Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 71.24 - Community Behavioral Health Services Act.
71.24.370 - Behavioral health services contracts—Limitation on state liability.

RCW 71.24.370
Behavioral health services contracts—Limitation on state liability.

(1) Except for monetary damage claims which have been reduced to final judgment by a superior court, this section applies to all claims against the state, state agencies, state officials, or state employees that exist on or arise after March 29, 2006.
(2) Except as expressly provided in contracts entered into by the authority, the entities identified in subsection (3) of this section shall have no claim for declaratory relief, injunctive relief, judicial review under chapter 34.05 RCW, or civil liability against the state, state agencies, state officials, or state employees for actions or inactions performed pursuant to the administration of this chapter with regard to the following: (a) The allocation or payment of federal or state funds; (b) the use or allocation of state hospital beds; or (c) financial responsibility for the provision of inpatient mental health care.
(3) This section applies to counties, behavioral health administrative services organizations, managed care organizations, and entities which contract to provide behavioral health services and their subcontractors, agents, or employees.

[ 2019 c 325 § 1021; 2018 c 201 § 4021; 2014 c 225 § 42; 2006 c 333 § 103.]

Effective date—2019 c 325: See note following RCW 71.24.011.

Findings—Intent—Effective date—2018 c 201: See notes following RCW 41.05.018.

Effective date—2014 c 225: See note following RCW 71.24.016.

Finding—Purpose—Intent—Severability—Part headings not law—Effective dates—2006 c 333: See notes following RCW 71.24.016.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 71 - Behavioral Health

Chapter 71.24 - Community Behavioral Health Services Act.

71.24.011 - Short title.

71.24.015 - Legislative intent—Community behavioral health system.

71.24.016 - Intent—Management of services—Work group on long-term involuntary inpatient care integration.

71.24.025 - Definitions.

71.24.030 - Grants, purchasing of services, for community behavioral health programs.

71.24.035 - Director's powers and duties as state behavioral health authority.

71.24.037 - Licensed or certified behavioral health agencies and providers—Minimum standards—Investigations and enforcement actions—Inspections.

71.24.045 - Behavioral health administrative services organization powers and duties.

71.24.061 - Children's mental health provider networks—Children's mental health evidence-based practice institute—Partnership access line pilot programs—Report to legislature.

71.24.062 - Psychiatry consultation line—Implementation.

71.24.063 - Partnership access lines—Psychiatric consultation lines—Data collection.

71.24.064 - Partnership access lines—Psychiatric consultation lines—Funding—Performance measures.

71.24.066 - Partnership access line pilot programs—Determination to be made permanent—Long-term funding.

71.24.067 - Partnership access lines—Psychiatric consultation lines—Review.

71.24.068 - Telebehavioral health access account.

71.24.100 - County-run behavioral health administrative services organizations—Joint operating agreements—Requirements.

71.24.115 - Recovery navigator programs—Reports.

71.24.125 - Grant program—Treatment services—Regional access standards.

71.24.135 - Expanded recovery support services program—Regional expanded recovery plans.

71.24.145 - Homeless outreach stabilization transition program—Psychiatric outreach—Contingency management resources—Substance misuse prevention effort—Grants.

71.24.155 - Grants to behavioral health administrative services, managed care organizations, and Indian health care providers—Accounting.

71.24.160 - Proof as to uses made of state funds—Use of maintenance of effort funds.

71.24.200 - Expenditures of county funds subject to county fiscal laws.

71.24.215 - Sliding-scale fee schedules for clients receiving behavioral health services.

71.24.220 - State grants may be withheld for noncompliance with chapter or related rules.

71.24.240 - Eligibility for funding—Community behavioral health program plans to be approved by director prior to submittal to federal agency.

71.24.250 - Behavioral health administrative services organizations—Receipt of gifts and grants.

71.24.260 - Waiver of postgraduate educational requirements—Mental health professionals.

71.24.300 - Behavioral health administrative services organizations—Advisory boards—Inclusion of tribes—Roles and responsibilities.

71.24.335 - Reimbursement for behavioral health services provided through telemedicine or store and forward technology—Coverage requirements—Audio-only telemedicine.

71.24.350 - Behavioral health ombuds office.

71.24.370 - Behavioral health services contracts—Limitation on state liability.

71.24.380 - Purchase of behavioral health services—Managed care contracting—Requirements.

71.24.381 - Contracting for crisis services and medically necessary physical and behavioral health services.

71.24.383 - Managed care organization contracting—Requirements.

71.24.385 - Behavioral health administrative services and managed care organizations—Mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs—Development and design requirements.

71.24.400 - Streamlining delivery system—Finding.

71.24.405 - Streamlining delivery system.

71.24.415 - Streamlining delivery system—Authority duties to achieve outcomes.

71.24.420 - Expenditure of funds for operation of service delivery system—Appropriation levels—Outcome and performance measures—Report.

71.24.430 - Coordination of services for behavioral health clients—Collaborative service delivery.

71.24.435 - Behavioral health system—Improvement strategy.

71.24.450 - Offenders with mental illnesses—Findings and intent.

71.24.455 - Offenders with mental illnesses—Contracts for specialized access and services.

71.24.460 - Offenders with mental illnesses—Report to legislature.

