 - Utility wildland fire prevention advisory committee—Duties—Report—Membership—Immunity.