71.24.470 - Reentry community services program—Contract for case management—Use of appropriated funds.

71.24.480 - Reentry community services program—Limitation on liability due to treatment—Reporting requirements.

71.24.490 - Evaluation and treatment services—Capacity needs—Behavioral health administrative services and managed care organizations.

71.24.500 - Written guidance and trainings—Managed care—Incarcerated and involuntarily hospitalized persons.

71.24.510 - Integrated comprehensive screening and assessment process—Implementation.

71.24.520 - Substance use disorder program authority.

71.24.525 - Agreements authorized under the interlocal cooperation act.

71.24.530 - Local funding and donative funding requirements—Facilities, plans, programs.

71.24.535 - Duties of authority.

71.24.540 - Drug courts.

71.24.545 - Comprehensive program for treatment—Regional facilities.

71.24.546 - Substance use recovery services plan—Substance use recovery services advisory committee—Rules—Report.

71.24.550 - City, town, or county without facility—Contribution of liquor taxes prerequisite to use of another's facility.

71.24.555 - Liquor taxes and profits—City and county eligibility conditioned.

71.24.560 - Opioid treatment programs—Pregnant individuals—Information and education.

71.24.565 - Acceptance for approved treatment—Rules.

71.24.570 - Emergency service patrol—Establishment—Rules.

71.24.575 - Criminal laws limitations.

71.24.580 - Criminal justice treatment account.

71.24.585 - Opioid and substance use disorder treatment—State response.

71.24.587 - Opioid use disorder treatment—Possession or use of lawfully prescribed medication—Declaration by state.

71.24.589 - Substance use disorders—Law enforcement assisted diversion—Pilot project.

71.24.590 - Opioid treatment—Program licensing or certification by department, department duties—Use of medications by program—Definition.

71.24.593 - Opioid use disorder treatment—Care of individuals and their newborns—Authority recommendations required.

71.24.594 - Opioid overdose reversal medications—Education—Distribution—Labeling—Liability.

71.24.595 - Statewide treatment and operating standards for opioid treatment programs—Evaluation and report.

71.24.597 - Opioid overdose reversal medication—Coordinated purchasing and distribution.

71.24.598 - Drug overdose response team.

71.24.599 - Opioid use disorder—City and county jails—Funding.

71.24.600 - Inability to contribute to cost of services no bar to admission—Authority may limit admissions for nonmedicaid clients.

71.24.605 - Fetal alcohol screening and assessment services.

71.24.610 - Interagency agreement on fetal alcohol exposure programs.

71.24.615 - Chemical dependency treatment expenditures—Prioritization.

71.24.618 - Withdrawal management services—Substance use disorder treatment services—Prior authorization—Utilization review—Medical necessity review.

71.24.625 - Uniform application of chapter—Training for designated crisis responders.

71.24.630 - Integrated, comprehensive screening and assessment process for substance use and mental disorders.

71.24.640 - Standards for certification or licensure of evaluation and treatment facilities.

71.24.645 - Standards for certification or licensure of crisis stabilization units.

71.24.647 - Standards for certification or licensure of triage facilities.

71.24.648 - Standards for certification or licensure of intensive behavioral health treatment facilities.

71.24.649 - Standards for certification or licensure of mental health peer-run respite centers.

71.24.650 - Standards for certification or licensure of a clubhouse.

71.24.660 - Recovery residences—Referrals by licensed or certified service providers.

71.24.665 - Psychiatric treatment, evaluation, and bed utilization for American Indians and Alaska Natives—Report by authority.

71.24.700 - Long-term inpatient care and mental health placements—Contracting with community hospitals and evaluation and treatment facilities.

71.24.710 - Reentry services—Work group.

71.24.715 - Reentry services—Waiver application.

71.24.720 - Less restrictive alternative treatment—Transition teams.

71.24.845 - Transfer of clients between behavioral health administrative services organizations—Uniform transfer agreement.

71.24.850 - Regional service areas—Report—Managed care integration.

71.24.852 - Intensive behavioral health treatment facilities—Resident rights and access to ombuds services—Recommendations to governor and legislature.

71.24.855 - Finding—Intent—State hospitals.

71.24.861 - Behavioral health system coordination committee.

71.24.870 - Behavioral health services—Adoption of rules—Audit.

71.24.872 - Regulatory parity between primary care and behavioral health care settings—Initial documentation requirements for patients—Administrative burdensomeness.

71.24.880 - Interlocal leadership structure—Transition to fully integrated managed care within a regional service area.

71.24.885 - Medicaid rate increases—Review authority—Reporting.

71.24.887 - Training support grants for community mental health providers—Behavioral health workforce pilot program.

71.24.890 - National 988 system—Crisis call center hubs—Technology and platform development—Agency collaboration.

71.24.892 - National 988 system—Crisis response improvement strategy committee—Membership—Steering committee—Reports.

71.24.893 - National 988 system—Crisis response improvement strategy steering committee.

71.24.894 - National 988 system—Department reporting—Audit.

71.24.896 - National 988 system—Duties owed to public—Independent contractors.

71.24.898 - National 988 system—Technical and operational plan.

71.24.905 - Co-response services.

71.24.910 - Balance billing violations—Discipline.